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“I can’t believe you did that. I was having fun, and I might have even taken Duke up on his offer.”

“No, you weren’t. You’re not doing anything with that asshole.” Slamming my hand on the steering wheel, I made my way back toward our house. Our parents were spending the night at a hotel, which was just a nice way of saying they were going to fuck loudly, and they didn’t want us to hear.

There’s nothing more embarrassing than hearing Charlotte’s mom squeal for my dad to fuck her harder. I love sex and accept my dad loves it too, but I don’t need to hear them actually fucking.

“Turn the car around,” Charlotte demanded.

“No.” It was cute that she thought I was going to do what she said.

Ten minutes later, I pulled into our driveway. Charlotte started yanking on the door handle, cursing me. I got out, slammed the door shut, and rounded to her side. Opening the door, I blocked her from escaping, and every time she tried to pass me, I kept on blocking her. I didn’t want to force her, but she had to see that getting with that fucker was bad news. Had she not heard the rumors about him?

“Get out of my way.”

“No. Get in the house now.”

“You’re not the boss of me. Fuck off!” She slammed her tiny little fist against my chest, and my dick hardened. Her small touches were damn addictive. I’d give anything to make her mine, and if she wasn’t careful, I was going to have that cherry tonight.

“Get in the house before you embarrass yourself.”

“No.” She raised her knee as if to catch me in the balls. I blocked her, grabbing her arm, and hauling her against me. There’s no way I was letting her get away with that kind of shit. Picking her up, I carried her into the house, and slammed the door closed, locking it before pressing her up against it.

Charlotte bit my arm, and I lost it. Slamming her up against the wall, I grabbed her arms, and pressed them above her head. She was wriggling, cursing, and I had no choice. Capturing her lips, I silenced all kinds of protest from her, plunging my tongue into her mouth.

She froze in my arms, and I kept on kissing her. The first taste seared my soul as my body awoke at her kiss.

Fuck, she was better than I thought.

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I’m so bad.

My stepbrother has me pressed against the door, and he’s kissing me. Not only is he kissing me, his cock is against my stomach long and thick. Oh God, he is so damn hard. How could someone be so young yet so big? This is not right, surely? I’d heard the rumors about how big he was, and how good, but I thought they was all lies, all hype

“Fuck, you taste amazing,” he said, breaking the kiss.

Taking a deep breath, I stared into his eyes. I wasn’t really going to accept Duke’s invitation. The last thing I wanted was to date any of Derek’s friends. I wasn’t going to date any guy, not when I was having erotic dreams about my damn stepbrother. But I saw how pissed he was, and I wanted to piss him off.

“You kissed me.”

“You wanted me to, and I bet your pussy is damn wet.”

“Don’t be disgusting.”

“Can’t admit the truth?” he asked.

Gritting my teeth, I tried to pull my hands down, but he held me tight.

“We can’t do this.”

“Why not? You’re wet for me, and I’m hard for you.”

“I don’t want this. Technically, we’re family.”

“Don’t fucking lie to me, beautiful. You and I both know we’re not related; we never will be. You want to fuck me, and I know I want you.”

Licking my dry lips, I tried to focus on all the reasons why we shouldn’t be doing this, and I couldn’t think of a single thing.

I want him. I want his dick inside me, fucking me.

I want him to be my first.


“Live a little dangerously, baby. We won’t get caught.”

Then he did something I never expected. Derek pressed his hand between my thighs, cupping my pussy.

“Even through your jeans, I feel how hot and wet you are for me.”

I didn’t stop him as he shoved his hand down my jeans, going past my panties. He touched my bare pussy and discovered how wet I actually was for him.

“Well, someone is a dirty girl. You want to fuck your stepbrother.”

I started to pull away from him, but he stopped me.

“It’s okay, Charlotte, I want to fuck my stepsister. I’ve been dreaming about your tight little pussy. You better tell me to stop; otherwise I’m taking you to my room, stripping you naked, and fucking you until you forget that asshole Duke.”

Biting my lip, I thought about every single reason why I should tell him no and tell him to stop. Our parents would be so angry if they ever found out.

This was wrong, dirty, and it shouldn’t happen.

However, when he held his hand out, I took it. When he made his way up toward his bedroom, I followed, and I didn’t put up a fight. There was no reason for me to fight. The moment the door closed, I couldn’t hide it anymore. I wanted to fuck my stepbrother more than I’ve ever wanted anything else in my life.

Chapter Three

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Maybe I should have felt bad that I’d gone so fast with Charlotte, but hell, she’d gotten on my nerves fighting me and saying she might have gone out with Duke. I hadn’t realized how jealous I was about her until the threat of another asshole loomed.

We went up into my room, and I shut the door. I took a step back from her and just looked her up and down. The jeans she wore were tight, her legs long, and the material molded to them like a fucking second skin. Hell, the denim framed her pussy, and my cock, which was already so fucking hard, seemed to punch forward even more. My balls ached, drawing up tight to my body with the need to release. I wanted her cherry so damn badly, wanted to fill her up with my cum, make her so full of it that fucking spunk came out of her and made this hot as hell wet spot on the bed.

“Is this too fast, baby?” I asked in a low voice, honestly not caring if it was too fast because I was too far gone for her.

She licked her lips and shook her head.

Good, because right now, I wanted her so fucking much I could have nutted in my fucking pants.

I started undoing the buttons on my shirt.

“What if someone finds out? What if our parents find out?”

I shrugged the shirt off. “What if they do?”

“They’ll think we’re perverts, deviants.”

That almost made me laugh.

“We’re not,” I stated flatly.

“I know, but to others, to our parents, we’re family.”

I was shaking my head before she finished speaking. “We’re not family, not in any sense of the word. And you’re not my sister. You’re Charlotte, a girl that drives me fucking crazy with arousal when she steps out of the damn shower in that towel.” My cock jerked at the thought. “You want me; you’ve always wanted me.” I wanted her to admit it, to tell me the truth.

“I want you, but you can be an asshole most of the time.”

I grinned. “I do it to get under your skin.” And I did. It turned me on seeing her pissed at me, hearing her lash out at the things I’ve said or done. I walk toward her and she takes a step back. She can run, but what she doesn’t know, what she may never know, is that I won’t let her go. Young or not, I know what I want.

And what I want is Charlotte.

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I wasn’t sure why I was so nervous, or why this touch of fear was moving through me. A part of me hated Derek, hated everything he represents. He’s arrogant and gorgeous, knows he can get women to fall at his feet. I didn’t want to be just another girl that fell into his bed, but the truth is I care about him more than I probably should.