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I nodded.

Her lips wrapped themselves around my head, her tongue lashing out at the tip. It’d been almost too good to be true, her obedience, but now she’d ruined it, trying to seduce me with her tongue, something she’d no doubt seen in some fake-ass porn video.

Enough of this tickling bullshit, I thought. I threaded my fingers through her hair and clamped my hands down on either side of her head as I slid the length of my shaft deep into her mouth. I groaned as I hit the back of her throat and heard her splutter. She controlled the reflex and braced herself against my thighs. I had to restrain myself from pushing in any farther; I wasn’t a total bastard.

I took my time fucking her mouth. Pulling back then gliding back in, enjoying watching the disappearing trick as her head bobbed back and forth.

Just as I was about to blow my load, my focus readjusted. I glanced down and spotted what looked to be a smudge on her shoulder blade.

“Is that a fucking tattoo?” I blurted angrily. If it was one thing I hated the most on women it was cheap looking ink. Especially those who didn’t even put any real thought into it and slapped on the first Chinese character they came across, ruining a perfectly good body. She was fucking tainted, and the moment was ruined.

She ignored me and kept sucking. I was about to pull out, ready to spray her face, when her hands kneaded into my firm ass and pulled me in deeper.

“Harvey Guyer! I knew I’d bloody find you in here!”

“Fuck,” I groaned drawing out the word as I came, my toes curling within the tight confinement of my dress shoes.

Sadie’s heels clicked across the polished floor as I pumped my load in the waitress’s wanting mouth, my cock spurting as I clenched my eyes shut.

After a moment of seeing sparks, my focused readjusted. Sadie stood with her hands upon her hips in front of me and the kneeling girl, who still had my dick in her mouth.

“Jesus Christ, Harvey. You couldn’t have taken her up to a room? It’s not like you don’t run the fucking hotel!”

Oh, right. Did I not mention that technically the waitress was also my employee?

I shrugged and tucked myself back in. The girl clasped an arm across her chest and wiped a mix of saliva and cum from her mouth.

“Who are you?” the waitress asked Sadie. Her eyes glared at the tall and incredibly hot woman who’d disturbed our little impromptu fuck session. It was funny watching the girl, her jealous hackles raised, as if she had claim over me just because I happened to stick my dick in her mouth.

“Oh, honey, don’t even think about taking that tone with me,” Sadie replied. She grabbed a paper towel, wet it and handed it to the woman still on her knees. “Get up, and here,” she sighed giving me a look that could kill—I’d pay for this later, I thought. “Take this.” Sadie slipped off her sequined blazer and handed it to the bare-chested creature who had managed to regain some semblance of dignity once she’d made it back onto her feet.

I moved to the basin and washed my hands. I watched in the mirror’s reflection as Sadie pulled out a wad of notes and handed them to frowning girl. Hush money. She tried to catch my eye, but Sadie sidestepped her, blocking her view, and made sure she had the girl’s full attention. I probably should’ve been polite and gotten her name, but by tomorrow it wouldn’t matter anyway. She’d be forgotten. She’d be fired.

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“Did I ever tell you that you have spectacularly crappy timing?” I said as I dried my hands.

The girl was gone. It was a good job, too; I don’t think I could’ve stood looking at her pouty face for very much longer. Her features had crumpled, blood draining from her face, as Sadie firmly told her to get lost. The majority of her mascara had melted away, giving her the look of a very pathetic clown on an old fashioned black and white TV set.

“You should be happy I found you when I did. She was a nipple twist away from becoming your indentured sex slave.”

“That wouldn’t be so bad.”

“Yeah, right, I forgot you love getting sued for sexual harassment in the workplace. Mind, she did have nice tits though,” Sadie said, grinning.

I shrugged. “They were OK, a little small. What did you want anyway? I know you’re not exactly into voyeurism, so…” We’d made our way out of the bathroom and were walking down the plush corridor towards the main ballroom when Sadie placed a hand lightly upon my arm.

“I would’ve told you sooner, but I’ve only just picked up your voicemails. It’s your stepsister, Sara. You’re needed at the hospital.”



Propping an arm on the windowsill, my knees tucked under me on the cushioned alcove, I indulged in the bright sunlight that streamed through the window. As I inclined my head to the side, letting a warm glow bathe my cheek, I lazily watched as early commuters passed by the kitchen window.

It was a perfect day.

Every day was a perfect day, on the outside at least.

Yet on the inside, I was always the same, numb and bored.

Perhaps today nothing would go wrong, a fresh start?

Why had I been so stupid to even think that? My mother always preached that you should never tempt the fates… but then my mother said a lot of things that I never really paid attention to.

Maybe I should’ve heeded her warnings. Listened to her more.

It’s too late now.

Turning my head around, my gaze lingered upon the mahogany table that took up the majority of space in the small but quaint kitchen and listened to the hurried shuffle above. A white lace tablecloth covered the table’s surface—one of my many attempts to showcase that I was the perfect little housewife—but underneath, myriad imperfections scarred the wood grain.

Reluctantly I rose and collected our breakfast bowls from the table. I’d rinse and wash them before the bits of cereal, those left at the bottom of the bowl, dried like cement and would need chiselling off.

It seemed like all I did was clean and organise the house around my husband’s schedule. Kept everything in order. It was like I’d been transported back into the 1940s. All I needed to complete the ensemble were a few curlers in my air and a pink ruffled apron.

Oh, and maybe a cigarette trapped between scarlet red lips… I could kill for a cigarette. But I wasn’t allowed, they were off-limits, as was any sort of alcohol. Well, except for the bottle of cooking sherry that I had to keep hidden away, just in case. At least he didn’t restrict my food indulgences, yet I had a nasty feeling that was on purpose.

At the sink, the bowls clean, I kept my hands in the warm water. I was mesmerised, watching as the clear stream coated the backs of my hands and trickled down my wrists.

It felt good.

The sound of Eric’s footsteps from upstairs echoed throughout the house. I closed my eyes and followed his path from the bedroom to the landing, and finally as he galloped down the stairs as if he couldn’t wait to get out of the house.

To get away from me…

His aftershave drifted into the kitchen before he did. Predictable, that’s what the scent should’ve been named.

I nearly gagged.

I waited for him to speak, but when he remained quiet I looked over my shoulder.

He was dressed in his usual attire: dark pants and a sky-blue shirt. The sleeves were rolled up his thick forearms. I could see a couple of strands of his brown hair sticking up at the wrong angle at the crown of his head. I didn’t let him know that he should comb it.

“I gotta go,” he said absent-mindedly, rushing as he slipped a tie around his neck. Our eyes met, and I turned away.