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“I think you’re rewarding me,” he said with heartfelt appreciation. “Let’s see…” He undid her jeans and peeled them down her thighs. “Yes. Matching panties. Sweet.” He got rid of the jeans, leaving her in underwear and thick socks. “These have to go.” He tugged off one. “They don’t work with the sexy undies.”

She giggled and lifted her other foot for him to remove its sock.

Then he came down over her again to kiss her.

She planted a foot into the bed and rolled him to his back. Her on top was nice. His hands went to her ass, basically bare in that tiny thong. He pulled her up higher so her breasts were in his face and flicked open the fastener at her back. “I feel you should spend more time in the new bra,” he said. “Sorry.”

She gave a breathy laugh. “It’s okay. I had a feeling it wouldn’t stay on long.”

He nuzzled her bare breasts, licked them, then took a nipple into his mouth and sucked fiercely. She groaned.

He played with her tits for a while, enjoying tight little nipples and soft flesh, then she drew back and started kissing her way down his torso, over his chest, pausing to briefly suck one nipple, then the other into her mouth, giving him a hard jolt of heat straight to his groin. She licked over his abs, pressed kisses to his belly beneath his navel, then to the hair at his groin. She rubbed her face over his thighs, drew her tongue up the crease where thigh met torso, teasing him as his dick throbbed unbearably. Finally she shifted and circled him with soft fingers, lifting him to her mouth and kissing the soft tip. His cock jerked, his abs tightened. His hands sought out her hair and tangled in it, holding it back from her face so he could watch her suck him.

Fuck, that was good, so unbelievably good. She licked and got him all wet, then took him into the silky heat of her mouth. The friction of her lips sliding up and down over his shaft was sublime. Her fingers cupped his balls, caressing, gently squeezing, and damn, that edge of orgasm was right there, right…there…He fought for control. “No…babe…can’t last…wanna fuck you…”

She gave a brief, wordless shake of her head, her mouth full of him, kept moving on him, and when her fingers delved deeper behind his balls into ultrasensitive territory, he was lost. He gave up. There was no way to stop it at that point, so he held on to her head and roared as pleasure exploded from his core, white heat shooting through his dick and into her mouth.

Her beautiful, hot, sexy mouth, working him like he’d never been worked before. Taking it all and swallowing and making little pleasure noises that he absolutely fucking loved.

Crouched there between his thighs, she opened her eyes and looked up at him, her tongue stroking his dick in her hand. Their eyes met with a sizzle. Câlisse, that was hot. His entire body still pulsed with satisfaction.

He gentled his hands in her hair, letting strands slide through his fingers, then dragging his fingers through her hair again. And again. Watching her pretty mouth on his dick, then smiling at him, the sexiest, most seductive smile he’d ever seen.

“C’mere.” He knifed up to reach for her and hauled her over him. She stretched along his body, rubbing herself on him, kissing his chin, his jaw, his ear. “Babe. Fucking loved that.”

“Good. I loved it too.”

And that was just about the hottest thing of all, the obvious pleasure she took in it, so eager and turned on by it.

He rolled her under him. He needed a few minutes, but while he recovered he could give her an orgasm in return. Not a hardship. He loved that sweet pussy.

It didn’t take long to get her off, she was so ready. So wet and hot. After stripping the lace panties, he filled his mouth with her, with her taste, the feel of her on his tongue and lips, and brought her up and over, making her twist and shudder as he held her ass in his hands and lifted her pussy to his hungry mouth.

“Oh God,” she gasped, limp. “Oh God. Marc.”

“Yeah, Lovey. Right here.”

They curled up together. He was still dying to fuck her, but that had taken the edge off. Perfect. Now they could spend the rest of the night leisurely exploring each other.

Much later, with her in his arms, he kissed her hair. “I’m glad you told Duncan about your business.”

“Yeah.” She sighed. “I figured it was time. I don’t think he’s entirely convinced I know what I’m doing, though.”

“He will be. Just wait.”

She tipped her head to meet his eyes. “Thanks for backing me up with him.”

He shrugged. “Just wanted him to at least listen to you.”

She kissed his jaw. “I appreciate it.”

Truthfully, Duncan’s attitude had annoyed him. She deserved a chance to do what she wanted with her life. She wasn’t asking him for anything other than a place to stay for a couple months.

“Also you looked hot in that suit,” he added. “Very sexy and professional.”

“Hmm. I was going for professional…not sure if sexy is the look I want in the business world.”

“You can’t help it, baby. You just are.”

“Aw. Thank you.” She touched his cheek. “Is your face okay?”

“Yeah. It’ll heal.”

“Did you get hurt anywhere else? I was worried for you, watching that fight.”

“Got some bruised ribs too.” He’d felt that a few times during their energetic fucking, but she was a powerful distraction. “You watched the game?”

“Of course.”


“I guess I should get back to my own room.”

Heaviness descended onto his chest. “Yeah. I guess so.”

“You know what would be really sexy?”


She hesitated, as if she wasn’t sure she should say it. “Sleeping all night with you. Waking up with you.”

That heavy sensation intensified. “Yeah. That would be…sexy.”

She gave him a fast kiss on the mouth, then rolled away. She scooped up her clothing. He rose on an elbow to watch her. “I’m gonna dash,” she said. “Too much trouble to get all dressed again.”

“Duncan’s not home.”

“I know. Just don’t want him walking in right as I run across the hall naked.”

He grinned, even though he agreed that would a very bad thing.

“Night, Marc.”

She slipped out his door and closed it behind her.

He flopped to his back. Fuck, he hated it when she left like that. Sleeping with her all night and waking up together in the morning wouldn’t just be sexy, it would be…awesome. He wanted that too, wanted her in his bed all damn night, not sneaking out like what they had was cheap and dirty.

Well, it could be dirty. He was a fan of dirty. But not in a way that made them feel dirty.

He remembered her telling Duncan about her business. It stung him a little, thinking about her growing up in Duncan’s shadow, how she’d said everyone knew he was destined for something great and she…wasn’t. But she was finding her way in the world, and he admired her for that. He admired her for the person she’d turned out to be, despite growing up in that shadow. She was smart and funny, bubbly and bright. She made friends with everyone she met and cried watching chick flicks.

Jesus. He was getting in way deeper than was supposed to happen. But Lovey seemed to like him too…not just having sex, although that was phenomenal, but hanging out with him, doing not much of anything. He liked talking to her and she seemed to enjoy it too. So maybe all they needed was time.

And her brother’s blessing.

Shit. How the hell was that going to happen?

He’d think about that some other time. Right now he needed sleep.

Lovey didn’t come to the Saturday night game as she sometimes had when they played at home. Marc had thought about suggesting she could join the Aces Ladies—the wives and girlfriends of the players. The team provided a private lounge for them and they all had seats together to watch the game. But Lovey wasn’t his girlfriend. She was Duncan’s sister. So he said nothing.