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I pointed over to the doorway.

Gunner turned and looked at Gus. “What? The dog?”

“Yes. I can’t do this with him watching us.”

Gunner turned and looked at me with a funny expression on his face. “Uh…it’s never bothered you before.”

“It’s like he knows…”

“He knows what?”

“Oh hell, I don’t know. I just can’t concentrate with him watching us.”

“Okay. Do you want me to shut the door?” Gunner asked with a laugh.

I nodded. Gunner jumped up, made Gus go out in the hallway, and then shut our bedroom door. As he walked back toward me, I opened my legs more to him. He smiled as he grabbed my foot and started to kiss me all the way up my leg. The moment his lips touched my clit, I just about jumped out of the bed. I grabbed his hair and started saying his name over and over again. I didn’t even realize he was on top of me and inside me until he started to move.

“Drew, I love you so much.”

He moved so slowly, in and out of me, as he gently bit down on my earlobe. “I love you more,” he whispered in my ear.

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When I looked up, I saw Mindy walking on the street, heading straight toward me. Shit! What is with this girl? And where in the hell is her husband all the time?

“Hey, Josh. How are the babies?” she asked with a wink.

Fuck me. I glanced down the street. Heather would be coming home any second. “They’re doing great. Thanks.”

“How old are they now?”

“Thirteen weeks old.” I looked back down the street, waiting to see my truck pull up at any moment.

Mindy turned and glanced down the road. When she turned back, she smiled and winked at me. “You must be feeling…overwhelmed. Heather sure looks…tired lately.”

I just looked at her. “Yeah, she is pretty tired. It’s not so easy with twins.”

She bit down on her lip and then stuck her finger in her mouth. “I bet. She probably doesn’t have much time to…fulfill certain needs.”

Motherfucker! This is not happening. As I looked her up and down, I noticed her tits were practically falling out of a short white dress that might as well have been see-through.

“You like what you see, Josh?”

Wait. What? Fuck. I wasn’t checking her out! I looked her right in the eyes. “Listen, Mindy, I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but I happen to be very, very happily married.”

She smiled as she took a step closer to me. I took a step back.

“Oh, I’m happily married also, Josh. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like to…experiment…if you know what I mean.”

“No. I don’t know what you mean.”

“Josh, come on. I’ve seen the way you look at me. I’ve noticed you running by my house again. I know you want me as much as I want you.”

Note to self: Don’t ever run by her house again. I glanced down the street again, looking for Heather. “Okay, I’m going to be blunt with you, Mindy, because I don’t really have time to jack around with this bullshit. I’m not interested in you, I’ve never been interested in you, and I’ll never be interested in you. I only have one woman in my life, my heart, my soul, and in my bed. That woman happens to be my beautiful wife, and she will always be my wife. So, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get back to what I was doing. You can take your pathetic, depressing, and rather sad attempt of coming on to me and turn around. Please…don’t ever bother trying to talk to my wife or me again. The next time you do, I’ll be sure to let your husband know what a piss-poor job he’s doing at keeping his wife happy.”

She stood there, just staring at me, with her mouth dropped open. She finally straightened up her shoulders, turned, and walked away.

I let out the breath I had been holding and shook my head. Next time I see her husband, I think I’ll remind him about that house he was interested in on Barons Creek.

I walked back over and started messing with the fence again. I wanted to have it up and done before Heather and the kids came back. When I heard my truck coming down the street, I turned and watched Heather pull into the driveway as she smiled at me.

Tomorrow was the big birthday party for her, Ells, and Ari out at Ellie and Gunner’s place. They all were twenty-one now, and they were more than ready to get legally drunk, except for Ells, who couldn’t drink because she was three months pregnant.

Heather jumped out of the truck and shut the door. She gave me that smile that just about dropped me to my knees. She leaned back against the truck and raised her eyebrows. I waited for her to turn and get the kids out of the back. When she didn’t, I looked at her funny.

“Um…Heather…don’t you think it might be getting kind of hot to keep Libby and Will in the truck?”

She tilted her head and smiled. “They’re not in the truck.”

“What do you mean they’re not in the truck?”

“Your mom and dad decided to come into town for a bit. They wanted some time with Libby and Will, so they rented a hotel room for tonight.” She raised her eyebrows.

I almost wanted to jump up and down and pump my fist in the air. “We’re alone? Like alone…alone? As in, I can walk through the house naked if I want to?”

She nodded. “Or maybe make love to your wife…in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathtub…you pick.”

My heart dropped to my stomach. I love this girl so damn much I can’t even think straight. “How about all of the above?”

She walked up to me and placed her hands on my chest as she reached up to kiss me. She pulled away and smiled. “I’ve always wanted to say something to you, and now seems like the perfect time to do it.” Her cheeks turned a beautiful rose color.

I smiled, wondering what in the world she could say that would cause her to blush like that. My dick jumped, just thinking about what she might say. “I’m listening.”

“Take me inside, Mr. Hayes, and fuck me.”

My heart slammed in my chest as I looked at her. Jesus. H. Christ. I wasn’t expecting that. “Motherfucker.” I reached down and picked her up.

She slammed her lips against mine and let out the sweetest, sexiest moan I’d ever heard.

As soon as I shut the kitchen door, I put her down and started taking off her tank top. I barely moved my lips from hers, and I only did so long enough for us to pull each of our shirts over our heads. She grabbed me and started running her hands through my hair as she kissed me so passionately that I thought I might come just from the sheer intensity. I started to push her shorts down as she worked at unbuttoning my jeans. I kicked off my boots and helped her get my jeans off. I reached up and unsnapped her bra, and then I pulled her back against me.

“I want you so badly, Josh,” she whispered.

“Do you like these panties?” I asked.

She looked down and then back up at me, confused.

I reached down, and in one quick movement, I ripped the lace panties off her body.

“Oh god.” She leaned back and held on to the kitchen island. “I can’t take it any longer, Josh. I need you inside me…now.”

I reached out and scooped her up in my arms as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

“Your wish is my command, princess.”

As I moved through the house and up the stairs, I smiled, knowing that this was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. She was the only woman I ever wanted to even touch. She would always be my last first kiss.

After I gently put her on the bed, she moved her body up, and then she lay down on her pillow. I looked her up and down as I licked my lips. Her body was beautiful and perfect. I would have never known that she’d just had twins a few short months ago, except for the scar from the C-section. I bent down and kissed along her scar as she let out a long, soft moan.