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She sensed the tension immediately coming from Marc’s body beside her, without even looking at him. “I did,” she said. “But it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do what I really wanted to do. Since I had to make a change anyway.”

He nodded slowly. “Okay. But…”

Her lips tightened. “This is why I didn’t tell you. You’re going to be all ‘Oh, Lovey, you don’t know how to run a business. You’ll never make enough money to live off.’ ”

“I wasn’t going to say that.” But his eyes didn’t meet hers and she knew that was what he was thinking.

“If it doesn’t work, I’ll figure out something else. I’m not worried about getting a job if I have to. I’m good at what I do.” She lifted her chin. “I’m not a mega-superstar pro athlete, and I’ll never make millions of dollars, but I’m good at this.

More waves of something powered off Marc. She risked a look up at him and saw the warmth in his eyes and the twitch of his lips.

“Okay,” Duncan said. “So…all the time you’re on Facebook and Twitter and I thought you were just screwing around…you were really working.”

“Yes. Well, most of the time.” She couldn’t help but smile. “I do have to spend some personal time on Facebook. And hey, I’m going to give Marc some social media training. So he can optimize his own platform and social media presence.”

“What the fuck?” Duncan stared at Marc. “Seriously?”

“Sure.” Marc grinned. “Don’t worry, man, I’m going to pay her.” He looked down at her. “Whatever the going rate is for the training you do.”

She smiled back at him. “I’m expensive. But worth it.”

“I’m sure you are.”

Oops. That was kind of suggestive and not really appropriate for a conversation in front of Duncan. He didn’t seem to pick up on it, though, still freaking out about her starting her own business. But he was calming down and pondering it. So that was good.

“Okay.” She rose to her feet. “I need to change out of this suit. And I have work to do, you’ll be happy to know, Dunc. See you guys later.” She paused. “What are you doing for dinner tonight? Want me to make something?”

“I’m going out,” Duncan said.

She paused, willing herself not to make eye contact with Marc. “Another date?”

“Yeah, as a matter of fact. She’s a model.”

Lovey frowned. “A model? Seriously?”

Duncan’s ears turned red. “What’s wrong with that?”

“She’s probably a puck bunny.” Not another model. Why did he keep dating these women? Sure, they were gorgeous, but damn, they were totally using him. At least she thought they were. Or maybe as his sister, she just didn’t get why they’d want to date Duncan. “But whatever. It’s your life. There. You see what I did there? You live your life. I’ll live mine. And we’ll support each other’s decisions even though we don’t always agree on them. Right?”

He rolled his eyes but smiled. “Shut up.”

“I’m not going out,” Marc put in. “But you don’t need to make anything. We could order pizza or something.”

“Sure. Sounds good.” Keep it light. Keep it casual. As soon as Duncan was out that door, she would be all over Marc. Oooh. Time to put on the new lingerie.

Later, when she’d finished working, she emerged from her room, the black lacy bra and thong panties beneath her low-rise skinny jeans and a blue cotton sweater with a scoop neck, shorter at the front than the back, the sleeves pushed up on her arms. Duncan was ready to go out in a pair of jeans and boots, a plaid shirt, and an Aces baseball cap, standing at the island, where Marc leaned with a beer in his hand.

“I need to do something so he can get to know everyone,” Marc was saying. “Not sure what.”

“No,” Lovey said to Duncan, taking in his outfit. “No, no, no. You’re not going out with a model dressed like that.”

“What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?”

“Lose the ball cap,” she muttered. “And don’t you have some better jeans? Maybe something in a dark wash? That at least would look a little dressier.”

“Hell, I don’t know. Maybe I do. Really?” He looked down at himself. “I need to change?”

“Dark jeans,” she repeated. “And those cowboy boots are expensive but kind of beat up. Maybe you need new ones.”

Duncan grumbled but headed down the hall.

She met Marc’s eyes, gleaming with amusement. “Bossy,” he murmured. “What was that about letting him live his life?”

She bit her lip. “Um. Right. I’m only trying to help! He wants to make a good impression on a date, right?”

“I don’t think he gives a shit. He just wants to get laid.”

“Oh. Ew. Jeez. Whatever.” She paused. “What were you talking about? What do you need to do?”

“Ryan. Our new D man.”

“He and Andrew seemed to play well together.”

“Yeah. Anyway, he doesn’t know any of us very well. Got called up and sent on the road trip, which was good, but I need to do something so he can feel more comfortable with everyone. Actually…” He rubbed his jaw. “It would be good for Rosser to get to know everyone better too. He’s only been with us since training camp.”

“We can have a party.”

Marc blinked at her. “What?”

“We’ll have a party,” she repeated. “Here. Duncan has tons of room. You don’t mind—right, Dunc?” She looked at her brother as he returned in a different pair of jeans. “That’s better.” She nodded approvingly at his choice of denim. “But you should still shave that beard off.”

“Don’t mind what?”

“A party. To help Ryan get to know everyone. We’ll invite the whole team and the wives and girlfriends.”

She knew the wives and girlfriends of the team players, also known as the Aces Ladies, did work as a group with the Aces Community Foundation and organized some social events, but she also knew that as team captain, Marc felt responsible for bringing the team together. He needed a wife.


She shoved that thought quickly away. Not touching that one. No way.

“I don’t mind.” Duncan shrugged. “I’m not much of a party planner. Case of beer and a big bag of chips is the extent of my entertaining skills.”

“I know.” She sighed. “That’s why I’ll do the preparation. It doesn’t have to be fancy, though. I know! We can play that game I got! Cards Against Humanity. It’ll be hilarious and a good way to get everyone interacting.”

“How about Sunday night?” Duncan said.

“Awesome. You guys invite everyone, I’ll do the work.”

“You don’t have to do it all, Lovey,” Marc objected. “We’ll help.”

“Speak for yourself,” Duncan muttered. “I’m outta here. See you later.”

They watched him leave. The door closed. They gave it one…two…three seconds. And she was in his arms, his mouth hard and warm on hers. She pressed up against him with urgent, desperate need, threading her fingers through his hair, opening her mouth to him.

“Forget pizza,” Marc gasped. “Just want to fuck you.”

“Oh God, me too. Do it.”

Once again he hoisted her up, hands on her ass, and carried her down the hall.

Chapter 19

As often happened, the sex was fast and hard and dirty. Marc was hot for Lovey and she seemed to feel the same, her hands everywhere, sexy little whimpers of need slipping from her lips. They rolled around on his bed fully clothed for a while, making out with heated need, then hands burrowing beneath clothes to find skin.

“Missed you,” she panted. “All week. Too long…”

“Yeah. Me too.” He licked her lips, nipped at her bottom one. “Want you so bad, Lovey.” Her name felt like an endearment. He liked it. A lot.

“Want you too. God, so much.”

When he pulled off the sweater she wore, revealing her black lace bra, he went still. “Wow,” he choked out. “That is hot.”

“Thank you. I just bought it today. I was rewarding myself for how hard I’ve been working.”