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“Now listen the fuck up. You’re staying. You can fight, but you can't run.” He removed his hand from my mouth warily. “I'm going to unlock the door now. Think of Mia and the kids, and for fuck’s sake keep quiet. We don’t want to wake them at two in the morning. OK?”

I nodded. I didn’t want Mia to see me like this. And I didn’t want to disturb the little ones’ sleep. I’d wait till we got to his room before I attempted my escape. He had to let me go—nothing good could come from this.

Without a word, he knelt down in front of me, his hands on the backs of my thighs, ensuring I wasn’t going anywhere. Sweet Jesus, what was he going to do to me now? My heart beat erratically in my chest, my pussy clenching as his warm breath caressed over my skin.

His face was right in front of my sex. He took a deep breath.

Jesus. Shit.

My panties flooded with my juices. I couldn’t stop them even if I wanted to.

“Ahhh, fuck,” Ryder groaned, his voice primal and guttural.

I sucked in a breath, my knees growing weak. He lifted a foot onto his knee.

What the hell?

I closed my eyes.

Oh sweet Jesus, I wanted his mouth on me.

I expected him to dive in under my dress that was hardly covering my mound. Instead he let out a deep sigh and removed my shoe. He set my foot down again, and proceeded to do the same with the other foot.

I stood barefoot in front of him now, his face inches from my pussy.

He chuckled softly and licked the exposed skin on top of my thigh, just above where the lace of my stocking ended. By now, my legs were trembling. He gripped my hips and jerked me toward his face, then pushed my legs open and my thong to the side, nose-diving straight into my wetness. His tongue tasted me in one long swoop.

“Christ,” he groaned, “so fucking wet for me.”

He plunged two fingers inside. I whimpered, opening my legs wider, like a slut wanting more. My fingers tangled in his hair, holding his head to my sex. I was practically fucking his face—in front of the open door.

Ryder stood up quickly, my shoes clattering to the ground as he lifted me into his arms.

“Got to have you now,” he hissed. “You’re so ready for fucking.”

I leaned my head against his chest and breathed him in. He smelled like sex. God, what was it about this man that messed with my head so much I couldn’t think straight?

“Hmmm,” I moaned, unable to produce a coherent sentence.

He carried me in through the dimly lit hallway to the guest room where I had fallen asleep with the kids a few weeks ago. I hadn’t known then that this was where Ryder slept. I'd assumed Mia was his woman, and that he slept with her in the master bedroom. A twinge stabbing at my heart made me realize how little I liked the idea of Ryder fucking Mia.

No, I wanted Ryder to fuck me. And only me.

He pushed the door closed with the back of his foot and set me down on the bed. My eyes were still adjusting to the darkness of the room when I heard a belt buckle crashing to the floor, and then the slide of a zipper. He clapped his hands twice, and the bedside lamps lit up automatically.

I gasped. His beautiful erection was standing proud, thick veins from his cock pulsing, pre-cum on the tip glowing in the soft light.

I licked my lips involuntarily.

Ryder grinned, knowing exactly what I wanted. To taste him.

He crawled up the bed, covering my body with his. He pushed my dress up to my waist.

Sucking in a breath, he warned me. “This is going to be hard and fast, Princess. We have the rest of the night to fuck slowly. There will be no sleeping.”

I swallowed hard.

“You can taste me. Later. Now I'm going to fuck the shit out of your pussy that’s already so wet for me.”

He sat back and pushed my legs open, his thick fingers wrapping around the thin elastic of my thong, and with a strong jerk, he ripped them right off my body.

I was fully exposed to his eyes for the first time.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he growled, his eyes on fire.

Coming from Ryder, that was the best compliment I'd ever had.

His thumb circled my clit, pushing my need for him up another notch. I whimpered, needy, ready, wanting him inside me.

Ryder didn’t disappoint. He took his cock in his hand and rubbed the pre-cum over the tip with his thumb. I drew in a breath—watching him being so primal was erotic beyond words. He quickly rolled a condom on and nudged my opening, rubbing his cock in my wet folds, lubricating himself so he would slide into me like a hot knife into butter.

Jesus, it was sexy. My pussy was throbbing—my heartbeat in my sex. Frantic. Wild. Ready.

He thrust into me with a feral animalistic groan, his hips bucking as he fucked me hard. No slow stroking, no stretching me first. He was as caveman as a guy could get.

And I loved it.

He bit into my shoulder, his balls slapping against my ass as he drove into me again and again.

I slipped my arms under his T-shirt and dug my nails into his skin, pushing my heels into his ass so he would go deeper.

“Greedy little cunt,” Ryder rasped.

“Yes,” I hissed. I knew it, and right now I didn’t care, as long as he kept fucking me hard. I'd never been fucked like this before, and I knew that after this, I could never go back to gentle-only again.

“Going to come, babe. Your pussy’s so tight.”

Damn, his dirty mouth turned me on, his words pushing me over the edge.

“Me . . . me too,” I moaned, trying my best to be quiet. I definitely didn’t want Mia or the kids waking and hearing our sexual grunting noises.

“Come.” His voice was husky yet demanding.

Just that one word and I spiraled out of control, my sex clenching wildly, gripping his cock as I rode my orgasm, thrusting my hips to meet his.

“Fuck, bitch . . . Princess . . . Jade. Fuck.”

He let go, pumping into me violently as he bit into my neck.

Our chests heaved, our breathing out of control, desperate for air, our bodies trembling as we held one another.

“Never.” Ryder panted. “Never . . . had a woman like you. You're my bitch, now. Only mine. That pussy is mine.”

I laughed softly. Yeah, I was his bitch. And my pussy was definitely his.

For now, at least.

Tomorrow? Hell, I didn’t know.

Chapter 3 ~ Ryder

Princess had me by the balls. Every time I got inside her pussy, it just made me crave more. I couldn’t get enough of her.

I knew without a doubt that I couldn’t settle for anything less. There was something so different with Jade, a tugging at my heart and soul I'd never felt before. I was in fucking unknown territory. Usually it excited the hell out of me—I thrived on challenges and exploring new opportunities. But this was on another level completely.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to understand what was going on with me.

“Ryder, I’ve got to go,” she whispered, her face buried in my neck.

“No.” I grunted. “Stay.”

“My family—”

I couldn’t let her go. “I'm not done with you, babe. That was just the start.”

“Yeah? And then, Ryder? What about tomorrow, and the next day? It just gets harder the more we do this.”

I looked into her eyes. They were sad.

“Night ain't over, Princess. You said we had one night. Till the sun rises you’re still mine.”

“Ryder,” she gasped.

“Call your family. That’s what phones are for. Tell them you’re safe, and that you aren’t coming home tonight.”

She stared at me for a long time. Different emotions flickered through her eyes. I watched in amazement as she battled with her inner self. Would she stay? Did she understand how much I wanted her?

After what felt like forever, the ends of her mouth curved up ever-so-slightly.

I’d won.

“OK. But only tonight. When the sun rises, it’s over. Deal?”