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I arched my back; my nipples jutted out and begged to feel his mouth on them.

Reading my mind, he brought his head down and captured one of my rosy peaks. Drawing it inside his mouth, his tongue flicked the tip and suckled it softly. A rush of new moans slid free from my lips, causing him to suck even harder.

With hands upon his shoulders, I found myself wanting to be in control of the pace, and using the power from my thighs I started to ride him hard.

“You’re driving me crazy,” he said.

The passion that ignited between us grew stronger. His pace picked up alongside mine, and before long, my body started to shake, an approaching orgasm steaming along like an unstoppable freight train. I cried out in surprise as he manoeuvred me with ease beneath him on the bed, with no thought to his injuries at all. With his cast braced against the mattress near the side of my head, I wrapped my legs around him as he drove his cock into me.

“Harvey…” I cried, burying my face into his neck. “Fuck me, harder. Oh, god. Yes!”

My internal muscles contracted, spasming out of control, and a muffled curse busted free from my mouth. My legs spread even wider for him as I tried to take him in deeper. I felt the welcoming and familiar build-up in the pit of my belly. Harvey picked up the speed and settled into a fast, hard tempo that got me crying out, panting with my mouth open. My chest heaved with the lack of air as my orgasm was ripped out of me. I came so hard that I saw stars. Harvey gripped hold of one of my bouncing tits and roared as he came a second later, his hot come filling me up, making me his forever.


Epilogue - Harvey

The sound of children’s laughter rang out in the background. Their tiny voices echoed as they played outside, enveloping us as I watched my gorgeous wife set a plate of muffins on the table, then move over to the sink in the kitchen. I couldn’t stop looking at her, even after all these years, more amazed by her and by our amazing daughter with each passing day. They were both flawless. I slipped two strong arms around Sara’s swollen belly, caressing the bump of our soon-to-be baby and nuzzled her neck, my groin rubbing up against her ass.

Our baby, I repeated in my head. Still amazed at the wonder of it all. I’d honestly believed I was infertile, with absolutely no chance of ever becoming a father, a fact that had weighed me down for the majority of my adult life. But here I was, husband to the woman of my dreams, father to a beautiful daughter, and with the help of the advances in science, a miracle baby on the way. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

“Aren’t you supposed to be resting for a bit?” I asked and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.

“I can’t sit down. I get too bored, but especially ‘cause the kids think it’s the best thing in the world to come bounce on the sofa next to me.”

“Well, you have to have a little lie-down soon. You’re eight months pregnant, honey,” I foolishly reminded her, as if she didn’t already know.

“I know, I know. I’ll be good tomorrow. I promise. You can boss me around all you want tomorrow and command me to stay in bed should you wish.”

“Oh, really? How about I take you to bed right now? Or better yet, right here?” I snaked a hand around her waist and down to the warm spot between her thighs.

She moaned my name, both in protest and in pleasure. “We can’t…” she breathed.

“Sadie has them all in the garden, eating cake; we have plenty of time. I have to hear you moan.”

She had on a flowing dress, and I quickly gathered up the material at the front and dipped a hand inside her knickers.

“Always so wet for me, my love… I do think you protest too much.”

I kissed her neck again and groped at her breast as she braced herself against the kitchen sink. “Okay, be quick,” she agreed and blushed a gorgeous pink just like the Queen of Sweden roses she’d planted outside. “Do that thing I like.”

“With pleasure.” I breathed into her ear and felt her body shudder. She loved it when I whispered close to her ear, breathing sweet nothings as her eyes rolled back into her head.

I worked her little nub till I thought she was going to scream, teasing it as much as I could without bringing her to a climax. With my other hand, from behind, I fingered her swollen hole, wanting so desperately for it to be my cock, but I was happy to send her wild instead. And though Sara liked me to take charge most of the time, to tell her what to do in bedroom, there was always that fine line lurking in the back of my head, conscious and sympathetic to what she’d endured in her former marriage. But we had an understanding; we each knew our limits and respected them. It made the sex even hotter, and it made her more confident than ever. I even had to admit that when the tables were turned and she took control, telling me what she wanted and where she wanted it, it was the best sex I’d ever had. Everything else paled in comparison.

“Oh, baby, I’m coming… don’t stop,” she said. I felt her pussy contract and wrap tightly around my digits. She shuddered again as she came, her legs shaking. I removed my hand, turned her around and kissed her.

“Maybe I should sit down now,” she gasped, then giggled.

But instead of moving to the nearest chair she pulled me into another voracious kiss.

“Okay, lovebirds. Enough of that, thank you. There are children here, and you’re about to have company,” Sadie said from the doorway, walking in on us, hand in hand with Norah, her life-long partner and soon to be wife.

A blush crept up my cheeks, but I was thankful for her impeccable timing. “Spoilsport.”

“How’s the birthday girl?” Sara asked as a train of little monsters, all hopped up on sugar, came screaming into the kitchen.

Sadie opened her mouth to respond just as our three-year-old daughter, Lily Victoria Guyer, came running in after the rest of the other kids. Her blue Mary Jane shoes clapped softly against the wooden floor, and her curly, dark-brown hair bounced about her shoulders.

“Here’s the birthday girl!” Sadie cooed and squatted down on her haunches. Her arms stretched out as our darling daughter threw her tiny body into her auntie’s arms. “How you doing? Enjoying your party?”

“Yes!” Lily chimed, a grin pasted on her lips.

Three years ago, I wouldn’t have believed this was possible. I was deluded, going after every woman I could, trying to find the right one, scared I’d miss her in the crowd, but then Sara had somehow lifted the wool from my eyes. And as soon as our Lily popped out into the world, that was it. I was a goner. Smitten with them both, believing my heart would break the longer I looked at them.

“I can’t believe she’s three already,” I murmured in Sara’s ear. Her beautiful green eyes glinted with amusement, happiness and absolute joy.

“I know, right? It feels like yesterday when she came into our lives and changed us, and in more ways than one,” she answered.

I embraced her, not caring who saw, because I was so damn proud of my wife and how strong she was. Yes, she’d had her ups and downs, but with a little support, she fought through the pain and turmoil. “Don’t ever change, OK?”

She pulled back, a little confused, but she indulged me and nodded.

I gave Sara a quick kiss and smiled before walking toward Lily and picking her up, swinging her into my arms.

“Are you ready to open your presents?” I asked.

“Of course, Daddy!” Lily laughed, as if the answer to the question was obvious.

Lily reached her chubby little arm out, fingers clasping toward Sara. “Mommy, you have to come watch me open my presents, too.”

Sara took the little hand. “Well, my ladies, shall we?” I said and while we were all linked hand in hand, one happy family, we walked to the pile of presents together, never ever wanting to let go.