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“They’re away for the weekend,” Nix answers, ignoring me. His fist slams down on the bar in frustration.

“What’s got your panties in a twist?” I move off the sofa and come to stand by them. Yeah he’s got a short fuse on the best of days, but today he’s wired.

“There’s always—” Brooks nods to me but keeps his eyes on Nix.

“Fuck, no.” Nix shakes his head, and I’m still not following.

“He’s your only hope,” Brooks pushes.

“Someone fucking tell me what the fuck you’re talking about,” I interrupt again, this time, getting Brooks’ attention.

“Nix needs a sitter. You’re it.” Brooks slaps me on the back and walks back to the bar. Now it becomes clear.

“So, you finally need me.” I laugh, turning to Nix, ready to rub it in.

“No,” Nix answers, not budging.

“Why not?” I fold my arms across my chest and wait for the poor excuse he’ll give me.

“Yeah, why not? You’re desperate. Everyone’s out or busy,” Brooks repeats my question, his grin as wide as mine.

“Fuck,” he huffs, knowing I’m all he’s got. “Fine.” He pauses, and takes a minute. “Can you watch the kids, Jesse?” A smile slides up my face and I beam it his way. We both know him asking pisses him off.

“Ask nicer,” I fuck with him, because I can.

“Fuck you, Jesse.” I don’t respond, deciding it’s warranted after the shitty mood he’s been in for the last few weeks. He really has to work harder, especially if I have to cancel on Bell.

“Fine. Jesse, can you please watch Low and Z?” Nix caves and it’s fucking awesome.

“I have a date but—” I shrug, knowing my club, and family always comes first.


“You didn’t let me finish.”

“You’re not fucking some whore on my sofa as my kids sleep upstairs.” He watches me carefully but he knows I wouldn’t do it.

“Fine. I’ll do it for twenty an hour.”

“Fuck off.” He hits me over the head and walks back to his office “Be at my house at six. Don’t be fuckin’ late.”

“You owe me,” I call out after him.

“Call it even after the shit you bring me daily.” He counters, and fuck, he got me on that one.

“I want dinner too,” I put out one last demand, but instead of replying, he slams his door. “Do you think I have any chance of getting Kadence’s lasagna?” I turn back to Brooks but he shakes his head.

“Kelly and I wouldn’t even get lasagna,” he says and I know there is no hope for me. “Don’t you have a date to cancel?” he asks, reminding me I need to call Bell.

“Shit, yes.” I reach for my phone and dial Bell but get her voicemail.

“Hey Sweetheart, it’s me. Give me a call when you get this.” I hang up and hope she gets it soon. I would hate for her to get ready and then I don’t show up.

“You still talking to Bell?” Brooks asks, watching me type out a text to her.

“Yeah.” I move my phone away from the sneaky fucker and finish the message.

“You like her,” he says and I won’t deny it. I won’t lay out the whole truth either.

“Been trying to get in her pants since Holly got shot.” I deflect to save face. I know my brothers think I’m a player, and I am, or was. Fuck, I don’t even know what is happening with me, with us, but I know Bell is different.

“Don’t think I’ve ever seen you work so hard.” He laughs and he’s right. I don’t chase, or work hard for it. So why Bell?

I have no right answer, but I know I’m not ready to give her up, at least not yet.

“Uncle Jesse.” Z runs up to see me as I walk through the door of Nix and Kadence’s place later that night.

“Hey, little man.” I scruff his hair as he lets me pass.

“I’m not little.” He puffs out his chest.

“Sorry, sorry, I forgot.” My hands come up not wanting to piss the little man off. I catch Nix’s eyes and give him a slight nod.

“Fuck, I’m surprised you turned up.” The asshole likes to give me shit, but I know he trusts me.

“Shut up and give me my girl.” I hold out my hands for Low. She squeals in excitement when she sees me.

“Fucker,” Nix grumbles, handing her over.

“Hey, Low baby, you tell your daddy how much you love your Uncle Jesse.” I blow a raspberry on her belly trying to get her to laugh.

“Rub it in, asshole.” Nix moves to the kitchen while I sit on the sofa next to Z.

“What’re you playing?” I ask, placing Low in some seat contraption she seems to like. She bangs on the dials and bounces up and down, her toothless grin growing wide at her new surroundings.

“Mortal Kombat, you ready?” Z asks, handing me the spare controller.

“Yeah, ready to kick your ass.” I take it from him.

“Jesse,” Nix scolds, but I just laugh. Z has heard worse words.

“Ten minutes, Kadence, or we’re gonna be late,” Nix yells from the bottom of the stairs.

“I don’t know much about dating, since I’m only a kid, but I don’t think you should do that,” Z says and I’m gonna have to agree with him.

“Yeah, I’m with you there, bud.” I fist bump Z. The kid is switched on, he’s gonna be a ladies man by the time I’m finished teaching him.

“You better not fuck this up, Jesse.”

“Nix, language,” Kadence reprimands him as she comes down the stairs

I turn and watch her take the last few steps.

“Jesus,” Nix groans, taking in what she’s wearing.

“Jesus, Joseph, and doggy-style Mary.” I whistle, giving Nix some time to get his head on straight.

“Jesse!” Kadence scolds, turning to me.

“What? I was just giving Nix some words. He looks lost.”

“The kids.” Her eyes bug out, worried Z might have been listening, but he’s too focused on the game to pay attention to the adult conversation.

“I got them, Kadence, all good.” She shakes her head so fast I worry something might loosen, but doesn’t comment again.

“You okay, Nix?” she asks, picking up her purse. I know this night is what both of them need, so I don’t want to fuck with them tonight.

“Yeah. Just not sure if I’m going to be able to handle you on the back of my bike,” he says and I nearly snort. Man, he has it bad.

“We’re taking the bike?” Kadence’s voice takes on a husky tone, and I know the Prez just got his in. Not needing to hear his bullshit lines, I force myself to block them out. They keep talking for a little bit while Z and I battle it out in Kombat.

“You remember what I told you, Jesse?” Kadence walks toward Low to say goodbye.

“Yep, got it.” I nod watching her send me a silent you-better-remember-every-detail expression. I return it with my own please-woman-I-got-this grin. “You do know I’m a former Marine, firefighter, and badass biker. I got this, sweetheart.”

“I know, I know.” She bends down and kisses Low. “Okay, let’s go.” She moves to Z, kissing him briefly. “Call us if you need anything.”

“I got it. Go,” I encourage.

“Yeah, Dad, go,” Z repeats, making me laugh. Even the kid knows when enough is enough.

They walk out in silence and a few minutes later, the bike starts and they ride off, finally leaving us alone.

“Why don’t you have a date tonight, Jesse?” Z asks after a few moments of playing the game.

“’Cause I’m here with you.” I smile even though I wish I was with Bell. When Bell called me back earlier, she had just got out of work. She took the news of me canceling on her in her stride but told me she was busy tomorrow and wouldn’t be able to meet till Monday.

I’m kicking myself I left her alone so long to get my head out of my ass.

“What do you want for dinner?” I ask, changing the subject. When Nix and Kadence get back, I might try to head over and see Bell, make up for canceling on her.

“Mom left food, but can we do pizza?”

“What leftovers?” I ask, wondering if she left me lasagna. The woman makes a fucking mean lasagna.

“Stew.” His face pulls into some pained expression and it doesn’t make me want it.

“You want pizza, Low?” I ask, flicking one of her buttons, which sings some “ABC” shit.