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Oh. My. God. This poor girl can’t even talk! “Jessie just mentioned to me how she used to be a tomboy when she was younger, and I just said she certainly wasn’t anymore!” I laughed. “Hey, by the way, is Jessme your nickname?”

Jessie laughed. “No, Drew’s just a really bad drunk. He never could talk right whenever he got drunk!”

Scott threw his head back and laughed. “Damn straight.” Then, he looked at me. “That boy loves you so much. He was actually crying when I threw his ass on the bed. He was begging me to go and get you. Kept saying how he hurt you again. I hope everything is okay between y’all.”

I smiled at Scott. I was starting to warm up to this guy…even though he lived for tormenting Jefferson. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I just had some old…issues…pop up, but I’ve got it now.” I winked at Jessie.

Scott took in a deep breath and slapped his hands together, causing Jessie and me to jump. “Oh shit! Sorry, ladies.” He looked at Jessie.

With the way he was looking at her, I could tell he had a thing for her.

“You need a ride, don’t you, Tiny?”


Jessie frowned at that nickname. “Yeah, I’m staying with Aaron and Jenny, so if you wouldn’t mind dropping me off there, that would be great.” She walked up and hugged me. “Go love on that drunk bastard,” she whispered in my ear.

I let out a giggle as I pulled back and smiled at her.

As I watched them walk toward Scott’s truck, I noticed Scott inching closer and closer to Jessie. He jogged ahead of her, opened the door for her, and then he held out his hand to help her up into the truck.

These Southern boys…damn, they sure know how to melt a girl’s heart.

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I stood in the doorway of our bedroom, just watching Gunner sleep. He was passed out cold. Scott had somehow managed to take off Gunner’s boots, pants, and his shirt. Thank God he was wearing underwear. As he started mumbling in his sleep, I smiled, thinking back to the first time I’d spent the night with him…when he was drunk.

I somehow managed to take off his underwear. I started stripping off my clothes, and then I climbed on top of him. He was lying on his back, so I straddled him. I leaned down and put my lips up against his ear. “Damn you, Drew Mathews. It’s been six weeks, baby,” I whispered.

I moved a little, and I could feel his dick slowly getting harder. I smiled as I rubbed against him. I threw my head back and moved my body over his. Oh god, I want him so badly.

Then, I felt his hands on my hips. I looked down, and he was looking up at me.

“Baby, I’m drunker than all get outs,” he said as he pouted.

I let out a laugh and lowered myself to kiss him. “I know you are, baby…but I want you so bad.”

I moved against him, feeling him grow harder.

“I thought yous hated me. God, please don’t ever hate me. My life would be nothing withouts yous and Awex.”

Oh my god. I love him. I love him. I love him. “I’ve waited over six weeks to have sex with you, Gunner. We’re having sex whether you can move or not. Just don’t throw up on me!” I moved up and then slowly sat back down on him.

Oh god. It hurt, but it felt like heaven at the same time. Jesus…he’s filling every ounce of me.

“Holy hell, Ells…Jesus, you’re so warm. Yous feel so good. Move, baby…please move.”

I started moving up and down, in circles, all over him until I found that perfect spot. Oh god, yes…there it is. “Oh, Gunner…it feels so good. I don’t want to come yet.” I slowed down.

“Ells, I’ms not going to last much longer, baby,” Gunner panted.

I started to move faster. “Oh god…oh yes, Gunner! That feels so good.”

Before I knew it, I was calling out his name. He sat up and wrapped his arms around me as he moaned in pleasure.

We just sat there and held each other for a few minutes until my breathing got under control.

“Fuckin’ A, baby. Drunk or not, that was amazing!” I said with a giggle. “Gunner?” I tried to pull back from him, but he had his head on my chest, and all his weight was leaning up against me.

Oh. My. God. He’s fucking asleep? I reached behind me and pulled his arms off of me. I watched as he fell back and hit the pillow.

“Feels so damn good, baby.”

I just stared at him. “We’re done,” I said.

“Hmm…Ellie…yous feel so good, baby.”

I slowly got up and off of him. I kneeled down next to him. “Gunner! We. Are. Done. As in…we’re finished having sex.” I watched him roll over as he tried to reach for me.

“Oh yeah, baby…smex with yous amazing. God, I love you, Ells.”

I shook my head while my drunker-than-drunk husband was lying there, sleeping. My heart filled with so much love for him. I knew with every ounce of my being that he only loved Alex and me.

I’ll have to apologize tomorrow…but he still has to make up for this in the morning.

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Jesus H. Christ. My hands were sweating, and I had to keep wiping them on my pants. I glanced over at Heather when I was stopped at a stoplight. She was looking out the window.

Is she just as nervous as I am? I mean, it’s not like we haven’t had sex before. Fuck. I don’t remember having sex with her.

“So which way should I go?”

“At the next light, you’ll want to turn right.” She looked at me and smiled. “Sorry, I guess I kind of forgot that in your mind, you’ve never been to our…I mean, my house before.” Her smile faded a bit.

“So, I was getting ready to move in?” I asked.

“Yeah…I mean, you pretty much made the decision. You were packing up your place. After your accident, your mom and I went to your apartment to get you some clothes. That was when I saw all those packed boxes. I think you were going to surprise me with moving in sooner,” she said with a wink.

As I turned right, we started driving through a neighborhood. It had mostly bungalow-type houses, and they were cute as fucking hell. When I came up to a stop sign, Heather pointed to the house on my left. It was across the street on the corner. The lights were on, so I was able to get a good look at it.

Red tin roof. Looks like a white clapboard house.

“Just go straight down the driveway, and the detached garage is behind the house.”

I pulled in and headed back to the garage. I saw a two-car garage, and the doors looked like barn doors. I put the truck in park and shut it off.

“You ready for the tour…again?” Heather asked with a laugh.

I turned and grabbed her hand. “Wait, you walk from here to your house…alone…in the dark?”

“Um, yeah. I guess if I get home after dark, I do. Why?”

“It’s dangerous!”


“Heather, I’m not so sure I like the idea of you walking so far in the dark. Anyone could just pull up and grab you. Where the fuck was I when you bought this house?”

She sat there, stunned, as she stared at me. “Well, uh…we weren’t really together when I bought the house,” she said.

I turned back and looked at it. There was a huge deck in the backyard. Damn, we could have some fun parties on that thing. I looked over to my left, and there was a smaller deck with an outdoor table and grill. Ah hell yeah. This place fucking rocks. The lot is big, and if we put up a fence, I could get a dog.

I looked back at Heather. “Two decks?”

She smiled and nodded.

“Did we ever have any parties here?”

She started laughing. “Yep! We had a party here last fall, celebrating Ellie’s, Ari’s, and my birthday. It was a blast. You kept hounding me to put up a fence, so you could get a dog!” She laughed some more.

My heart stopped. I reached over and pulled her to me. I took her mouth with mine. Oh god, she tastes just like honey. So damn sweet. I want her so much. I need her so much. I slowly pulled way and smiled.