Grisha, say me please, where did those Russians live?

Here, – Grisha pointed at the building “NORD, 4”, – they liked walking around this area and being amused by a family of monkeys living at this tree. Would you like to watch?

Holmes approached the tree attracted his attention and indeed saw sly snouts of young marmosets and their parents between bushes.

And how long have they been living here?

Oh, for long time, pilgrims feed them and consider being their good old friends.

Holmes accompanied by Grisha returned to his room and asked to tell in details of the Russians’ last year visit to the temple.

Everything had started as it was today with you, Mr. Holmes. But the Russians asked many questions to Swami at the first meeting. And their group of five men and six women didn’t seem to be unified. I’ve already told that I hadn’t been at their first meeting and know it only from descriptions. Swami for some purpose didn’t answer at once but postponed the meeting on the next day. However he wanted to talk only with three Russians, who had just come from Petersburg. Other eight had waited for eight months but Swami refused to see them again after the first time. Moreover he demanded talking without women and with a good translator. Thus the sign was given to me that my presence at the expecting conversation was desired because there weren’t other translators from Russian.

Grisha, and why did Sai Baba call you Krishna? – Holmes.

It is a kind of “game”, – Grisha smiled, – he calls me so every time in new guests’ presence.

And how do you think, does Sai Baba really create things I’ve seen from nothing?

Yes, and he says that everybody can do so. But I think he realizes that not everybody can. Look, he presented me this ring, – Grisha showed the ring with big a diamond on his right hand, – and I believe that he had created it himself, though outwardly all this is indistinguishable from illusionism. One of the Russians explained it from position of idea that the Universe is a process of triunity of matter, information and measure.

Tell it in more detail, Grisha. It seems to me that “creating” practise of Sai Baba directly refers to the “picnics” solution.

I’ll try to retell what I have heard from the Russians. However frankly speaking it would be difficult to tell it even on Russian, let alone English. The Russians consider Sai Baba to be an aggregorial[82] leader of some ancient Indian aggregor, which for many millennia maintained the crowd-“elitism” of that ancient country. They think that he is proficient in some ancient methods of matrix ruling, which are based on forming the images necessary for ruling and putting them in order on every mutually enclosed levels of organizing the Universe: from elementary particles of vacuum to atoms, molecules and their formations. Imagine that there are images (information) and a certain measure (order) is imparted to them. Then the process can be realized, though depending on how much does this order agree with that order, which is the objective measure i.e. God’s Predetermination Matrix. The Russians came to get look what can matrix methods of ruling degenerate to for many millennia, if everything happened only at level of images and the conceptual system wasn’t developed. Well, you see, any concept is a whole system consisting of images and certain words referring to them. Did you pay your attention on the poorness of Swami’s vocabulary, Mr. Holmes?

Well, but he spoke to me and to the Russians in English. If he had spoken on his native language…

Then… sorry for interrupting you, Mr. Holmes. Then nothing would have been changed. In other words, if he could express everything in certain words then there would be many people like Swami in India, or at least at Puttaparthi. But Sai Baba like all his previous incarnations is the only. And new Sai Baba will appear only after this one is dead. Swami says it himself. That’s why all what had the Russians seen here satisfied them. And they said to me that it was no use to ask Sai Baba about matrix methods of ruling because he could tell about them only in images.

And did he tell them? And did they understand what he had told?

At least one of them said that he had.

And can you, Grisha, retell it?

It’s rather hard, but I will try. They consider that zhretses of Ancient Atlantis exchanged the information each with other in immediate images during the direct biofield contact. From one hand it fastened the interchange of large amounts of information, but from other hand caused disregarding the standards of speech development. Moreover according to the Russian’ opinion with such attitude to telepathy and speech their psyche was nearly every moment included to these or those aggregors. And this involved to that their ability to model possible variants of events development was strongly limited. To put it differently – processes they aimed to rule in many cases developed with the speed of their imagination. And what was the most dangerous – without any alternative, i.e. without evaluating their consequences and quality of ruling in terms of “good”, “bad” or “undefined”.

But how could it be? – Asked Holmes.

I too couldn’t conceive it, – Grisha began answering, – until remembered how I had gone along the ice-covered ground (in England you also have it sometimes). I began to imagine with fear that I was gliding and falling. And before I got time to imagine it completely I had already fallen and nearly broken the back of my head.

And the case of zhretses of Atlantis is the same. The Russians think that everything wasn’t too bad, but such inalternativeness, which in real life was indistinguishable from their imagination, was an expression of their unrighteous morality. And that’s why all of this first or last should have led and led to the global catastrophe that destroyed that civilization. In other words the knowledge and skills they possessed were like matches or live cartridges, which do modern children sometimes play with.

And in our civilization telepathy and imagination having power over events are the property of not many. But a conceptual system, ability to develop one’s standards of thinking and speech are the possessions of everyone. And though they greatly yield to imagination and telepathy in packing the information, they have another advantage. They separate one’s imagination from imagination of other people and from aggregors. And this assists people to learn how to model multiversion current of events outside the process of influence aggregors and their imaginations on events in life. And they should include their imagination to ruling the current of events only having chosen the best variant from their point of view. Thus, the Russians think, the inalternativeness of life’s events following the unrighteous imagination is eliminated. And people recomprehending their morality help the moving of civilization along the God’s Predetermination Matrix to the side of objective righteousness.

I’ve heard such thought somewhere else, – Holmes said aloud. – Oh yes, of course, in Spain from Mr. Verov. Aren’t you acquainted with him by chance, Grisha?

No, I don’t know Mr. Verov, Mr. Holmes. Today there are many books devoted to the history of Atlantis in Russia, and this information exists in many sources. That’s not the point. The main is: though the conceptual system in modern civilization is developed and modelling in many branches of science proceeds on its basis, you will find a description of concept as of thinking category nowhere. What is “a concept”? – Not a single article from great amount of encyclopaedia explains. There are many abstruse unintelligible terms in them, but all this can’t be understood identically.

And this is a great danger for all the civilization. If things were in other way the biblical civilization would create neither atomic nor hydrogenous weapon. Probably there would be no atomic power plants and the mankind could found alternative sources of energy. In modern Russia there are people who have realized the problem, as the main threat to the mankind, and have already solved it. At the Internet site mentioned by Russians ( there are several works devoted to this problem. I’ll name the one: “On Imitating and Instigating Activities”. There is a special chapter that is called: “About concepts, world-understanding, mutual understanding”[83].