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“Fuck off.” I scoff, knowing I won’t. Not now when my head is fucked up with Bell. But I’m not telling them that. “Just because you three are fucking whipped.” I nod to the remaining three left at the table.

“We’re not fuckin’ whipped,” Nix snaps, his expression letting me know I’m pissing him off.

“Hey, I’m just saying. I’m not tied down. Don’t have to deal with a tired wife, screaming kids. It must be hard. No wonder you’re all cranky fuckers.”

“Shut the fuck up, Jesse. You got no idea.” Nix rubs his face.

“I know the pussy I get never says no.” I throw in, watching his jaw tick. I laugh, knowing I’m pushing, but I’m out of sorts after what happened with Bell last night and I need to feel like the old me. The one that believes the shit he’s saying.

“Jesse, I suggest you shut the fuck up, right fuckin’ now,” Nix warns, but it’s what I do. I fuck with him and watch him lose his shit. It’s our thing.

“What’s the matter, boss man? Your dick not getting wet?” My ass leaves the seat as Nix’s hands find my cut.

“Whoa, whoa.” Sy tries to pull Nix off, but the look in his eyes shows he’s about to snap. I don’t think he can be talked down.

“Too far?” I ask, throwing him the smile I use when I know I’m in deep shit.

“Get the fuck out and go find Beau.” He pulls me up by my cut and pushes me toward the door.

“Got ya, but I just want to say, I didn’t know Kadence was holding out on you.” I deliver one final blow, fixing my messed-up cut.

“Jesse, I swear to fuckin’ Christ, get the fuck OUT!” His fist comes down in front of him. I shrug, laughing as I leave.

Fuck, even stirring shit doesn’t make me feel better. I walk through the club more messed up than I normally am. What the fuck has Bell done to me?

ME: How are you feeling?

I decide to send a text to Bell as I make my way inside Happy Chef and take a seat next to Tiny. I probably should call her, since it’s been six days, but I’m still pissed, and a phone call isn’t on the cards.

“Hey, Tiny, you seen Beau?” I ask, waving the waitress off. I’m not here for lunch. I’ve been searching for Tiny all morning and I’m starting to get pissed at Beau for fucking with my day.

“It look like I’ve seen him?” he responds, taking another bite of his burger. Tiny is a huge man, despite the name. Standing at least six-foot nine, the man could outweigh Beau and me.

“You see him around, you tell him Nix wants to see him.” I stand, knowing he won’t give me anything. He’s pissed off, with good reason too.

“You see him tell him he’s not getting info on the Paige girl until he pulls his shit together.”

“You got word on Paige?” I stop and turn at her name.

“Might have a lead,” his reply is cryptic and I know how this works.

“I’ll get you what you need,” I offer, prepared for anything. The police are at a dead end. We need everything we can get.

“I need Beau to get his shit together. He missed the drop off today and it’s not the first time he’s slipped up.” Shit, the guys were right; this gig is fucking with him.

“Tell me what you need. I’ll get it to you,” I promise. He eyes me for a minute before nodding.

“Going by police records, they suspect a guy named Gary Innis. I checked him out and word on the street he’s been bragging about supply and demand of young teenage girls. Seems he’s got a taste for collecting girls.” My stomach drops at the thought. Jesus, there is no way I can tell Bell this. “My connection says the local girl here got the top bid. They don’t work with names, but we got the town, age, and time of disappearance.”


“Yeah, not the news you were hoping for, but we got a lead, so now we work to take this fucker down.” I nod. He’s right. Assholes like that don’t deserve to be alive.

“Get your cop brother to find what he can on a guy named Markus Bates.” He slides the file to me.

Markus Bates. The man who could have Paige. Fuck.

“I’ll contact you when I have more.” He stands and drops a few bills on the table. “You also sort out that other brother of yours. Fucker’s getting too personal.” He turns and walks out.

He’s right. It seems Beau is getting too close, but knowing Beau, there’s no telling him. He needs to come out of this one on his own.

“What the fuck were you thinking, Beau?” Nix shouts as I walk back into the clubhouse thirty minutes later. A small woman with a messed-up face sits on the sofa with a baby on her lap.

Jesus Christ, another kid?

“You think I would leave her there?” Beau answers, more pissed than normal.

“It’s the fucking Warriors, Jesus Christ.” Brooks shakes his head.

“Please tell me she doesn’t belong to a Warrior?” I ask, taking a seat at the bar, trying to catch up with everything.

Hunter nods at me and I know shit just got fucking serious. The Warriors have been a problem that the Rebels only got under control in the last year. I can understand why Nix is blowing his top. The last thing we need is them finding out the Rebels just took an old lady from one of their men.

“Where the fuck did you pick her up?” I ask, still unsure exactly how the woman and her kid came to be in his possession.

“I took her from the supermarket.” He says so calmly I can’t help the burst of laughter that escapes my mouth.

“I’ve been watching the fucker. He’s been beating on her for the last few months. Even when she was pregnant. I know this shit can come back on us, so I’ve been waiting for the right time to take her. Today was that time.” I don’t even know how to respond to what he just admits, so I turn to Nix and let him deal.

“Do you hear yourself? How fucked up this is. We don’t need more shit on our door.” Nix runs his hand through his hair.

“You don’t think I fucking know what I’ve done? I fucking know, and I’d do it again. The fucker deserves a bullet. I knew that shit wouldn’t sit well for the club so I took the next measure. They don’t know we got her. We take her up to the safe house. We get a hold of Tiny and get her out of here,” Beau lays it out like he’s got it all figured out.

“About Tiny,” I cut in. “He’s pissed you missed his meet.”

“Fuck,” Beau curses, realizing his fuck up.

“Jesus, Beau, where the fuck is your head at lately? We just got good with T and his men, and now you’re pissing off Tiny.”

“It won’t come back on us. I’ll make it right with Tiny,” he assures Nix, but looking at him now, I can see he’s hanging on by a thread.

“Get her up to the safehouse. I’ll get Kadence to get together supplies, and Jesse, you can follow up tomorrow,” Nix orders and I nod. “You get in touch with Tiny ASAP, and you get them out of Rushford.” Beau nods this time, agreeing with the plan. “Right, I’ve got shit to do, then I gotta get home to my wife. Anyone else got anything to put on me right now?” Nix looks around the room at us. Now wouldn’t be the best time to inform them about Tiny’s info so I keep my mouth shut. I’ll talk to Beau tomorrow.

“Good, keep me posted,” he dismisses us when no one has anything to say.

“Right, I gotta go to Liquid. I’ll be up first thing with supplies,” I tell Beau as he gathers the woman and her child.

“Does she need a doctor?” I ask, watching her wince in pain. Her face is fucked up, a cut above her eye bleeding through the bandage.

“I’ll put a call through to Doc when we get up there,” Beau answers.

“I can get Bell to come over?” I offer, wondering if it’s the right move. Beau looks up, contemplating it. Before shaking his head.

“Should get to the safe house,” he says and I agree. Even if Bell would be okay with helping out, she still hasn’t replied to my message.

“Stay safe, you big fucker.” I call out as he walks her out to the van.

“Always.” He nods, and while I know Beau might be fighting some fucked-up shit, I know he’s still got the club’s back.