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The door stops me from moving back any further. I’d fought him on the way home, tried to resolve myself that I didn’t want him. But I was weak, am weak when it comes to him. He takes a step closer, but I placed a hand on his chest. Things are moving fast, and I don’t think I’m thinking clearly. Or maybe I just wanted him so badly- lust consuming me until I was mindless- that I didn’t care I was about to give my virginity to the biggest asshole on the planet.

“You’re hesitating,” he said and smirked.

His chest was right in my face, his body so big, so masculine. He might only be eighteen, but Derek was built like a machine. He had all hard lines and definition, and just looking at him, smelling that wild scent that came from him, had my pussy so wet that I had to clench my thighs together.

“Because I know the type of guy you really are.” I licked my lips, hating myself that I’d followed him up here like a mindless sheep, not even thinking about all the girls he’s been with. Hell, he probably fucked one at the party when he disappeared for that half hour.

He cocked an eyebrow. “The type of guy I am?”

I nodded, my heart beating so fast, so hard, it was as if it would burst through my chest.

“And what type of guy is that?” He put a hand on the door by my head and leaned in, caging me in.

“The type of guy that uses women- screws them and discards them.” I didn’t sugarcoat my words, didn’t try and spare his feelings, if he even cared about what I said.

He didn’t speak for several seconds, and then that damn smirk was back. It looked forced.

“You want to know the truth, Charlotte?”

I swallowed, not sure what he was talking about. Maybe, I just didn’t want to hear it. “Yes,” I whispered in the darkness, staring up at him.

“The girls I’ve been with haven’t wanted me for anything more than what I gave them. They’ve used me as much as I’ve used them.”

God, could he hear my heart beating?

He leaned in close again. “And to be totally honest, I haven’t fucked anyone since I realized I wanted you this badly and it wouldn’t go away. My dick won’t even get hard for anyone else, baby.” He smirked again. “Take that as you will, but the rumors flying around about me aren’t always true.”

Then he leaned in and kissed me again. All thought left me at the taste of him, his body pressed against mine, and his rock hard cock digging into my belly.

Chapter Four

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I wasn’t going to have her running from me about anything short of the truth. Yes, I’d fucked a great deal of the bitches from our school, but they had used me as much as I’d used them. It was a done deal between us all. I’d stopped fucking anyone since Charlotte, and I saw she wanted to believe me. There was a spark of doubt in her eyes, and I got it. I’d never been perfect, and before Charlotte, I’d have fucked five girls at that party, and still gone home with a different girl.

My dad hadn’t been that strict growing up, and he wasn’t now. He’d asked me to take Charlotte into consideration before bringing bitches home to screw. To be honest, he just didn’t want to have to deal with her mother bitching at him. It was different for girls compared to boys. My father had even agreed that Charlotte wasn’t allowed to bring boys home.

That was okay; there was a guy right here, right now, and he was already home, and she could do whatever the hell she wanted to do with him.

“You feel that, baby?” I asked, pushing my aching cock against her stomach.

She moaned and that turned me on even more.

“I want to fuck you so damn bad, and don’t worry. I know it’s your first time, and I’ll be careful.”

“What about our parents?” she asked, growling a little.

I smiled. “Who gives a fuck what they think? You and I both know we’re not related. I’ve never once thought of you as my sister. Do you see me as your brother?”


“Then we’ve got nothing to lose. We’re not breaking any fucking laws here, baby. They didn’t think about us long enough to give a shit when they got married. Why should we give a shit now?”

When I’d found out that my father’s latest piece of ass came with a kid, and not only was he fucking this one, he wanted to marry her, I’d been pissed. The moment I discovered my new sister would be Charlotte, I’d been so damned angry. She was the one girl at school I’d wanted and refused to approach. Lame, I know but that’s the way it is.

She was the one girl I believed I couldn’t have, the good girl, and then she was in my house, using my shower, and looking so fucking good all the time. I’d never taken the time to get to know her. Charlotte was simply one girl in my year, and that was all I knew about her.

I moved away from her, and removed my shirt so that she could get a good fucking look at what she would be turning down if she decided not to fuck me. Throwing the shirt aside, I cup her cheek and run my thumb across her bottom lip.

“Are you going to turn me down, baby? Your pussy is so damn wet; I can promise you, you’ll love every single thing I do to you.”

“What are you going to do?” she asked, licking those lips.

My cock was in fucking pain at being restrained in my jeans. I didn’t like it.

“I’m going to get you naked and lay you on the edge of my bed.” I leaned in and sucked her bottom lip into my mouth.

She gasped, arching up toward my touch.

“Then I’m going to lick your creamy cunt until you come all over my face.” I smiled as she pressed a little closer to me.

I take a step back and loop my finger within her belt loops. “Are you going to get naked for me, baby? Are you going to play with me?”

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Fuck, yes, I wanted to play. I wanted to get naked and have his mouth between my thighs. I’d never been with a guy before; Derek was the first guy who’d ever made me feel like this. I was so turned on that my pussy was slick and need consumed me.

He tugged me closer to him. “Take your clothes off.”

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I stared into his normally cold eyes and was shocked by the heat inside them. He was enflamed, aroused, and all because of me. I should have been afraid and run from him, but I couldn’t move away. He had hypnotized me to the spot. I tugged my shirt off and wriggled out of my jeans at the same time he rid himself of his jeans, my mouth going dry at the sight of that. He was huge. I mean, really big. Painfully big.

How was he even going to fit inside me?

I wasn’t a small girl, but that thing wasn’t normal.

He wrapped his hand around it and started pumping up and down the shaft. Pre-cum leaked out of the tip, slickening up his dick.

“You’re not naked yet, Charlotte,” he said.

Glancing down, I saw I had yet to remove my bra and panties. Reaching behind me, I unhooked the catch of my bra, and it sprang off my large breasts. Yes, I’d been blessed or cursed, whichever way you looked at it, with large boobs.

I pressed the bra against my body as the reality of our situation invaded once again. He’d been with so many girls; I was going to pale in comparison.

Suddenly, his hands were in front of me, capturing my wrists, and peeling my arms away from my body.

“You don’t need to hide from me, baby.” He pressed a sweet, tender kiss to my lips and proceeded to remove my bra and panties. Derek wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me in closer to him. I took a deep breath as he surrounded me.

He moved me toward the edge of the bed, and I half expected him to throw me to the bed and pounce, but he didn’t.