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I smiled at him as I took his hand. I started to lead him away, but then I saw Sharon and Grace walking up to Ellie. The expressions on their faces gave me chills.

Something’s wrong.

I turned and smiled at Josh. “Baby, hold on to that thought for just one second. I think something’s wrong.”

I glanced back up to Ellie and Jessie. As I headed over to the back porch, Josh followed me. I got to Ellie right when Sharon put her hand on Ellie’s shoulder.

Ellie turned to them. “Oh my god. Alex.”

Grace shook her head. “No, sweetheart, Alex is fine. Jenny is playing with her in the house right now.”

Confused, Ellie glanced between the two of them. “What’s wrong? The look on your faces is scaring me.”

Grace looked out at Gunner. “Ellie, how much has Gunner had to drink?”

Ellie snapped her head over to Gunner as tears began building in her eyes. She looked back to Grace. “A lot.”

Grace was trying so hard not to cry.

Sharon grabbed Ellie’s hands. “Baby girl, listen to me, okay? Something has happened.”

Ellie started to cry as she looked up at Grace. “Jack?”

“Jack is fine, sweetheart. It’s…it’s…” Grace couldn’t finish her sentence.

Sharon took a deep breath as I put my arm around Ellie. My heart was beating so fast that I could hear it.

“Ellie, Gramps had a heart attack. Jack is with him now, and they’re in an ambulance on their way to Fredericksburg as we speak.”

Ellie’s whole body went limp, but Josh was standing there, and he grabbed her before she could fall.

Josh looked at Jessie and me. “Girls, I need you to take Ellie inside.”

Ellie was crying hysterically now. Jessie, Sharon, and I all wrapped our arms around Ellie, and we led her into the house.

When I turned, I saw Josh talking to Grace. He started to walk toward Gunner with Grace following behind him.

After we got Ellie into the house, we sat her down on the sofa. When I looked out the window, Josh was talking to Gunner while Grace was standing next to him. Jeff put his hand on Gunner’s shoulder right before Gunner fell to the ground.

He buried his head in his hands as he started crying out, “No,” over and over again.

I put my hand up to my mouth and shook my head.

Oh, God, please no. Don’t take Garrett away from us. Please.

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Fours Hours Later…

I’d been trying to call Scott for three hours. I still wasn’t sure if he knew about Gramps. When I finally got a text from him I let a sigh of relief.

Scott: I’m home. Just meet me at the house.

I was surprised that his text actually seemed coherent.

When I’d told him I was going to the hospital, he was so drunk that he could hardly talk. Scott’s brother, Bryce, had been standing there with the girl he’d been hanging on all afternoon. Bryce had assured me he would get Scott home, so I’d decided to head out with Heather and Ari.

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When I pulled up to Scott’s house, my heart started pounding in my chest. There was a BMW in the driveway.

Is that Chelsea’s car? Oh god, please be Bryce’s car. Please.

As I glanced over toward the garage, I saw Scott’s truck.

Fuck. I hope he didn’t drive home when he was drunk.

I walked up the steps and put my hand on the doorknob. Why do I have the sickest feeling in my stomach? I turned the knob and stepped inside. I started to make my way upstairs. I could just barely overhear someone talking. The voice was coming from Scott’s bedroom.

No. Please don’t do this to me.

As I walked down the hallway, I heard a girl moaning out in pleasure. Reaching for the bedroom doorknob, I slowly turned it as I pushed it open. I took one look inside, and I saw a girl riding someone fast and hard.

No…oh god, Scott, no.

“Oh my god,” I said.

Chelsea turned around and smiled as her eyes caught mine. “Oh, hey there, Jess! You weren’t around, so I filled in for you.”

“You fucking bitch!” I shouted before I slammed the door shut.

I heard a male voice call out after me, but I just ran as fast as I could.

I need to get out of this house right now.

I ran out to my car. I jumped in, started it, and sped away. I began crying so hard that I could hardly see enough to drive.

After wiping away my tears, I slammed my hand on the steering wheel as I cried out, “How? How could I be so stupid? Why, God, why? Why would you do this to me again?”

I’ll never, ever again trust my heart to anyone…especially Scott Reynolds.

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I’d like to thank God for the most amazing blessings in my life.

There are so many people to thank that I could write another book just to list them all.

Heather Davenport ~ Thank you for everything you’ve done for me! Your input and help with Faithful was beyond amazing. You’ll never know how much I appreciate everything you do for me. You’re an amazing person, and I’m so blessed to have become friends with you. You make me laugh, and I still say you have an accent!

Gary “Leo” Taylor ~ You continue to inspire me daily, and I’m so blessed we found each other and have become friends. Thank you for everything you do for me, for always just being you, and for sharing a bit of your world with me, so I can share it with everyone else. Smile hard!

Ari Niknejadi ~ I’m thinking a trip to Sea Side is in order very soon! Thanks for being my BFF and never givin’ up on me!

Amanda Orozco ~ Thank you for being my couple picture pimp! You truly are the best! Thank you so much for all the help on Faithful and for answering all my questions.

Molly McAdams ~ You and me are like peas and carrots! You’ll never know how much I look forward to our lunches. You keep my world steady and somewhat normal. Your stories make me laugh my ass off, and no one can tell a story like you! I truly believe my world is a better place because you are in it. Thank you for being such an amazing friend! Bitch, I want my copy of Forgiving Lies!

The “Misery Girls” ~ Y’all made me laugh so much when I needed it more than anything. Who would have thought that just a weekend retreat would end up giving me ten amazing new friends? I’ve never had more fun in two days than I did with y’all. One word, girls: DESTIN!

Kelly’s Most Wanted ~ I’m so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing street team. I could never thank y’all enough for everything you do for me. I love y’all to the moon and back! I hope you know that!

Wanted, Saved, and Faithful boards ~ You girls make me smile daily. Your posts and pictures crack me up, and I love seeing the friendships that have developed from just a simple story that popped into my head. You might not see me post in there every day, but please know I read your posts daily. I hope that you enjoy Faithful!

My BDHM Girls ~ I miss y’all! I hate that I’m not on the board like I want to be, but know that y’all are always on my mind! I love y’all!

Jovana Shirley ~ You are by far one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. I can’t even believe how lucky I am to not only have become partners-in-crime with you but to also have become friends with you. I’m blessed indeed. You rock! Only the BEST editor EVER!

Stacy Borel ~ Thank God you are in Texas! Every day I sit down to write, I see the picture you sent me. I smile and count my blessings that you are my friend! Fergie misses you!