The Sufi of the Old Days could get a prevision about the qualitative change of the culture in the “beyond-lexical” subjective images, and thus he get ideas of both “water” types in the subjective–image-bearing form. But if he had tried to tell everything literally, he would have been hardly understood unambiguously by his contemporaries, who had not but the subjective–image-bearing idea of the “water” (culture, morality and ethics), which they were living in; and they would hardly have saved this prediction through ages. But the tale being a fable about wonderful unknown and strange things has survived for many generations.

Evidently, that for a man, who lives in one type of culture, to find himself suddenly in another qualitatively different type of culture means to look mad and evoke the “hostility” or compassion. The society, living within another culture, itself will be a mental hospital at large for the one, who will have suddenly appeared in it. His relations with the society will become harmonious, only after he joins to the new culture and the new “water” becomes the basis of his social “physiology”.

It is a very interesting analogy, Grisha, – Holmes noticed. – As I see you have prepared to the new informational state not badly and the new water has become a part of the new culture to you.

Yes, Mr. Holmes, but it took me about a year. And I’ll say more: it was the most difficult year of my life, since I was to recomprehend everything that was so familiar and comfortable.

And has the life become easier after it?

No, it hasn’t. May be it has become even more difficult, but nevertheless much more interesting, because the goals have possessed the stability and determinacy.

And why don’t you return to Russia? There you have “confederates”, as I’ve understood.

It is the most difficult question for me. Yes, I would like to return to Russia, and nobody would be able to keep me here. My parents wait me. But I’ve got call of duty not of my nature before, which nobody but my conscience obliges to. If the state had given me this mission I wouldn’t have done a tenth part of what I have voluntarily done. I had big money and big possibilities to get material welfare, but I hadn’t the emotional equilibrium. Three years ago I came here to get the inner peace and got it as it seemed to me at first. But later something unable to tell became to happen with me. I can’t but tell a certain analogy. Has it ever happen to you, Mr. Holmes: that you sleep and see a wonderful dream, sometimes you wake up but with the only wish to return to the magnificent dream as quickly as possible? And when you can’t do it the irritation arises in your mind. If it happened to you, you would understand me. And I lived with it until the visit of the Russians from Petersburg. Yes, I woke up and saw the imperfection of the real life. Sometimes I wish I returned to the wonderful dream I have lived in for about two years; sometimes I become irritated, but I restrain it and continue doing my new do. I have got a new circle of friends. Many coming Russians leave as if they have woken from deep dream and become somebody else. And I will stay here until appears another one equal to me or better than me, able to give people to drink the new water. And it doesn’t matter what is his nationality: I’m completely agree with Prakash’s brother.

I’m sincerely glad for you, Grisha. And thank you for explaining me many things. But there is a question about Russia that makes me worry.

I don’t know whether I can answer you. However your true interest to Russia is undoubted, hence I’m ready to help you.

There is much unclear in the history of Russia. Why people in this country leap to everything new so easily, and then leave it as a useless mistake with the same easiness? Doesn’t it say about the light-mindedness of Russians?

It’s amazing, but the same question troubled me for long as well. I couldn’t formulate it as neatly as you, but I told about this topic with the guests from Petersburg and asked them to express their opinion about this problem. From their point of view the Russian regional civilization for long time played the role of the system with regenerative feedback with respect to the global civilization. Of course if one looks on it from the positions of the regional West civilization world understanding.

Is it something from cybernetics?

No, it’s from mathematical theory of control and the sufficiently common control theory. According to it if a perturbance with certain vibration frequency appears in such system, the vibration amplitude of the system will increase. And it may even be destroyed if the possessed perturbance isn’t removed. If the same signal (perturbance) is applied to a system with negative feedback the vibration amplitude will decrease, system will become stabilized and enter the equilibrium state.

I haven’t caught how such system refers to Russia.

The Russian civilization is the social system and the role of the possessing perturbing signal can play for instance the Christianity-the-result-of-history come from Byzantium. Or the Marxism, which was not only imposed to the Russian people, but also, in some measure, like the Christianity was at first adopted by the certain part of Russia’s population. And now try to imagine that neither ideology agreed with that what had always called the Providence in Russia. And so it goes that Russia as the system with regenerative feedback at first adopts such “perturbation” from outside, then carries it to an absurdity and finally throws it away for self-preservation.

And how long could it last?

While Russia begins to live in harmony with the God’s Providence the first in the global civilization. That’s its mission.

And what about other civilization, the West for example?

If to continue the analogy, – notice again: from the Western cultural norms position, – the West is a system with negative (degressive) feedback. It adapts itself to the control signal – “perturbation” – that contradicts the God’s Providence.

And what is the mechanism of adapting to the unrighteous control signal?

Remember the system of separation of powers, thanks to which the legislative, executive and judicial powers are isolated one from another. And on that basis well-intending officials of each of them try to suppress and compensate abuses of other powers. It helps partly decrease the amplitude of perturbances created by the unrighteousness of the conceptual power. And it is presented to the world as a stable system.

And what is bad, why doesn’t Russian want to use the methods, which became steady on the West during ages.

It tries. In Russia after August of 1991 they also spoke about the separation of powers. But every civilization has its own mission, within the talk about the God’s Providence. The matter is in righteousness. All problems of the Russian civilization are in it. And that’s why neither separation of powers is impossible in Russia. Moreover, any attempts to copy the Western examples in it will only aggravate the situation in Russia. Russians from the old days have called their land “Holy Russia”. And the pretensions oblige as well as noblesse do. And if somebody thinks that neither pretensions nor noblesse oblige him, they will kill him. That’s why the welfare in Russia is possible only with a righteous conceptual power, righteous ideological, legislative, executive and judicial powers and… if there were neither separation of powers but their interosculation and if representatives of each power supported work of others.

Grisha clenched his fist and showed that all kinds of power should work as a single whole in Russia. Then he finished:

But if to look on the impossibility to create the separation of powers in Russia per western sample from the positions of the worldview that is freer that one, which dominates on the West, the Russia is the closing element of negative feedback of the whole mankind. In other words within the regional consideration level one see destructive regenerative feedback. But within the alternatively enclosing process, i.e. in the life of global civilization, it appears to be degenerative feedback, which doesn’t let the mankind come to the stability of unrighteous world order. And that’s the mission of Russia. I don’t know whether I have answered your question, Mr. Holmes, but I had been satisfied by such explanation.