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Tabernak. So good.” His eyes were closed, his body relaxed, everywhere except that hard column of flesh in her hands. When she bent to lick him, he jerked.

“Remember?” she murmured. “Edible.” The massage bar tasted of coconut and she licked him all over, then took him into her mouth.

He felt so good, hot and pulsing, thick and weighty on her tongue. She used her hands and her mouth, playing with him, getting lost in it a bit, until he pulled her off.

“Inside you,” he growled. “Now.” He grabbed the condom he’d so cockily left near them on the bed.

She was wet and ready for that, so she went up onto her knees and straddled him, taking him in her hand again to direct the head of his cock to her opening. Her aching opening. She needed him too, filling her.

She lowered herself slowly, carefully, because he was big, watching his face. His eyes burned with need.

His hands clasped her hips, lifting her, lowering her, helping her move on him. Fire spread through her body. He reached for her breasts and cupped them. He pinched her nipples and sensation flowed through her down to where they were joined. Her body picked up the feeling, buzzing, a growing tightness that she reached for and focused on. She closed her eyes, Marc’s hands caressing her, and slipped a hand down to her clit to find the sensitive bud. Oh wow, she was winding up already, excitement building and twisting inside her. Her pussy flexed and clenched and then it all peaked. Ripples of pleasure flowed out from her core.

She fell down to lay on top of him, gasping for breath, and his hands went to her ass and grabbed her as he fucked up into her with hard, burning strokes. She panted against the side of his neck, pleasure still coursing through her veins.

“Fuck me, Lovey, gonna come…fuck yeah…” He grunted his pleasure as his body tightened, hands on her butt holding her tight against him as he pulsed inside her. It was sweaty and messy, their bodies sliding together in a mix of perspiration and massage oil, and it was beautiful. So beautiful.

He wrapped his arms tightly around her upper body, holding her in a fierce hug that made her throat thicken. God, she loved being with this man.

“So that was a pretty good massage,” she murmured.

His body vibrated with laughter. “Better than the one I had from Cal.” He named one of the Aces trainers. “I think it was the happy ending.”

She smiled. “Cal doesn’t give happy ending massages?”

“Fuck no.”

“Well, good.” She stretched her burning thighs out along his. “Ah.”

“I’m hungry.”

She considered that. “Me too. What do you feel like?”

“You cooking?”


His arms tightened on her briefly. “Let’s order pizza.”

“Sounds good. Let’s eat it in bed.”

“Even better idea.”

They rolled apart, and he got rid of the condom and grabbed his cellphone from the dresser, where it had been charging. In a few minutes, an extra large Luciano’s special had been ordered and queued for delivery.

Lovey decided the new bra and panties needed more attention, and put them back on. Marc grabbed his athletic pants so he was decent when the delivery driver arrived. They lounged in bed with Marc’s TV on. He played with her hair while they watched news and talked about all kinds of things.

After they’d eaten the pizza, Lovey said, “Okay, hockey boy. Now it’s my turn.”

He lifted a brow. “Your turn for what?”

“A massage.”

“Oh.” His smile went wicked. “Okay, then. Take off the pretty lingerie so we don’t mess it up.”

She complied and stretched out on her stomach as he had. “Remember,” she mumbled. “It’s edible.”


“You can put it anywhere,” she added.

His laugh rumbled out of him. He began to rub the bar over her skin. “This is pretty cool. It just melts right away.”


“Smells good too.”

“And it tastes good.

He laughed again. “Fuck. Lovey.” He stopped what he was doing to bend down and press his mouth to the small of her back.

She lifted her head and looked over her shoulder. “What?”

“You just…” He stopped. He shook his head. “You make me laugh.”

“As long as you’re laughing with me and not at me.”

“You’re not laughing.”

“No. But I’m amused. So it’s okay.”

He shook his head again, his smile wide. His big hands started working over her shoulders, down her spine, all the way to the base. He shifted as she’d done, giving slow circular rubs to her butt cheeks, deeper and deeper.

“That’s nice,” she slurred, her body melting into the mattress. “So nice.”

His hands lingered at the crease of her ass, then stroked down over the backs of her thighs in long, sensuous glides. When his fingers slipped to the insides of her thighs, she smiled and parted her legs ever so slightly.

Her pussy began to tingle knowing his hands were so near, building to a hungry need to be touched. He teased her by slipping closer, then backing off, caressing and massaging her thighs and butt. Then he got more aggressive and his fingers slid down the crack of her ass. Oooh. That created a whole lot of tingles, up her spine and down to her toes. Every nerve ending in her body went onto alert as she anticipated more.

He rubbed her there, deeper, lower, easing her thighs apart, until his hand was in her pussy. He paused for a moment to rub the massage bar between his palms, slicking them up, and then he was using both hands on her ass and thighs and pussy, stroking over sensitive skin. Her back arched helplessly as her hips lifted to allow him access, and he played there for a long time, tormenting her with his fingers and then even his lips on her butt, nibbling and licking her.

“See,” she breathed. “It does taste good.”

“You’re right. Roll over.”

She slowly rolled to her back, reaching behind to release her hair where it was trapped beneath her. Her eyes focused on Marc, kneeling beside her, his chest and arms bare and gleaming with the massage oil she’d used earlier, emphasizing his ripped muscles even more. His eyes were hot on her breasts, and her nipples tingled.

He rubbed his hands together, looking carnally eager to get them on her, and her tummy did a little flip of lust. Then his hands were on her, moving over her shoulders, her arms, and then, yes, her breasts.

“Wow.” He gently squeezed and molded her breasts. “Feels so good with a little glide.”

“Mmm.” It did feel good.

He continued his massage, taking care to touch every inch of her, kneading muscles, but mostly just petting her with silky touches. And then his hands were between her legs again. He kissed her stomach and stroked her pussy, and heat built inside her. He brushed over her clit with slippery fingers and she twitched hard. He murmured something wordless and she gave herself over to sensation, his fingers settling into small circles over her clit while he laid slow openmouthed kisses on her belly, kissing his way lower.

He moved between her legs and his tongue joined his fingers. Her body went shivery hot and soft, a swell of pleasure building deep inside her. She wanted to reach for him, but her arms were heavy, so she curled her fingers into the duvet. Soft whimpers rose in her throat, and her head tossed on the pillow as her inner muscles drew up tight, so tight it almost hurt, and she toppled over into shivering ecstasy.

He kissed her gently over her quivering clit, then stretched out on his side next to her, head in his hand. He continued to softly stroke her body, cupping her hip, her waist, trailing fingers over her ribs and between her breasts.

She fought for breath and turned her head to look at him. Their eyes met, gazes merging in a mixture of wonder and excitement and question.

“Get under the covers,” he growled softly.

She started to obey, then looked down at herself. “I’m all greasy.”