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Fuck. I want to meet a girl I feel something for. I want someone to love me for more than just my looks.

As I got closer, the smile spread wider on her face. Yeah, she’s definitely beautiful, great in bed, and smart as hell, but she’s too fucking needy.

“Hey there, handsome.”

“What’s up, Tori?” I asked, giving her my signature smile.

“I was hoping you were,” she purred back.

Oh god, I think I just threw up in my mouth.

“I thought I’d come and watch y’all practice. Afterward, maybe you and I could go…you know, play around a little back at my place.”

Tempting, but… “Listen, Tori, I don’t think this is working out for me,” I said as I noticed her friend Michelle sitting near her.

“What?” Victoria said, almost shouting.

Ah hell, here we go. “Listen, it was fun. It was, um…it was a lot of fun, Victoria, but it’s just not working out. I’m not really ready to settle down yet, and to be honest, you were giving me that vibe.”

She leaned over and said something to Michelle. Her friend quickly looked over at me and smiled before she turned and walked away.

“Baby, let’s go back to my car and talk about this. I’m sure I can…change your mind,” she said, glancing down toward my junk.

I let out a sigh.

Damn, a blow job would feel really good right about now. I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. I needed to find a girl who would not put out just because I smiled at her. Fuck me. Does someone like that even exist?

“While you’re thinking pretty hard about it, Josh, I’m feeling a little wet with excitement,” she said with a wink.

Yeah, fuck this shit. “Sorry, Victoria. It was fun, but I’m done. Good luck with nursing school. You’re gonna make a damn good nurse.”

With that, I walked away, and she called out my name twice.

Just keep walking, Josh. Just keep walking.

Her hand grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop. “Wait, Josh! Just one more time? Please. Just as a good-bye, that’s all. I promise.”

I looked back at the field where Gunner, Jeff, and Brad were all talking. I reached in my back pocket and pulled out my phone to see how much time I had before practice started. Fifteen minutes. I could do that.

I glanced back at her with a smile on my face. “Lead the way to your car, baby,” I said as she smiled back.

Yeah, she’s beautiful, and we have great fucking sex, but she’s definitely not the one.

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I glanced over at Ari. She was staring out the window, and I could see tears running down her face. I looked up to the front seat where Jeff was on the phone with Gunner. I assumed Jeff was giving Gunner the details about the accident.

Oh my god. I didn’t even tell him that I loved him before I walked out the door. I just left.

Ari squeezed my hand. I was guessing it had been about twenty minutes since I’d stopped crying hysterically.

“It’s gonna be okay, sweets,” Ari said with a weak smile.

I tried to smile back at her. My heart was pounding in my chest as images of Josh flashed through my mind. Leaning my head against the seat, I thought back to when he’d made such passionate love to me in the rain.

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Two Nights Ago

I was sitting on the sofa, watching his every move. He started his iPod and then walked toward me. With that panty-melting smile on his face, he held out his hand.

My heart was racing. How does he make me feel this way?

I smiled as I reached up, and his warm hand took mine.

“Will you dance with me, princess?” he asked with a look that just melted my heart.


He pulled me into his arms and captured my lips with his. As he led me outside, I could hear Ed Sheeran’s “Kiss Me” playing on the outdoor speakers. Damn, he knows how much I love this song.

The rain was coming down at a steady pace as he guided me down the steps and out to the patio. Looking up, the rain hit my face, instantly cooling me off. God, that feels so good. After days of having a fever, the drizzle felt like heaven on my skin.

He drew me closer to him and put his lips against my ear. “I love you, Heather.”

“I love you, Josh, more than anything.”

Heartbeat to heartbeat, we danced in the rain.

“Are you feeling better, princess?” Josh asked against my ear.

“Yes…especially here in your arms,” I said, slightly leaning back to gaze into his beautiful green eyes.

While the music played, he slowly moved us over to one of the patio chairs.

“I’m going to make love to you in the rain, Heather,” he said with so much seduction it felt like my knees were about to go out from under me.

“Oh god,” I said as he started to pull my T-shirt up and over my head.

Leaning down, he kissed me so softly that I just wanted to pull him in for more. I needed to feel him against me, getting as close as I possibly could to him. I needed him inside me.

Slowly turning me around, he placed gentle kisses on one shoulder before moving to the other while his hands slid down to undo my bra.

Oh god. He’s trying to kill me. I glanced over my shoulder. “Josh, please…it’s been so long.”

He let out a small chuckle as he pushed my bra off my body. Wrapping his arms around me, he said, “I know, baby, but you had bronchitis, a sinus infection, the flu, and God knows what else. There was no way I was getting near you, let alone having sex with you!”

I spun around and smacked him on the shoulder, making him laugh. “Nice. You just ruined one of the most romantic moments of my life, you ass!”

Then, he smiled that smile—the one that always made me think of our lunch in Marble Falls. With his crooked smile and the dimple in his cheek, I felt the throbbing between my legs. His expression turned into a smoldering look that just about had me on my knees, ready to beg him to make love to me.

He took my hands in his. “I love you, Heather.”

“I love you more, Josh.”

“I love you more times infinity,” he said with a wink.

“Make love to me, Josh.”

His hands released mine, and he gently caressed them up my wet arms, over my chest, and down my shorts. By the time he had them off, I was ready to explode. Oh god. The way he made me feel was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. Every time with him was like the first time.

When he stood back and stared at me, I so desperately wanted to cover myself, but I knew how that would upset him. He always told me how perfect and beautiful I was. I didn’t think I’d ever get used to how he made me feel so special, so wanted.

I watched as he took off his T-shirt and dropped out of his shorts. I raised my eyebrows at him and smiled. “Commando today, huh?”

“Easier access for you, baby,” he said with a wicked smile.

Throwing my head back, I laughed, again reveling in the feeling of the rain on my face. Is this really happening?

I snapped my head back up and looked at him. “We can’t do this!” I practically yelled.

“What? Why the hell not?”

“This is your parents’ house, Josh! What if they come home? I mean, what if your mom…oh god, I don’t even want to think about it!” I turned to get my shirt.

Josh grabbed my hand and pulled me to his wet, warm body. “Princess, my parents are at their lake house. They’re not coming home until tomorrow. It’s just you and me.”

He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me with so much passion that I knew I would have an orgasm the moment he touched me. He slowly lowered himself to the lounge chair and moved back, allowing me to straddle him. When I sat down and pressed against him, I let out a moan. Between his warmth and the cool drizzle on my body, I was in heaven.