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“You know you’re the only girl for me, Charlotte,” I said in a low voice, seeing the way goosebumps popped up along her arms. She turned her head and looked up at me, her eyes big and blue, her dark hair framing her face.

“You’re such a damn pervert.”

I could hear in her voice that she was trying to sound harder, angry even, but it came out as more of a breathy sound.

I was an asshole, because although I hid my erection from her, I liked to run my mouth, liked to make her uncomfortable with the dirty things I said to her.

“You like that I’m this way, admit it,” I said and grinned.

She clenched her teeth, turned her attention away from me, and didn’t respond. I grinned even wider.

Fuck, I’d need to go jerk off now because there was no way could I play football with this monster standing stiff between my legs.

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Just looking at him pissed me off. The fact my mother and his dad made me go to his stupid as hell football games annoyed me, but I kept that all to myself. Not only was my stepbrother one of the biggest, cockiest guys at school, he was also not ashamed of the fact that his nickname was ‘Player’. It could have been because he played football, but I knew it was mainly because he was a fucking manwhore, or so his reputation claimed. I’ve never actually seen Derek with another girl, not at school and certainly not by him bringing one to the house.

“Your brother—”

“He’s not my brother,” I correct Greg, my stepfather, Derek’s dad.

Greg looked at me and sighed before facing the field again.

“Charlotte, I wish you’d try to make an effort,” my mom said, but I didn’t respond.

Three years of living under the same roof as that cocky asshole was making an effort.

I turned away from them and watched as Derek tackled some poor sap to the ground. The crowd seemed to gasp as one, and it was a pretty good reaction since Derek had taken the other player to the ground like a tank demolishing a building.

Derek was huge; a beast of a senior in high school, he stood at six-foot-four with muscles stacked upon each other.

Greg had been married to my mom since I was a freshman. For some reason, they wanted us to see each other as siblings, which grossed me the fuck out. Derek was nothing more than an intruder in my life, a womanizer that got off on females because he knew he was hot and they’d fall for him.

What pissed me off more than anything else was the fact Derek was such an asshole. It wasn’t that he treated me like shit, or that he ignored me at school. He didn’t do anything of those things. What angered me was the fact he was after me, and by after me, I mean he wanted to fuck me.

At least, that’s the vibe I got lately.

It wasn’t as if Derek came out and said he wanted to sleep with me. Or maybe it was all in my head because I was the one that wanted him?

Closing my eyes at that thought, I felt this self-disgust fill me. I shouldn’t want anything to do with a guy like Derek. Even if we weren’t technically family, he was out of my league. If we didn’t know each other, he’d never give a girl like me the time of day. I was thick, curvy, and certainly didn’t have a tight body like the cheerleaders that hung around him and his friends.

You want him.

It was true. I wanted him to fuck me, but was too proud, too stubborn to allow myself to stoop to his level of whorishness and just go for it. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself. And every time he came out of the bathroom in nothing but a small as hell towel, his hard body on display, the monster between his thighs pressed against the fabric like a third leg, I hated him even more. Every time he brushed up against me when we passed each other in the hallway or at home, when he stared at me with this intense I want to fuck you look, I hated that my body heated, my pussy got wet, and I thought about really dirty shit.

I kept my attitude, my annoyance at him, in place, but I wondered if he saw through that. My skin still tingled where he’d brushed up against me at the sink today, when he’d said, “You know you’re the only girl for me.” God, if only that were true, I’d be in a lot worse shape than I was in now.

Nope, I’d never resort to giving in and letting my linebacker stepbrother have me.

At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.

Chapter Two

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Our team won the game, and it was time to party. My dad was one fucking happy man with me winning the game and didn’t have a problem with me blowing off steam after a game. So that was why I stood in Mitch’s house, drinking a beer, and watching the bitches strip down to their bikinis and dive into the pool.

None of the bitches interested me. Their skinny bodies didn’t attract me. There was only one woman I wanted, and she stood in the corner talking with Duke, one of my fucking teammates. He was an asshole, even bigger than me. I hated him. I couldn’t get rid of him though; he was a huge part of the team. Without him, winning would be a problem.

He made sure I got the ball, and if I didn’t get the ball, I didn’t score; if I didn’t score, we didn’t win.

Fuck. Duke just put his hand on her arm, touching Charlotte, and that just pissed me off.

“Hey, man, great play today,” Mitch said, slapping me on the back. I nodded and forced myself to stop looking at Charlotte. She was my ride home, even if she didn’t know it. Mitch whistled and, when I glanced at him, I saw he was looking toward Charlotte. “Your sister is looking fine. I’d love to see what those tits look like in a bikini; she’s fucking hot.”

“She’s not my sister, and don’t fucking say that shit about her.”

When I thought about Charlotte, it didn’t have anything to do with being sisterly. We weren’t related, and if not for her mom marrying my dad, she’d be just another girl. But I wanted to fuck her, badly. I spent every single night thinking of ways to get her into my bed. I’d spread those thighs of hers, open the lips of her virgin pussy, and eat her out. I knew she was a virgin, knew no assholes had experienced that tight little pussy of hers.

Yep, I was a total asshole.

Once I licked her pretty wet pussy, and I would, I’d put my dick inside her, going slowly until I claimed that little bit of innocence that belonged to me. Her virginity was mine, and I was going to fucking take it.

Finishing off my bottle of beer, I tossed it into the nearest trashcan, and made my way over to her.

“So I was thinking I should take you out to the movies,” Duke said.

Oh, hell no. There was no way Duke was taking Charlotte out. I wasn’t going to let her out of my sight.

“Fuck off, Duke; the answer is no,” I say, placing my arm over her shoulder.

“Go away, Derek.” Charlotte wasn’t happy, but I didn’t give a fuck.

“Come on, let’s go home.” I drag her away from Duke, and make sure that I hold her even as she fights me. I wasn’t going to let her go, and I wasn’t going to let Duke fuck what belonged to me. This woman had been driving me crazy, and she was mine.


If I had to get my name inked on her body, I was going to claim what was mine.

“Get off me, Derek, you brute.” She yanked away from me, and I’d had enough. Bending down, I shoved my shoulder against her stomach and lifted her so that she was over my shoulder. “What are you doing? Put me down!”

Walking out of the house and toward my car, I dumped her ass in the passenger seat. I made sure the door was locked before making my way around to the driver’s side and climbing in. I’d had one beer, and that was it. There was no way I was going to watch one of my team mates screw with her.