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“Jesus. You’ll make me come if you keep that up for another second.”

I licked my lips and smiled up at him. The expression on his face was priceless: half-dazed, half in agony, I knew he was close to the point of no return.

Ryder pulled me up his body, and I felt my hardened nipples scrape along his skin. He let out a long hiss. Holding the back of my head, he kissed me long and hard, every ounce of his longing poured into that one kiss. Finally he released my mouth.

“Ride me. Make me come hard,” he ordered, his voice gruff.


I was dying to get his cock inside me. I ripped the foil with my teeth, barely caring if I bit a hole in the fucking condom, I was that desperate to have him fill me. My fingers trembled as I placed it onto the tip of his cock. He sensed my uncertainty and covered my hands with his, helping me to roll it on. Shit, it was sexy as hell. I squeezed my thighs together, the ache in my pussy becoming unbearable.

“Eager, Princess?” he murmured, chuckling softly.

I nodded. We were equally desperate, and this wasn’t the time for talking.

Pushing upward, I lifted my body and his hands cupped my ass and squeezed. “Perfect. Your ass is perfect.”

I smiled back at him as I took his cock in my hand and guided it to my waiting entrance.

“Ryder,” I gasped as his hands guided me down and his cock drove into me, filling me to the hilt.

“Good girl.” It was a fullness I loved experiencing.

“Now ride me,” he said, a smile twisting the corners of his mouth as he reached up and grabbed my breasts in both hands and squeezed hard.

Finding strength in my thighs, I rode his cock, slamming down onto his balls each time. He pulled me forward and sucked a nipple into his mouth before biting down on the hard nub. I squealed, trying hard not to make a noise. The combination of pleasure and pain drove me to the edge.

His fingers found their way to my clit and he circled the sensitive bud till all my senses exploded. “Ryder. Please. I'm going to come.” I panted, frantic for release.

“Come, baby. Come for me.” His voice was husky, and his command sent me over the edge.

I let go. “Yes. Baby,” I breathed, my voice barely above a whisper. Wave after wave of delicious ripples passed through my body, gripping his cock as I convulsed around him.

“Fuck. That’s it for me too.”

His eyes rolled back in his head before he closed them and I watched his beautiful face as he came apart, pumping into me.

He pulled me to his chest and I lay on top of him. His arms tightened around me, his chest heaving with exertion. He planted a kiss on my forehead.

Completely sated, we fell asleep as the birds started twittering outside, a sure sign that dawn was approaching.

Chapter 5 ~ Jade

The morning had come all too quickly, and Ryder and I had dozed off in one another’s arms, exhausted, sweaty, and thoroughly fucked. I would probably still be sleeping if it weren’t for my phone waking me. I let it go to voicemail.

Since I was awake, I decided to get home before Ryder woke and tried to stop me. I slipped on my dress and tiptoed to the door. Luckily Ryder was out cold, so I snuck out of the house and found my shoes by the front door. I walked to the sidewalk before I called for a taxi.

While I waited for the taxi, I scrolled through the nine text messages Marcus had left me. Then I listened to the thirteen voice messages, deleting them one by one. From what I could gather, Marcus was in a spin; he’d left the party and gone home, avoiding my father so that he didn’t need to explain to him that I’d caught him with his pants down and his dick inside the new secretary. Or that I’d gone off on the back of a badass biker’s motorcycle. I suppressed the urge to giggle, thinking of Marcus and his panicked expression when we rode off, leaving him on the sidewalk.

I didn’t think Marcus ever imagined that good girl Jade would really go through with something like that. And he was right—a mere few months ago I wouldn’t have dreamed that I’d behave like this. Jesus, I would’ve slapped a libel suit on anyone who dared to degrade and insult me with such an accusation.

Now, here I was, sneaking to my bedroom like a teenager, my shoes in my hand, wearing Ryder’s shirt over my dress. I looked a goddamn mess, and I hoped I could get to my room before being spotted and interrogated.

“Jade, is that you, honey?” Mom’s voice was laced with worry.

“Yes, I’m home. And everything’s fine.”

She caught me just as I reached my bedroom. Her eyes narrowed and she drew a deep breath. “I’m glad you’re safe. But you had me really worried. It’s not like you, Jade. You didn’t even behave like this when you were younger. . .”

“I know. And maybe I should’ve. Because I grew up to quickly, and never had a chance to just be a crazy teenager.”

“Then why start now? Who is the man that you slept with last night? I know it’s not Marcus. And good Lord, you look a mess. Must’ve been a rough night.”

Mom never sugarcoated her words. I appreciated that about her, because I always knew exactly where I stood.

“Daddy?” I enquired, yawning behind my hand. My eyes were about to fall closed. I’d hardly slept and after the vigorous . . . exercise Ryder had put me through, I was sore and tired.

She shook her head. “He’s asleep. I gave him something to help him doze off. Go have a shower, Jade. I’ll bring you a cup of tea. Looks like you could do with it.”

I shot her a grateful glance. I wasn’t off the hook—I knew Sylvia Summers better than that—but she’d let me clean up and sleep first, so that I was up to the full-on interrogation that lay ahead.

“Dad called Harrison. Just thought you should know. All Marcus said after Dad finally got through to his phone is that you left on the back of a motorcycle. Is that true?” A small smile twisted the corners of her mouth. She was the one who’d taught me to always know the rules so that I could break them properly if need be.

I nodded. “Yes. But there’s much more to the story that I’m sure Marcus didn’t bother to elaborate on.”

She gave me a knowing smile. “As there always is. I’ll go make that tea now, and we can talk later.”

As soon as she left, I went for a shower. The sooner I washed the smell of Ryder off my body, the better. He’d covered every inch of my skin with his mouth, and as I touched myself while soaping up, I couldn’t help but remember the ecstasy all over again. I was sore, but it was a feeling I’d never known before, and something I definitely wanted to feel again.

With Ryder.

And there lay the problem. Now that he’d stoked my fire, it was going to be difficult to smother the flames. Just thinking about him made my heart beat that bit faster.

I needed to sleep. It was the only way my brain could process all of this and become clear again. I had to shake the sex fog, and become the practical woman I always was.

But it had felt so good to be free.

So good to give myself completely.

So good to be thoroughly fucked by a gorgeous, strong and virile man like Ryder Knox.

Thankful that Mom had just left the tea on my bedside table. I drank it and crawled between the sheets.

A smile came to my lips. I wanted Ryder messing on these Egyptian cotton sheets while fucking me into oblivion.

I needed to find my own place.


Chapter 6 ~ Ryder

I rolled over and reached for her. How was it possible that it felt like Jade had always belonged here—in my bed? I couldn’t get enough of her. Everything about her turned me on: the taste of her skin, her mouth . . . and her pussy. But not only her body and the way she looked—I loved the way her mind worked too. And there was something sweet and caring about her that appealed to me more than I’d want to admit.