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They pulled out another win, and the atmosphere in the dressing room and on the bench was changing. There was more laughter, but also more intensity. More confidence. Dale being sent away to rehab had shaken everyone up. After that last game Dale had played, everyone had been pissed at him. He’d made so many mistakes, and the guys had been frustrated and angry, grumbling and sniping at Dale and then yelling at one another as tension grew. That was gone now, and it was a relief.

Marc wanted the best for Dale, and hoped the guy hadn’t ruined his entire NHL career. But he also wanted the best for the team and things were looking up.

After the game, a few guys went out, but since they were all coming over to his and Army’s place the next night, Marc didn’t go with them. Unfortunately, Lovey wasn’t home when he got there.

Damn. Where was she? Hopefully out with her new friends and not on a fucking date. That thought made his gut cramp. He went to pour himself a glass of chocolate milk and took in all the food in the fridge. She’d been out shopping, apparently in preparation for the party. He’d told her they’d pay for that stuff. He shook his head before heading to his room. Alone.

They had Sunday off, so he slept in a little. He needed to find out from Lovey what else needed to be done. Maybe there were still some things to purchase. She was already awake and dressed in her yoga gear when he got up. Right. Yoga class.

“Hey.” She beamed her luminous smile at him, making him want to grab her and kiss her. “Good game last night.”

He squinted. “You saw it?”

“Parts of it. The bar we were at had it on.”

“We?” Fuck. He hated himself for asking.

“Jillian and Leigh and I. We went out for dinner and drinks.”

“Ah. Cool.”

She hopped onto a stool and started spooning yogurt into her mouth.

“I see you bought some stuff for the party. I told you we’d pay for it.”

“You can pay me back, don’t worry. There are more things we need, but I couldn’t carry it all yesterday.”

“You should’ve waited until today. I’ll drive you wherever you need to go.”

“Thank you.” Her eyes warmed. “I wanted to get started making some of the stuff yesterday. There are going to be a lot of people here. We can go when I get home from yoga class.”

She moved around the kitchen, the snug black pants hugging her ass and thighs, the fitted tank top outlining her breasts and slender waist. She reached for a black zip-up jacket and pushed her arms into it. “Back in a bit.”

He went to the gym and worked out while she was at yoga, and got home just after her. He was looking forward to driving her to do whatever errands needed to be done. Until Duncan said he’d come too. Damn. Ah well.

Lovey seemed to be winging it, grabbing stuff she hadn’t thought of, pausing to try to remember something she’d forgotten. “Should’ve made a note to myself,” she muttered, then her face cleared. “Samosas. I wish I could make everything, but there’s no way. So we’ll have to buy some things we can heat up and serve.”

She was so into this, it was cute. “Don’t knock yourself out. Most of the guys are happy with beer and pretzels.”

She snorted delicately. “I’ve seen you guys eat. We’re gonna need food. Lots of it.”

Once home, she jumped into action, slicing, dicing, arranging bowls and platters. She had Duncan and him setting up a bar in the living room with all the booze they’d bought. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and he found himself looking forward to the evening.

“I have to go get ready now,” she said a while later. “Could one of you put the beer into that big bucket with one of the bags of ice?”

“Sure.” Marc moved to do it as she disappeared.

“Still think beer and bags of chips would be easier,” Army muttered.

“Yeah. But even though she’s going all out, it doesn’t seem…overdone.”

“True.” Army made a face. “There are times it’s handy to have a sister, I guess.”

Marc looked down at himself. “Guess I’ll change too.” The old gray T-shirt he wore had some kind of food stain on it now, and a big wet spot from the bag of ice. He headed to his room and put on clean jeans and a button-down shirt. He left it untucked and turned the cuffs back on his forearms as he walked down the hall.

Guests started arriving before Lovey had emerged from her bedroom, so he and Army started letting people in and greeting them, offering drinks. Then she breezed out, all pretty in a pair of sexy flared jeans with a snug black long-sleeve tee tucked into them and a multi-colored scarf that looped around her neck. She knew a lot of the players but not all, and hadn’t met many wives and girlfriends. As usual, within an hour they were all her new best friends.

“Let me take those out.” Marc took some bowls from her. “Come on! Chips? You’re serving chips?”

She grinned. “Sure. You have to have chips at a party. Among other things.”

Everything was finger food, which was great, and she’d organized paper plates and serviettes, all black and white to match this game they were supposedly going to play. Or some of them were going to play anyway.

He made sure Ryan was meeting people and noticed Lovey talking to him at one point, asking him questions about where he was from and where he’d played hockey up till then. The look in Ryan’s eyes was…interested. This did not amuse Marc. Jesus. Where the hell was Army now? He’d warned everyone else off his sister, he needed to get on this so the rookie knew too.

Lovey caught his eye, lifted her eyebrows, and he realized he’d been scowling.

He turned away.

Lovey got the game organized and explained things to those who had never played.

“I’m not being the Card Czar first,” she said firmly. “Someone else has to do that. Duncan.”

“Uh. Sure.” He read a black card. “Next on ESPN2. The world series of…?”

Everyone searched through their cards. Then the fun started. Of course the guys tried to come up with the most obnoxious answers they could, and with everyone well lubricated, it all seemed uproariously funny.

“Pictures of boobs.”

“Justin Bieber.”

“Erectile dysfunction.”

“Fingering.” That got a huge roar of laughter and ended up the winner.

The answers got raunchier and they all laughed harder. Marc’s face hurt from laughing and he sat back for a minute to watch. It had been a long time since the team had all gotten together like this—most of the team anyway, since a few guys hadn’t been able to come—and just had fun in a relaxed social setting.

After the game ended, people sat in smaller groups, talking, Lovey flitting around carrying away empty bowls and platters, setting out new ones with cookies. She offered coffee and served it, and then folks started leaving. Not a wild and crazy late night, but it was Sunday and they had a practice in the morning, and everyone seemed really mellow and content.

“I’d call that a success,” Marc said when it was finally just him and Lovey and Army.

Lovey yawned and surveyed the full dishwasher. “I’ll run another load tomorrow.”

“You go to bed,” he said. “I’ll finish cleaning up in here.”

“Thank you. I think it was a good night.”

“It was great, Lovey,” Army said. “Thank you.”

She smiled and turned away, then paused. She pointed at Army. “You. Help Marc clean up.”

He rolled his eyes at her. Marc grinned. “Yeah, man. Help out a little.”

“I am, I am.”

Marc had to grin. Army knew he couldn’t stand a mess, and may have left cleaning up to him a time or two. The fact that Lovey got it made him smile.

He wanted to tell her how amazing she was, how much he appreciated what she’d done, but with Army standing right there, no way. But he’d have his chance. He’d make sure of it.