In other words the change of priorities will happen, and this will be the first sign of the new conception establishment. He also told much about the informational war, waged by the West against Russia. And he showed his certainty that Russia didn’t lose the war having lost the single important battle. It simply carried the confrontation to the certain higher generalized means of ruling. He spoke about six generalized informational means of ruling and weapon[91]. But I can’t retell it.

Thank you, Prakash. I’ve known about these six generalized means of ruling from the note about Zbignev Brzezinski’s book “The Grand Chessboard”. That Russian in the train told you brother that Russian had lost to the West one battle of the information war, but hadn’t lost the war itself. Can you say precisely, what did he mean? I tried to investigate this question after I had read the two analytical notes translated in English and placed at the site that Grisha told about. Unfortunately, I got a distressing result for Russia. May be I had not enough information, but for the world in whole it’s very important on what language does the information come to a man, never mind what generalized means of ruling is meant. For instance we are the representatives of three different nations but use English. During this voyage I communicated with the Spanish, Egyptians, French, Russians, Germans and everywhere the language was the same – English. I agree that the biblical civilization has generated the technologies, which are far from perfection but nonetheless they spread all over the world and every country tries to get them at first. But all their technical descriptions are in English. All computer software and thus the international net – Internet – is in English too. And not more than three hundred million people speak the Russian language, which the new conception is developed on. How are the Russians going to solve the problem of the communication language?

I’m ready to help Prakash to answer this question if he doesn’t object, – Grisha entered the conversation.

Of course, I don’t. I’m sure that even my brother wouldn’t be able to answer your question, Mr. Holmes.

Mr. Holmes, you quite rightly paid attention to the technologies, – Grisha began his explanations. But working out any technologies is the duty of sciences, which are secondary to the fundamental ones. And all fundamental sciences are secondary to the most fundamental one: philosophy. And it isn’t surprising that we have the modern technocratic civilization based on the biblical worldview, which is supported by the modern western philosophy. So indeed both the conceptual and terminological systems are expressed in English that appears to be a symbiosis of Ancient Greek and Latin, which the first copies of the Bible were written on. And if we follow this way we’ll change the cause and the reason. But where on can get know of the Russian worldview and philosophy? All our leontyevs, solovyevs, berdyaevs, fyodorovs and many others just tried to criticize or retell works of western philosophers on Russian. And it turned out that there was no world understanding in certain words expressing the worldview of the civilization, which name was enclosing towards any nation, on the language of this civilization. As I could understand in the end of the second millennia the Russian worldview and philosophy, as the basis of the coming new civilization, must have appeared and appeared. I don’t know how much time it would take. But the one is undoubted: they will certainly generate the new fundamental as well as applied sciences, because in the new philosophy the main question is at first time put in the right way: “What for the science should be?” In the western philosophy supporting the biblical worldview that question was put otherwise: “What science should be?” Within such setting of the question about the role of science in the society, the question about the morality of these or those technologies even doesn’t exist. Mr., Holmes, as soon as you read somewhere in the western presses instead of the question “How to live?” the question “What for to live?” you will know: the water of the new conception, alternative to the biblical one does its do on the West too. And since the new worldview and the new philosophy it expressing exist on the Russian language, some concepts just can’t be expressed in English. So everyone will be to master the language of the coming global civilization – the Russian. And the new informational state, which the society entered into since the middle of the 20th century, will help it.

Mr. Holmes, you should agree with me, that if you had spoken Russian you would have found the answers for many questions just at yours sitting at the computer at the site You shouldn’t have gone to the long voyage, which was interesting but nonetheless quite boring.

Your version about the coming civilization and the role of the Russian language in it is worthy of notice, but I’d like to understand the essence of the new informational state, which I at the first time hear about.

I have told much about the new informational state with the Russian in the last year. One time it came to the social behaviour logic change process. I didn’t understand everything at once. Then they told my one Sufi’s parable, which I have written down and translated on English. In my opinion it illustrates the informational state of the society of the beginning of the third millennium very expressively. But I think that you will easily find its original text, because its author – Idries Shah – lived in English for long time and he wrote for western readers.

While speaking Grisha searched his folder while not founded the necessary paper.

Let me read it to you.

Of course, please.

The parable’s title can be translated as “When the waters are changing”. And I think it directly referred to the “Dead Water” – this name the Russians has given to the conception, alternative to the biblical one.

“There was a time when Hidr[92], Moses’ teacher, gave a warning to the mankind:

– The day will come, – he said, – when all the water in the world disappears, and none will rest but specially gathered. Then another water will appear and everybody who drinks it will become mad.

Just a single man understood the meaning of his words. He gathered a large amount of water and hided it in a safe place. After it he began to wait while the water would change.

In the day predicted all rivers ran dry, wells dried up too, and that man having gone to his refuge, began to drink the kept water.

When he saw out of his refuge that the rivers had started to flow again he came down to the men. He founded that they were thinking and speaking quite differently than earlier and that they remember neither what had happened to them, nor what they had been predicted of. When he tried to talk to them he understood that they considered him to be mad and show either compassion or hostility to him, but not understanding anyway.

At first he avoided the contacts with the new water and retuned to his supplies every day. But then he finally decided to drink the new water, because his behaviour and way of thinking marked him out and made his life unbearably lone. He drank the new water and became as all others. At the same time he completely forgot of the stores of another water. And the people surrounding him began to look at him as if he had been a madman but had wonderfully recovered from his insanity”.

Grisha finished reading. Holmes and Prakash were abstracted and kept silence.

If you didn’t object I could give the proper commentaries to the parable, – Grisha interrupted their thoughts.

Well, of course, – Holmes answered. – It’s interesting.

According to opinion of my Russian friends, – Grisha started, – this allegorical story has gone through ages not occasionally. But within the imaginary fabulous reality one sometimes understands it like the “transmutation” of the natural water, not of some another water possessed by the society, which by its qualities in certain way appears to be similar to the natural water of the Earth. Such analogue of the water in the society is the culture – all the genetically unheritable information, handed down from generation to generation in their succession. The material artefacts and cultural objects are the expression of the psychical culture at that. And every stage of development of the psychical culture (world-sensation culture, thinking culture, culture of comprehension the happening events) precedes the corresponding stages of the development of substantial culture, which expresses the men’s psychical activity and the dominating structure of psyche.