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“Fuck her, Heather. Josh loves you, and his relationship with her was years ago. Trust me. The love you share with Josh is strong and true. He’s not going to forget that.”

I felt tears building in my eyes. “Amanda…I’ve never given Josh a blow job…ever.”

Amanda stepped back and covered her ears. “Oh. My. God! Heather…TMI! I don’t want to know if you’ve ever given Josh a blow job or not!”

Just then, Elizabeth walked in, looking between Amanda and me.

My face instantly grew hot. Fuck me. Just shoot me! Shoot me now ’cause this can’t get any worse.

“Okay…I’m going to pretend that I never heard those words come out of your mouth, Amanda,” Elizabeth said as she walked over to me. “Baby girl, Josh wants to talk to you,” she said with a smile.

My heart started pounding. “Me? He wants to talk to me? But he doesn’t even know who I am,” I said, confused.

She laughed and pulled me in for a hug. “Oh, it was the most romantic thing ever, Heather. He knows.”

I leaned away from her. “He remembers me?”

Her smile faded some before it returned. “Well, no…but he knows that y’all are more than friends.”

“Oh no. Did you tell him that, Elizabeth?” I asked, thinking back to what Victoria had said about forcing him to remember.

“No, not really. He asked Greg and me about you. He said when he saw you, his heart dropped to his stomach, and he has never felt like that before. He also mentioned that the whole time the doctor was talking, he just kept wondering who you were!” Elizabeth clapped her hands and then grabbed Amanda in for a group hug.

Amanda started laughing as she and Elizabeth began jumping up and down like little kids.

“See! A love like y’all’s can never be forgotten,” Amanda said with excitement.

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My dad had left to grab some lunch for him and the girls while Mom went to look for Heather and her friend.

Shit, I can’t remember her friend’s name.

I was praying that Victoria wouldn’t come back in the room until after I had a chance to talk to Heather. Victoria had already given me a lecture about trying to force memories to come back. Then, she’d reminded me about how much I loved her blow jobs. Any other time, I would have pulled back the covers and told her to have at it, but something was different now. I felt like I was being unfaithful if I even thought that way. Unfaithful to whom though? Heather?

When I heard a faint knock on the door, I called out for the person to come in. The moment I saw the blonde hair, my heart started pounding. She closed the door and turned to face me.

Fucking hell. Her eyes…goddamn, those eyes are beautiful.

I couldn’t help but smile at her. She smiled back, and I swore if I were standing up, my legs would have given out on me.

“Hey, um…Elizabeth, um…your mom said you wanted to talk to me,” she said with the cutest damn smile on her face.

She’s nervous. Why is she nervous? Well, shit, Josh. It’s because you don’t remember her, you fuckhead. “Yeah, if you don’t mind, I’d love to talk to you for a few minutes.” Or a lifetime.

She nodded as she headed for the chair next to my bed. I watched as she studied my face. She frowned slightly, and her eyes looked so sad.

I wonder how bad I look. “So, I take it that I’ve had better days when I didn’t look this bad, huh?” I asked as I winked at her.

When her face lit up like Christmas morning, I found myself wanting to make her smile like that again. Then, she let out a small giggle that moved through my whole body.

“You could say that, but I still think you’re very handsome, and…” She stopped talking and looked away.

“Please…flattery will get you everywhere.”

“Listen, Josh, I know your parents told you we were dating, but I don’t want to force—”

“Dating, huh?”

I watched her as she gave me a confused look.

“Oh, um…well, your mom said you figured out we were more than friends, so I just assumed you thought we were dating.” Then, her eyes filled with anger. “Wait, did you think we were fuck buddies or something?” She stood up and stared at me.

Oh shit, this is turning south fast.

Considering my mother had told me they’d found an engagement ring in the pocket of my pants, I safely assumed that Heather and I were much more than fuck buddies. Just the way she made me feel in her presence told me that.

“What? God no, Heather. I didn’t think that at all!”

Her eyes instantly softened.

Damn, she’s cute as hell when she’s mad. I wonder if I used to purposely get her mad just to see that spit and fire come out of her.

“Oh. Well, okay…because…well…”

“Heather, please tell me about us. I know everyone keeps saying to let my memory come back on its own, but please tell me about you and me. I feel something between us that I’ve never felt before,” I said as I reached out for her hand.

The smile that spread across her face caused me to suck in a breath of air. Fuck. I wanted to know everything about this girl, and I wanted to know it yesterday.

She moved closer to me, and then she put her hand in mine. The moment she touched me, an electric shock ran through my whole body.

This is what I’ve been waiting for—for a girl who makes me feel like this. I couldn’t help but let out a laugh.

She tilted her head. “What’s so funny?”

I shook my head. “It’s nothing. I’ve just waited so long to feel this way, and I can’t imagine how or why I would forget it.”

“To feel what way?” Heather began to sit back down, not letting go of my hand.

I can’t move too fast. I need to do this right. “Do you think we could maybe start out by being friends?”

I noticed when her whole body sank. Shit, that didn’t come out right.

She tried to pull her hand away, but I held on to it.

“Wait, that didn’t come out right.”

As she stood up, she took her hand away from mine. “No, it’s fine. You’re right. I don’t expect you to just jump into this like nothing happened. I mean, you don’t even know me.” She gave me a weak smile.

Ah shit. Why do I feel like I just ripped out her heart?

“Heather, please…” I reached out my hand for hers, willing her to take it.

Just as she placed her hand in mine, the door opened with no warning, and Victoria walked in. She glanced down at our hands before her eyes snapped back up to focus on me and then Heather.

“Well, looks like you two are getting to know each other again,” she said with a fake-ass smile.

When she turned and leaned over, I couldn’t help but notice her ass. Damn…girl has been working out these last few years.

I quickly looked away and glanced at Heather. She was watching Victoria’s every move.

Thank God she didn’t see me checking out Victoria’s ass. God, I’m such a dick. I closed my eyes, wishing I could punch myself.

“Well, sorry to break up the reunion between you two, but I have to take Josh for his scan now.” Victoria winked at me.

Fuck. Why is she flirting with me in front of Heather?

When I glanced over at Heather, she was staring at me. I smiled at her, but she looked back over to Victoria.

“Not sure how long this will take, so feel free to stay in the room or go to the waiting room.” Victoria moved past Heather and lifted up the side rail of my bed.

“That’s fine. I’m going to meet Greg and Elizabeth down in the cafeteria for lunch.” Heather turned back to me and smiled.

I liked how she’d called my parents by their first names. Considering that along with how much my parents adored her and the engagement ring…yeah, we must have been really serious. It was bothering me that this was probably killing her. Shit. This girl has me in knots, and I can’t even remember a goddamn thing about her.