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God, this woman could make me cum just from the sound of her getting off, from the noise of her crying out, pleading. As I continued to watch her face, loved that she had her eyes closed as she came, I fucking lost it.

I pulled out of her hot little pussy, started stroking my cock, and felt my orgasm rise up. I jizzed all over her belly, white arcs of thick cum coating her. She gasped at first, but then moaned. I came for long seconds, the pleasure never seeming to fucking end.

When it was all said and done, my dick semi-hard, her stomach covered in my spunk, I lay beside her. She was panting, her cheeks red. My girl looked like she’d just been fucked good and hard, and I loved I was the one that gave her that expression of euphoria.

“God, baby. Your pussy...” I groaned, not able to finish what I was about to say. I reached out, and feeling like a dirty bastard, started rubbing my cum into her belly, using it like lotion on her skin. She was breathing hard again, and I wondered if she’d let me taste her ass, maybe fuck it, too. The very thought had my dick standing hard in record time. I wanted to ask her, to demand she give all of herself to me, but I also didn’t want to scare her. We had time for the freaky, really dirty stuff later. Until then, I’d just hold her, because even that was worth it when it came to Charlotte.

Chapter Six

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Last night had been the most amazing night of my life, and if it hadn’t been for our parents returning home, I’d probably still be in his bed, getting fucked. My mother had been sick, and Greg hadn’t wanted to keep her away from home. They had left the hotel, and if Derek and I hadn’t separated at that exact moment, and I rushed into my room, we’d have been caught.

My stepfather was a nice man, and he was great to my mom, so I liked him. But how could I go down and face my family? It was a Saturday morning, and I’d already heard our parents get up and head downstairs. I’d stared at my clock, waiting for some courage to fill me to face them. They might not know what we’d done, but I did, and I was a little afraid of their reaction if they should find out.

I was shocked when there was a knock on my door, and a second later, it opened. Derek stood there staring at me, without a shirt, his sweat pants resting low on his lips.

Sitting up in bed, I stared at him. “What are you doing here?” My body was sore in places I hadn’t thought could get sore, and that had a whole new thrill filling me.

He closed the door and moved toward the bed, taking a seat beside me. I wore a nightshirt, so I was more than adequately covered.

“Our parents our downstairs.”

“I heard them, Charlotte.” He reached out and cupped my cheek. “I needed to see you before we go downstairs.”

“I’m not going to tell them.” The last thing I would ever do is tell my parents that I fucked my stepbrother last night.

“I know. Fuck, this isn’t about them. This is about what we did last night and how it affects us.”

Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to stay still even as his touch set me aflame. I wanted him again; even with all the soreness and aching muscles, I wanted him again.

“I hurt you.”

“It was expected given how I’ve never...” I let that hang between us and then cleared my throat. “I wanted it,” I said, stopping him from embarrassing me even further. This wasn’t his fault. We both wanted what happened last night, and I wanted it again.

“There was blood on my dick, Charlotte.”

Heat filled my cheeks, and I knew he saw I was blushing.

“I’d hoped you hadn’t seen that.”

“Fuck, you were a virgin, and even though I knew that, I wasn’t really prepared for it. I’ve never been with a virgin.”

“Yeah,” was all I could muster in response. “You should really go before one of them come in here.”

“I don’t care about all that. I just want to talk to you.”

I couldn’t help but smile at that. “I know. I’m sorry, and I’m panicking. I wasn’t expecting Mom back last night, and she’s here and everything just seems to be going a little crazy. Believe it or not, I’m not used to crazy. I could live without crazy. We live together as brother and sister—”

“We’re not brother and sister.”

“I know that. Believe me; I know that, get that. I just, ugh, this is so hard.”

“It doesn’t have to be hard. I want you, you want me, and nothing else should matter.”

He made it sound so damn easy.

“I want to fuck you again.”

His words forced me to stop, and I just couldn’t think. My pussy grew wet, and my mouth went so dry that I had no choice but to lick my lips.

“Now, I just want those sexy as fuck lips wrapped around my dick as I fill your mouth with my cum. You’d swallow it wouldn’t you, baby?”

I didn’t know what to say. He was scaring me and turning me on. Derek made me want so many dirty things, and I just couldn’t think right now. It was next to impossible to think with him so close to me.

He ran his thumb across the bottom of my lip, and he pressed the tip just inside my mouth.

“You make me want to do so many dirty fucking things to this mouth, and you’d take it, wouldn’t you, baby. You’d take my cock, and swallow my cum, and you’d even give me your ass.”

“Yes,” I said, not about to deny any of it.

“No other guy is going to know how damn good you are because you belong to me, don’t you?”


“Say it, Charlotte. Tell me that you belong to me.”

“I belong to you.”

And I meant every single word of what I said to him. I belonged to Derek, no one else. No one had the power to make me so damn angry, and yet set me on fire with need for him.

He leaned in close, and I glanced down at his firm hard lips. Last night, his touch had been gentle. It made me realize there was a part of Derek that he kept hidden from everyone else, a softer part of him.

Cupping his cheek, I leaned in closer so that we met halfway, and I touched his lips with mine. That first touch wasn’t enough, and within seconds, we were devouring each other. His hand sank into my hair, and I let the blanket covering me drop as I crawled onto his lap.

His other hand landed on my ass, holding me against him. Through the thin fabric of my panties, I felt how damn hard he was for me. His cock was like a brand, pressing against my pussy, hot and hard.

Squirming on his length, I came up for air and stared into his eyes.

“Fuck me, Derek.”

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There was no going back now. Charlotte belonged to me in every single way that mattered, and I was going to take her. I didn’t give a shit about my dad, or her mother. This woman in my arms set my world on fire, and there was no way I was going to lose that.

“We have to be quiet,” she panted.

I didn’t respond.

Standing up, I placed her on her feet just long enough to get rid of her shirt and panties. I tore the panties in two, and after I had her naked, I tugged my sweats down. Pushing her to the bed, I stood in front of her, fisting my cock.

“Do you see this? This is what you fucking do to me, all the fucking time.” The tip was already leaking pre-cum, and I covered my thumb, pressing it toward her lips. “Suck it.”

She immediately sucked my thumb into her mouth, and it was so damn hot.

Gripping her hair, I tightened my hold, and nudged my dick toward her mouth. She opened up, taking me inside. She was warm and wet, with her teeth grazing around my cock. Her inexperience turned me on. No other dick had been inside her mouth, her pussy, or her ass, and when I thought about it, a deep wave of possessiveness swept over me. Charlotte was all mine, every single inch of her.