Grisha wrote letters «ё» and «e», and seeing Holmes’s misunderstanding explained.

Remove two dots above letter «i» and «j» in English hand-written text, and you’ll read them as «y»[85]. Here too the problem concerns two dots. As I know today in Russia the real war has unleashed: if to leave or remove the letter «ё» from the Russian alphabet. I hadn’t understood the causes of frantic zeal of both sides for long time, until I told with the guests from Petersburg. The matter is whether to save or to reduce the expressive meanings of the language. Agree that even in English earlier there were more letters and each of them was significant. But now, for example, the letters «þ» and «ð» both are written as «th». And hence there is no unambiguity in reading them. The same is in Russian: the alphabet before Peter the Great consisted of 46 letters and now – after the Revolution of 1917 – only of 33.

Well, let’s return to the “Puppets”. The extremely straightforward logic, which in my opinion expressed in showing the puppet of the President of the Security Council “bit” by cobra, in the notification system opposing to COBa means: Sergey Ivanov is ineligible for using within the biblical conception. And if to analyse materials of the Russian press and television it’s easily seen how much money is spent to any nonsense and rubbish for make a reader and watcher not to think about anything serious. It means that mass media, as it is, creates something like interference or “white noise” which prevents from distinguishing the “valuable signal”, i.e. the information, necessary for taking the only right decision. However, it isn’t because of good life, but because today in Russia it is very hard not to notice the conception alternative to the biblical one, because it isn’t a figment of imagination of some group of people, who realizes some public initiative. It is an objective need of the new informational state, in which has the whole society found itself after September 11, 2001. Nevertheless the COBa’s enemies can do nothing but pretend not to notice its existence. Though, it couldn’t last for long. Longer mass media cover it up higher rises the “water” and more it presses the “elite”. And those, whom the “elite” considers to be a crowd, will make sure more and more stronger of viciousness of the “elite” that constantly looses its authority. This will make plain people think by themselves. It’s the main condition of transformation a crowd into a nation.

You, Grisha, say about it so surely that a question arises unintentionally whether you join the very that “public initiative”, which calls itself the Internal Predictor of the USSR?

It surely gratifies me that I hear such an evaluation from you, Mr. Holmes, but it isn’t so. And I say so surely because I myself passed through all the stages: from the primary aversion of the culture, I was born in, via the recomprehension the personal stereotypes formed by this culture, and to looking for the alternative to it. I wouldn’t say it was easy. I came even here as a result of unconscious search of an alternative to the biblical culture. I found a peace of mind for some time here. But later I understood that it had been a peace of zombie, and it is more dangerous than the life in Russia I fled from.

What is the danger you see?

The fascism.

Sorry, do you want to say that fascism can appear in India?

Everything depends on what is understood under “fascism”. Today the question about a threat of “fascism” as a rule is mostly led to ideas of national or racial oneness and intolerance; to real or supposed encroachments on the rights of minority groups and diasporas; and also to symbolism and phraseology of “fascism” inherited from Germany and Italy. However, Indian Vedantic (or Vedic) culture is elder than Ancient Egyptian culture, which gave birth to the biblical culture. And in Vedantic culture the both symbols, which followers in last decades are blamed for fascism, exist: David’s star (Zionic fascism) as well as fylfot (national-socialism of Germany and neonazis from different countries who copy it).

Besides, a word-combination “little people” is typical for all crowd-“elitist” societies as an antonym to other combinations – “best people”, “noble people”. As I could make sure the Indian caste system hasn’t disappeared. It was only put into fine-looking attractive form, like slavery in the biblical civilization. I hope, Mr. Holmes, that you paid your attention to almost three million strong part of India’s population, which is called “little people”? Did you pay attention that they didn’t demand anything? During many generations they were convinced that it is determined from above, that they just were unlucky in those lives but if they were obedient they would be born in another caste. But even others, who don’t join the caste of “little people”, consider it to be quite normal. It’s interesting that when your ancestors had come to India they couldn’t find an analogical word to name the Indian “lowest caste”. They became to call them in their own way: “little people”, though higher castes of Indian society called them otherwise: “non-existing people”. And this is one of the signs showing that the Indian caste system, which has been existing de-facto for many centuries, as it is, is one of the oldest forms of fascism on the Earth.

Grisha, honestly, it is quite unexpected conclusion. As I know the word “fascism” origins from the Latin “fascia”, which meant a bunch of rods tied round a strap and having an axe in its middle. In Ancient Rome fascias were at first a symbol of Emperor’s power, then a symbol of power of supreme state officials – so-called “magistrates”. “Lictors” – servants and bodyguards of magistrates – carried fascias of their masters. In the modern history “fascism” as a social phenomenon became famous in Italy. Indeed, it was born there on the basis of protestant emotions of many “little people”, who in the society of “freedom” of personal initiative had become oppressed by the individualism of big and very big oligarchs[86] that abused different powers at their own discretion. Since such protesting movement was created in Italy, its ideologist had pretensions on the heritance of former greatness and power of Roman Empire. And they expressed those pretensions in choosing the roman fascia as a symbol of unity of “little people” for protecting their lives from oppression of “big people” – oligarchs. Thus fascia gave a name to “fascism”, which at first was a protestant movement headed by the leader of “little people”[87] against the oligarchy. But I see neither oligarchs nor leaders, and the main, nor striving of “little people” to unite against invisible or “non-existing” oligarchs.

And I firstly told the same objections to my friends from Petersburg when they had indicated on the Indian fascism, Mr. Holmes. The fascism indeed is considered to be a misanthropic ideology, but you wouldn’t find such an ideology here. Moreover all spiritual practices, there is a great many of them in India, outwardly are aimed at man’s perfection. But look at the reality, think what possibilities to become humans do these three millions have? Here they value plants and animals higher than men; they adore every bush, every tree; if the road is built and there is a tree on the way – the road will go around and nobody has a right to damage it. But at once nobody notices the “non-existing” third of population of the huge and fabulously rich country. In India the organized crime nearly doesn’t occur, though East, West and Russia are infected with it. Look at policemen: whether they wear too much weapon and armour? They have only a stick or rod, but… the order is perfect! The West cannot but envy. Why? – Because the society is strictly stratificated and so it evolves during many millennia. What can these pitiful unhappy “little people” steal one from another? – A piece of polyethylene, a stone to make a fireplace near a runoff ditch? And transfer from one caste to another is impossible.