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“Wow! What was that for?” She smiled and looked into my eyes.

“Can I still move in?”

The look she gave me sent a chill up and down my spine. The lust in her eyes was beyond anything I had ever seen before.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Josh?”

“Yeah, princess?”

“Will you please take me inside and make love to me?”

My heart slammed in my chest. Motherfucker. I never moved so fast in my life. I was out of my truck and on the passenger side so quickly that I thought I even surprised her. After opening her door, I helped her down, took her in my arms, and kissed her again. The low soft moan that came from her lips ran through my whole body.

She pulled away, grabbed my hand, and started walking us toward the deck with the table and grill. After she got out her keys, she was trying to unlock the door, but her hands were shaking, so she could hardly get the key in.

Holy hell. She’s just as nervous as I am. How about that?

When I put my hand over hers, she stopped moving. I turned her around and backed her up against the door while I took the keys out of her hand. I put the key in, and just as I was about to unlock it, I leaned down and started kissing her. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me back with so much passion that I thought I would explode.

I pushed open the door and slowly walked her backward into the house. I kicked the door shut with my foot, and we kept walking until we hit the kitchen island. I picked her up and set her on the island. All the while, we never once broke our kiss.

Heaven…I’m in heaven. I pulled my lips away and rested my forehead against hers. “I’ve waited so long for you.”

“I’ve always been yours. I’ll always be yours.”

“For infinity?”

She let out a giggle. “Yes…for infinity.”

It was pitch dark in the kitchen.

“The lights?” She pointed behind me, next to the door.

Once I turned them on, I saw the size of the kitchen.

“Holy hell, this kitchen is huge, and that island—”

Just then, an image of us on the island flashed into my head.

“Have we…” I started to ask, pointing at the island.

She smiled and nodded as her cheeks flushed.

Fuck me, that is such a turn-on. “How long ago?” I asked.


“How long ago was it when we made love on this?” I winked at her. I just wanted to see her blush again.

“Oh…um…” She closed her eyes and smiled.

She must be picturing it.


She snapped open her eyes, and there it went. Her cheeks flushed, and my dick got rock-hard.

“Late November maybe.” She looked down and away.

I placed my finger on her chin and pulled her face back toward me. I could see her chest quickly moving up and down.

“Breathe, princess.”

“Oh god, Josh. I’ve missed you so much, and I have no idea why I’m so nervous and scared, but this…this…”

“Feels like our first time?”


“Well, for me, it kind of is!” I said with a wink.

She started laughing. “Yeah, I guess it is. I kind of have the advantage. I know what you like me to do!”

I need to be inside her…right now. “Condoms?”

Her smile faded for a second, and she looked like she wanted to say something, but she stopped herself. Then, the smile spread across her face, even bigger than before.

“No, babe, we don’t need one.”

My heart started pounding stronger. She must be on the pill? Sex with no condom! Shit, this just keeps getting better. I pulled her closer to me. “Wrap your legs around me, princess.”

“Your ribs, Josh,” she whispered.

“They’re fine.”

“Do you want a tour of the house?” she asked with a smile.

I threw my head back and laughed. “No…the only thing I want is for you to tell me where the bedroom is.” I looked into her eyes.

She smiled, and my heart fell to my stomach. Shit…I don’t want to fuck this up.

I slowly let her slide down my body, making sure she felt how much I wanted her. She raised her eyebrows and let out a giggle.

My god, she’s breathtaking.

Heather grabbed my hands and led me through the kitchen, dining room, and out to the living room. I looked around, trying to see if anything, anything at all, would spark a memory.


“The master bedroom is upstairs.” She turned to me with the sweetest smile I’d ever seen.

My heart was beating harder and faster with each step I took. Once we got upstairs, I looked around. “Jesus H. Christ. The whole upstairs is the master?”

“Yep! The couple who had it before me remodeled the whole house. Wait until you see the master bath. There are two bedrooms downstairs, too. One is a guest room right now, and the other is an office, but I’m going to change it to a baaa…um…well, someday it will be something different.” She stopped talking and turned away.

She was going to say baby’s room. I wonder if we talked about having a baby soon. Holy shit. I tried so hard to not freak out. “So…can I see this master bathroom?”

She smiled that beautiful smile and nodded.

The moment we walked in, I noticed the cabinets. I closed my eyes as I pictured taking a blindfold off of Heather.

“Did I make these cabinets?” I asked.

She spun around and looked at me. “Yes! Oh my god! Do you remember making them, Josh?”

I had to laugh at how excited she got every time I seemed to remember something. “I remember taking a blindfold off of you…and we were standing in this bathroom.” I looked around. Fuck, I do good work!

She put her hands on my chest and started pushing me out the door. “I have to go pee,” she said with a wink.

“Again? My god, girl. It’s all that water you were drinking tonight!” I pulled her to me and kissed her before she closed the door.

I headed toward the bed and took a good look around. She had her iPod sitting on her iHome, so I reached down and hit play. Tim McGraw’s “One of Those Nights” started playing. I’d heard this song this morning, and it had made me think of Heather. I smiled to myself, thinking how perfect this song was.

I walked over to the dresser and saw a picture of us fishing somewhere. Heather was holding a giant-ass bass, and she had the biggest smile on her face. I took off my boots and then pulled my T-shirt out of my pants. I opened a drawer, and it was filled with my clothes. I smiled as I took out my favorite T-shirt from high school.

Why can’t I remember? I just want to remember what it was like to be with her.

“I love that T-shirt,” Heather said from behind me.

I turned around and sucked in a breath of air. My eyes traveled up and down her body. With a wicked smile on her face, she was leaning up against the doorjamb, wearing only a pink lace bra and matching panties.

Holy shit…I can’t even think straight. “Heather…I, um…I can’t even fucking think straight while looking at you in just your, um…your…um…” I just kept staring at her. She’s perfect. There isn’t a single thing I would change about her.

She let out a laugh as she started to walk toward me. By the time she reached me, George Strait’s “Give It All We Got Tonight” started playing. She placed her hands on my chest and looked up at me. She slowly moved her hand down. She took the T-shirt I was holding out of my hand, and she tossed it to the floor.

“I, um…that was my favorite shirt in high school,” I whispered as I placed my hands on her hips. Oh god…her skin is so soft. I’m not gonna last five minutes.

She licked her lips. “I know.” She slowly started to lift my T-shirt up.

I reached down and helped her get it off. The way she was looking at my body was like she’d never seen it before. I couldn’t be any more turned-on if I wanted to be.

“Dance with me?” she asked.

I pulled her closer to me as she placed her head against my chest. She fits so perfectly in my arms.