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I fisted his length, stroking up and down while I squeezed his balls. His eyes rolled back in his head. “Jesus, Princess. Be gentle. My balls want to explode.”

I chuckled softly as I raised my hips from the water and sank down again, taking him inside me. I’d been dying to have him there and now I knew how much he wanted me, I also knew we would be OK. It wouldn’t be easy, but hell, we had one another. That was enough for me. We’d work the rest out as we went. Now, I wanted Ryder to possess me. I wanted him to show me just how much he loved me.

He reached between us and rubbed my clit whist I rode his cock, sending the water splashing in waves around us as I rose and fell on his cock. The sensation was pure bliss, the friction driving me crazy, till I was seconds from spiraling out of control. I bit into his neck, moaning loudly as I came apart on his cock, milking him for all I was worth.

“Jesus, baby. You feel so good. My cock loves you,” he croaked, swallowing hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. His fingers dug into my ass as he pumped into me, calling my name.

Well, at least his cock admitted to loving me. I could live with that.

Our chests heaved as we came down from our high, knowing that this was just the start. We had the rest of our lives to look forward to—together.

Once our breathing settled, Ryder soaped my body, gently and with reverence, caressing every inch of my skin. I let him pamper me, lying back and just enjoying the pleasure of being cared for by my man.

When it was my turn, I soaped up my hands, and sitting on my heels, massaged the soap into his skin, too. He closed his eyes, humming with pleasure as I stroked his cock, cuddled his balls, and caressed his back and torso, tracing my fingers along the outline of each tattoo.

I’d noticed the new earring in his left earlobe when he’d walked into the security room hours ago, but never had the chance to comment or acknowledge it. Now I went to town; I simply couldn’t resist sucking on it.

Baby.” His cock hardened again. He tangled his fingers in my hair, gripping tightly.

“Suck me,” he commanded, rising to sit on the raised molded chair in the corner of the triangle. Now I finally understood what those were for. He pushed his cock into my mouth, holding my head down. Cupping his balls in my hands, I took all of him, letting him fuck my mouth, listening to the panting sounds he made in appreciation.

He pulled my hair backward. His eyes were dark; he was on the edge. “Enough. Let’s get back to the bedroom,” he said, “got to get inside you.”

I smiled up at him, happy that I could give him so much pleasure.

He stepped out of the bath and wrapped a towel around his waist. I laughed as his cock peeped out. His raging erection wasn’t behaving for a second. “See how my cock can't get enough of you?” He joked as he held a towel for me.

He dried me briskly, his mouth sucking up some of the water droplets from my stomach as he dried between my legs. I moaned as his tongue rimmed my belly button. It wasn’t fair; as he dried my skin, I was getting wetter.

His finger stroked between my legs as if he’d read my mind. “Wet for me, baby?” He chuckled.

“So wet, Ryder. So ready for you, baby.” His eyes widened at my cheeky response. He laughed as he lifted me in his arms and carried me back to the bed. Since when did he think I was incapable of walking? I snuggled my face into his neck and breathed deeply. Yep, Ryder smelled like sex. There was just no other way to describe it. Every hormone in my body went completely wild.

He laid me on the bed, and crawled over me. “My Princess . . . my bitch,” he groaned, “all mine.”

He switched on the bedside lamp, and I drew in a breath when I took in the bedroom. I'd only seen it in dim light, and hadn’t noticed the mirrors surrounding us, even on the ceilings. Oh my.

Ryder parted my legs. “Watch me as I eat you, baby,” he commanded. Fuck, it was hot.

My eyes were glued to the mirror above me. I watched as his fingers spread my lips apart. We both sucked in a breath at how wet I was, my pussy glistening in the dim light. “Fuck, baby, got to taste you.”

His head disappeared between my legs. God, I could have come on the very first lick over my swollen pussy. It felt so good. I moaned, unashamed, letting Ryder know just how much pleasure he was giving me. He sucked, and licked, and kissed, and slurped up my juices, all as I watched his head move over my sex. My fingers tangled in his hair, never wanting his mouth to leave my pussy. He stuck three fingers inside me, stroking against my G-spot till I couldn’t handle it any longer, writhing and moaning like a slut.

“Come baby, squirt for me,” he commanded.

Jesus. Fuck. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I felt a tingle so divine, from my toes to my core, hot flushes rushing over my skin, on the verge of an eruption. His fingers were relentless, driving me higher and higher till my back arched off the bed, and I screamed his name.

“Ryder! Baby!” I screamed into the night as I felt an orgasm shake my body so violently I thought I’d pass out.

“Fuck. You taste so good,” he mumbled, hardly coherent himself.

“Inside. I want you inside,” I whimpered as my body rode one wave after the other.

Ryder obliged, his cock slipping in to my wetness, his breath panting in my ear.

Watching him in the mirror, his body over my body, his fingers entwined in mine, holding my arms above my head as he fucked me hard was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. With every thrust his ass contracted, and his thighs worked in perfect harmony as he pumped into me over and over.

“You're so fucking hot,” he rumbled. “Watch me fuck you, baby.” He went balls-deep, the sound of his flesh slapping against mine loudly in the silence of the night. Watching him ride me hard, my legs wrapped around his waist, my heels digging into his ass to help him go even deeper.

“Baby, I'm going to come,” I cried out, stunned that I was about to follow my body into another mind-blowing orgasm.

“Come with me, Jade. I'm ready to burst.” His voice was strained. He was on the very edge of no return.

I'd never known such sheer ecstasy could exist. I was lost to everything but this one perfect moment. Nothing could be better.

“Fuck. Jade, I love you!” he cried out.

I was wrong. This was better than anything.

I squeezed my eyes closed, unable to breathe as I registered his words.

“Coming baby,” he growled as I lost control, and fell off the edge with him.

The force with which he pumped into me was so primal and raw. He was putting everything of himself into this very moment.

“Baby. Open your eyes, I want to see you.” His voice was hardly above a whisper.

My eyes opened, and I stared into his, mere inches from my face. What I saw made me gasp. His eyes were shining, adoration so clear it warmed the furthest corner of my soul.

“I love you, Jade. With all my heart. Only you, baby,” he said, softly, a smile twitching at the corners of his mouth.

This was indeed the best moment of my life.

“Oh Ryder, I love you so much,” I whispered back, scared that if I spoke too loudly, I’d break the magic spell that was woven around us. That was only the beginning of our journey together. We both wanted this. Our love was undeniable. Even though I’d fought it, never believing it could work, Ryder was showing me differently.

I wanted him and his love more than anything. I wanted to spend every hour of every day as close to him as I could be. I wanted to be his princess, his woman, his bitch . . . his old lady. I wanted to have his babies.

Sure, the future was unknown. Neither of us had a crystal ball to know how it would all turn out. We had our families to deal with, the odds were stacked against our happily ever after.