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“I had a fight with Mitch.”

You have got to be kidding me. “And?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “And that’s it. He said some mean things, and I was upset, so I decided to come see you. Maybe leaving you was a mistake. I mean, we were so good together.” She made her way over to me and went to sit in my lap.

I put my hand up to stop her. If she had come to me a few weeks ago…I probably would have been a fool and taken her back. But now, there was Jessie. Something about Jessie made me feel all weird inside. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced with Chelsea. When I’d touched Jess, it felt like fire was moving through my body. When I’d kissed her, I just wanted to crawl deep inside her. I’d never experienced anything like that before. With Chelsea, it had all been just…sex.

Damn it! I screwed up so badly.

“Let me walk you out.” I stood up, took her by the arm, and started walking toward the front door. I opened the door and gave her a little push out. “Next time you have a fight with your boyfriend, don’t come here. As a matter of fact, don’t come here ever again unless you call first. I also need my key back.”

She just stood there and stared at me. “Are you kidding me? You’re going to pick some country bumpkin over me, Scott? Have you been drinking or something?”

“Chelsea, Jessica has more class in her pinkie finger than you do in your whole body. I’ve never in my life met anyone who makes me feel the way she does when I’m with her. Will you please leave now?”

“You just made the biggest mistake of your life.”

“No…the biggest mistake of my life was walking away from her in the first place.”

She turned and stomped off toward her car, bitching the whole way.

I looked at my phone. Nothing. I headed back in and made plans to get up early, so I could go to Jessie’s and beg her to drive with me to the coast.

I had some serious making up to do with that girl. I just hoped I wouldn’t fuck it up. Last time, I’d walked away from her because I was scared to death of the strong feelings I had for her.

This time, I’m not going anywhere.

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After I loaded up the last of our suitcases, I started to make my way back into the house. I saw Mrs. Smith walking down the street with her little monster dog who hated me.

I’m gonna get a giant-ass dog and have him eat that thing.

“Josh! Hello, darling. How are you feeling?”

I gave her my best smile, which always made her blush. “I’m feeling wonderful, Mrs. Smith. Thank you. I’m about to be married to the most beautiful girl in the world. What could be better?”

She laughed and looked around for Heather. “Where are you taking her for the honeymoon? She said you wouldn’t tell her.”

Nosy-ass neighbors, I swear. I smiled as I shook my head. “Oh no. I know how you women are. Y’all stick together! The minute I tell you, you’ll tell Heather.”

“Oh no! I won’t. I promise.” She winked.

Just then, Heather walked out of the house, carrying her wedding dress in a white bag. I’d felt tempted to look at it when she was in the shower, but I didn’t.

“Saved by my bride-to-be,” I said with a laugh.

Heather looked between Mrs. Smith and me before she started laughing. “Are we about ready to go?” Heather asked with a wink.

God, I love this girl. How did she know I needed to be saved from the nosy neighbor? “Yep! Just about.” I turned back to Mrs. Smith. “You have a lovely day. See ya later, little puppy.” I quickly moved away and started back toward the house.

Heather’s mouth dropped as I left her to fend for herself with Mrs. Smith.

I walked into the house and did a quick once-over since we wouldn’t be back for almost two weeks. I smiled when I thought about how surprised Heather would be when she found out we were going to Italy.

When I picked the girls’ brains about where to take Heather, they all agreed on Italy. Heather had visited there a few times with her mom and dad. I was worried it would bring back memories, but Amanda had said Heather had talked about going back almost as soon as her parents had died.

Heather had a small pouch that she kept on her dresser. I’d asked her once what it was, and she’d told me it held rose petals from a flower her parents had given her. They’d planned on going to Italy for Heather’s high school graduation present. They had wanted to stand on the ocean shoreline and drop the petals into the water. Her father had said it would be a way to celebrate her moving on to the next phase of her life.

I picked up the pouch and put it in my backpack. I opened up my dresser drawer and took out the ring box. I slipped it into my backpack beside the pouch. I smiled and headed downstairs. I stopped and looked into the empty bedroom that would be the nursery. I already had an idea of the cribs I wanted to make. I’d drawn them up and sent them over to my dad to get his thoughts. He loved them, and he’d asked if he could help make them.

When I felt Heather’s hand on my shoulder, I turned to look at her.

“What are you thinking about? Nervous? Getting cold feet maybe?” she asked with a wink.

“Hell no. Thinking about the cribs,” I said with a grin. I kissed her quickly on the lips before walking toward the kitchen.

When I heard her sigh behind me, I tried so hard not to laugh.

“Josh, come on. Why can’t I see your drawings for the cribs? All these secrets! Do you know what it took for me to get Mrs. Smith to try and find out where you are taking me for our honeymoon?”

I spun around to look at her. “You didn’t?”

She laughed, and the blush that filled her cheeks caused my dick to jump.

“Heather, here I was, thinking that the woman was just being a nosy neighbor, and you asked her to pump me for information?”

She laughed as she walked up to me and placed her hands on my face. She reached up as I leaned down, and she kissed me so sweetly that I just about dropped everything.

Then, she let out a moan.

Fuck it.

I dropped the backpack and started walking her back into the living room. Right before we got to the sofa, I reached down to unbutton her jean shorts. We never once took our eyes off of each other.

“Whatcha doing?” she asked.

“I’m getting you undressed.”

“How come?”

“Because I’m going to have mad, passionate sex with you on our sofa.”

The smile that spread across her face about knocked me down to my knees. There’s not a damn thing I wouldn’t do for this girl.

“You know…when I start getting bigger, Ari and Ellie said we’ll have to try different positions. I was thinking we should probably practice some now. Don’t you think?” She raised her eyebrows.

Motherfucker. I think I just died and went to heaven. “Damn, princess. I think I just came in my pants.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “Want to?”

Sex with Heather was always amazing. I loved the fact that she’d tried three times to give me a blow job, and each time she’d gagged so much that she ended up with dry heaves or throwing up in the bathroom. Usually, we stuck to one of us being on top, or our favorite way was with her on her side.

Fuck. I was getting hard just thinking about what she had in mind. “Fuck yes, I want to. What are ya thinking?”

She slowly took off her shirt and then her bra. Then, she slipped out of her panties. She stepped over to the sofa and got on her hands and knees with her ass facing me. I’d never taken off my clothes so fast in my life.

She looked over her shoulder at me. “From behind?”

Ah, fuck yeah. I’m not going to last a minute.

I got behind her and touched her beautiful bare ass. When I moved my hands around her and grabbed her breasts, she threw her head back and moaned. I used my knee to spread her legs apart more. I gently entered her and started to move. As she let out a gasp, I stopped moving.