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“Okay…well, I’ll be sure to have a talk with Ari tomorrow. Thanks, Dew.”

As I hung up, I felt the heat rising in my cheeks. What if he doesn’t want to give me a ride home? It’s not out of his way since he passes the Mathews’ place on his way home…but still. Shit, Ari!

“What’s wrong, Jessie? You look like you’re going to be sick.”

“Um…well, it looks like I have no ride home. Dewey left. Ari had told him I was getting a ride home with you, but I can have him come back and pick me up.”

Scott’s face lit up, and for one brief moment, I was happy that Ari had pulled this stunt.

When the DJ announced the last song, Scott reached for my hand. “One more dance?”

As we walked out to the dance floor, Garth Brooks’s “To Make You Feel My Love” started playing. I felt like I was going to start crying. Why do I care about him so much? I just keep hurting myself.

He pulled me into his arms, and we slowly started to dance. I’d never danced with anyone who two-stepped so gracefully. My heart was beating so hard and fast that I was sure he could hear it. As we danced, he held me closer, and I dared to let myself believe he might be interested in me.

I fit so perfectly against him as he held me while we danced. All five foot three inches of me was wrapped in his strong arms. As the song started to come to an end, he pulled back some and looked into my eyes. I lifted my chin, and before I knew what was happening, he kissed me. I didn’t mean to do it, but I let out a moan as he bit down on my bottom lip.


I couldn’t even talk. My heart was pounding. I’d dreamed of this moment for so long that I just wanted to freeze it in time. I was so afraid that I was dreaming. He captured my lips with his again, and he kissed me with so much passion I wanted to cry.

He moved slightly away from my lips. “Will you come home with me, Jessie?” he whispered.

Holy shit. Is this really happening? I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and smiled as I barely had the strength to answer him. “Yes.”

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The next thing I knew, we were outside, and he had me pressed up against his truck. His hand was up the back of my shirt, and I couldn’t even think straight. Everywhere he touched, my skin was on fire.

I tore my lips from his to catch my breath. “Scott, I don’t do this kind of thing.”

He gave me a confused look. “What kind of thing?”

“This…kissing a guy in a parking lot and saying I’ll go home with him. I just wanted you to know that this isn’t me.”

The smile that spread across his face made me weak in the knees. I felt myself slowly sliding down his truck before he grabbed me and lifted me up. He carried me to the other side, opened the passenger door, and set me in the seat.

“I don’t do this kind of thing either, angel. I’ve never been with anyone besides Chelsea.”

My heart slammed in my chest. What did he just say? I could barely get it out. “What?”

He smiled, leaned in, and kissed me again before he shut the door.

I can’t breathe. He’s only slept with one person—his high school sweetheart…his ex-fiancée…the only other girl who knew how much I lusted after him. Well, Heather, Ari, and Ellie also know, but they don’t count. Do I tell him I’ve only been with Gunner? Oh shit. Oh god, I feel sick.

He jumped into his truck and looked at me with a big ole smile. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

Jesus H. Christ. I’m really going home with Scott Reynolds…to his house…alone…with Scott Reynolds. Oh holy hell.

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The drive to Mason was filled with laughter. I wasn’t sure if we were both just nervous as hell or what. The ache between my legs needed relief so damn bad that I was ready to touch myself just to get it over with. It’s been so damn long since I’d even been with anyone, so I was incredibly scared.

“I have to pee!” I shouted.

Scott looked at me like I was crazy. “What? Right now, Jessie? You can’t wait a few more miles?”

I shook my head. It’d hit me like a ton of bricks. I have to pee now! What the fuck? He needed to pull over, or I was going to piss in my pants.

As soon as Scott pulled the truck over, I jumped out and dropped my pants right on the side of the road. The moment I started to pee, I moaned in relief.

“Shit, Jessie…don’t make noises like that!”

I had to giggle. Then, I moaned again. This time, it was a little louder and lasted a bit longer. I smiled as I hopped up and was about to get my pants back on.

Then, he grabbed me and pushed me up against his truck. He kissed me and placed his hand on my bare stomach. I had the strangest feeling in my stomach. I’d never experienced this before—this intense feeling of need for someone.

He slowly slipped his hand into my panties. I felt the flood of wetness the moment he brushed against my clit.

“Oh god,” I said against his lips.

“Jesus…you’re so wet, angel. I need to get you home, Jessie.”

“Yes…touch me, Scott.”

He moved his other hand up my shirt and under my bra. The second he pinched my nipple, I felt it building.

Jesus H. Christ. Could I have an orgasm this easily?

Then, he slipped his fingers inside me, and that was it. I grabbed his hair and threw my head back against his truck as I cried out in pure pleasure.

As I finally came back to earth, I looked into his eyes as his lips brushed against mine.

“Oh god, Jessie…I want you so badly.”

At this point, I was ready to drop to the ground and tell him to have his way with me. My chest was moving up and down so hard and fast.

“Let’s go.” He reached down and pulled up my pants.

I couldn’t even think straight. That was…that was…amazing.

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As we drove up his long-ass driveway, I could hear my heart beating. I’d dreamed of being with him since the first time he kissed me back in high school. Every damn time he’d called me Tiny, my heart would skip a beat. My brothers had known I liked him in high school, and they’d teased me about it.

Scott pulled up and jumped out. I looked over toward his garage. A dark BMW was parked there. Huh, I couldn’t picture Scott driving a Beemer.

He opened the passenger door and reached in for me before I could attempt to get out of the car myself. After carrying me up the stairs leading to the front door, he slowly slid me down his body, and I could feel how much he wanted me. He put his key into the lock and pushed me back against the door as he started to kiss me. He opened the door, and he began walking me backward into the house, never breaking our kiss.

Then, I heard someone clear her throat.

Scott pulled away from me and looked to his left. “Chelsea?”

Chelsea? I turned to see his ex-fiancée sitting on the sofa.

Scott instantly stepped back and away from me, leaving me stunned for a second.

Are they back together? Did he just get caught cheating? No…he told me tonight she’d left him for one of his best friends.

Scott quickly looked at me. He must have realized what he had done because he took a step back toward me and grabbed my hand. “What in the hell are you doing in my house? How did you get in here?”

Chelsea held up a key as she looked at me like I was something she needed to get rid of and fast. Her expression should have dropped me to the ground. Then, it seemed like she was trying to make herself cry.

She stood up and turned back to Scott. “I really needed to talk to you. You weren’t home, so I figured you wouldn’t mind if I waited. I didn’t know you were bringing a…friend home with you.” She glanced back over toward me.