What does it mean, Grisha?

The Russians explained me that the English-speaking countries found a common language also because their statesmen speak the same language. And they support the speech sense with similar images, which any mutual understanding is based on. It is that indeed, what you’ve met with during your short conversation with Sai Baba. In the form of images during the direct biofield change one, talking to another, can transfer much more information that with words. That’s why any discussion with a translator goes too hard. A translator as well as a statesman, who have different rank during the talks, is a peculiar person. He has his own images of any objective phenomena, which don’t coincide with images of another one in their nature as well as in order. And no matter how does a translator try to interpret a sense of chief’s words precisely. His images would differ from images of his chief: it’s so in the hierarchical society at least because a translator has no right to think so as his chief thinks. Since the same manner of thoughts is a direct infringement of official power of his chief usurpation.

Thus appears a break of unity of emotional and notional system of talks on any problem. Because any translator, who has his own peculiarity of imaginational concepts, which don’t coincide with his chief’s concepts, is “three’s a crowd”. The very Russian President Putin opens a new era of relations of statesmen, because his knowledge of English and German helps to supply the unity of emotional and notional sense of any even the most difficult talks.

Grisha, and if they hadn’t used it earlier, in the past? Could it be a border between two epochs?

They used, but their aims were always defined by their morality. Remember, what did Thatcher said in 1984 after her meeting with Gorbachev: “I looked in his eyes and understood that it was possible to deal with him”. I think it was like a password-phrase for whole western “elite” and it could be interpreted in such way: “This man is ready to work for us”. Mr. Holmes, agree that Gorby’s measure of understanding was much lower than the measure of understanding of “iron lady”. And the same about Eltsin! One of Clinton’s councillors announced publicly Clinton’s words about Eltsin: “I prefer to deal with drunken Eltsin than with any of hundred millions of sober Russians who could have been at his place”, – it isn’t word for word, but the whole sense is clear. But in year 2000 the position changed. Sai Baba meant the very this thing when he evaluated Putin to be “very good”.

Though one can even thank Eltsin for that he broke “the Protocol” with his drunken tricks, thus clearing a way to the new epoch. Well, let’s return to the “Puppets”.

I don’t know whether it’s true or not, but people in some circles check the political course of the country with this show.

And why did you decide that the show was devoted to visit to the ashram of Sai Baba?

It would be easier to watch the cassette; but it is impossible here, as you see. Moreover, it wasn’t left to me. So I can only retell briefly the subject. After it you, Mr. Holmes, will decide by yourself how does the “Puppets” refer to President’s visit to the ashram of Sai Baba.

The plot is that Putin gathers his official family: the Prime Minister Kasyanov, the head of President’s administration Voloshin, Minister of Defence Sergey Ivanov, who took up a post of the President of the Security Council in the last year during Putin’s visit to India, and another unfamiliar puppet. And he poses a problem: “I need to visit Shambala, everybody hut on national clothes!” Everybody is dressed in the same white clothes as we are; but Prime Minister Kasyanov in the national Russian clothes – Russian shirt and boots. When Putin asks what the problem is, he answers that he doesn’t wish to wear drawers. Indeed white shirt and trousers that everyone wears in the ashram looks similar to after bath’s clothes of Russian men. Thus firstly Kasyanov and then the head of administration Voloshin, who has come being drunken, become fired from Putin’s party. It means that there are two evident signs showing that it’s told not about preparations to visit a mythical Shambala but the real ashram of Sai Baba. Here all men wear white clothes and a strict prohibition to smoke and drink alcohol drinks.

I have felt it myself, – Holmes noticed. – But the strange thing, we’ve been here for two days but I don’t want to smoke. I even think about giving up this pernicious habit.

It’s all about the general atmosphere of striving to health, which appears to be a special cult here, – explained Grisha. – And if you spend here a month or two you’ll give up smoking without great efforts. Well, only three persons including Putin left in the group of the candidates for visiting the ashram. In other words a certain analogy with September visit of the three Russians, I’ve already told of, appeared. Then go the frames where Putin’s party meet the puppet of the main Russian jester and leader of the liberal-democratic party (LDPR) Zhirinovsky, who imitates a cobra charmer. The cobra tries to bit Putin, but Sergey Ivanov protects him with his body and dies. Here I should draw your attention, Mr. Holmes, to the associations referred to the already known Conception of Social Security, which Russian abbreviation is COBa. But as those Russians have told me, some figures from LDPR[84] wishing to limit the conception activity to the Russian borders added a letter “R” to the abbreviation COBa and get COBRa instead. They explained that “R” as “Russia”. It was made intentionally to associate the negative Zhirinovsky’s image with the conception. As I think, the authors of the show know the COBa and thus express their negative attitude to it. Moreover from that light humoristic episode one can understand that the President’s “tutors” are worried that Putin can connect with the COBa.

After it according to the plot Putin and the accompanying puppet meet Solzhenitsyn (I think you know what hopes were pin on him by the West in the past). The three of them take part in the ritual that you’ve seen today in the temple before Sai Baba’s appearance – they cry “Ho-o-u-um!” After it Putin disappears. Solzhenitsyn stays alone and says the significant phrase: “How could it be, I’ve been sitting for half a year and he’s got it at once!” After this phrase we here got an impression that somebody of the scenario writers knew about Putin’s visit to Sai Baba’s ashram. As you have assured, one can be invited from the first only if he meets certain conditions and rules, which are quite difficult to be followed. However even I got know of them only after two years in the ashram from the representatives of the Conception of Social Security. And those six women and two men whom Swami rejected to see the second time had lived here waiting for an audience for half a year as well.

And you, Grisha, do you consider Putin to know about the conception? – Holmes asked a question.

For me it’s difficult to suppose, since I haven’t been in Russia for a long time. But the Russians stayed here think that everybody in the senior government is acquainted to the materials of the conception. The question is in their attitude to it. Mr. Holmes, having visited different countries you could become assured that even in that places people knew about it; and the questions raised by it are serious enough. I’ve read the literature attendant to the conception, which consists of more than thirty titles; I looked to the site www.dotu.ru – Everything is very serious and sound but… it doesn’t fit in the existing stereotypes of apprehending the surrounding world, which have formed on the basis of the biblical conception. Putin’s “tutors” call “deadmen” those who have understood the new conception and tries to actualise it. They don’t like the literary-epic name of the Conception of Social Security – “Dead Water”. By on Russian there is a peculiarity. Deadman – is “мертвяк”, but the Water is “мёртвая”. These two words “мЕртвая” and “мЁртвая” are distinguished well by their pronunciation. However, they are written nearly similarly. The only difference is two dots above «Ё».