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Did Jade feel the same?

I walked her backward and pushed her ass against the counter, grinding my hardness into her. She groaned. My lips found the soft, warm skin under her ear and nibbled gently.

My hand snuck under her dress, targeting that fucking bright-pink thong. She’d worn them under a white dress on purpose—to drive my cock wild. I felt the dampness of the scrap of lace. She was fucking soaked.

“Spread your legs,” I ordered.

I bit softly into her neck as my fingers found their way under the fabric and into her wetness. “You need my fucking cock, don’t you?”

She didn't answer. I jammed two fingers into her, gauging her readiness. She was more than ready. Her head rolled backward as I slowly finger-fucked her.

She whimpered as I gripped a handful of hair and pulled hard, staring into her glazed eyes. “Princess. Tell me you need my cock.”

Her voice was barely above a whisper. “I need you.”

“Tell me you need my cock. Beg for it.”

“Ryder,” she moaned.

“Tell me you wore these pink panties for me. So I would fuck you.”

“I did. I wore them for you. I knew they’d please you.”

“Ahh, you beautiful slut, I knew you did,” I crooned triumphantly. “Now tell me how much you need my cock to fuck you.”

I stuck a third finger into her, massaging her G-spot. She bit her lip, her hands gripping the counter, her knuckles white.

“I won't let you come till you beg me.”

Her breath came in small spurts. She was close. “Ryder, please. I need your cock. Inside. Fucking me.” Her voice was hoarse, and sexy as hell.

Jesus Christ.

She’d turned the tables on me, and just like that, I wasn’t the one in control. I had to get inside that pussy. Now.

Turning her around to face the counter, I pushed her cheek to the cool marble.

“Hold on.” I pulled my jeans and boxers down and quickly rolled on a condom. We needed to talk about that. I didn't want latex between us again.

I leaned down and pulled her panties down her legs. “Step out,” I commanded. I needed these for later. I was keeping them.

My cock slid into her and I sighed, kissing her neck. My hands found her tits and squeezed as I slipped my cock in and out of her.

I pulled hard on her nipples, wanting to make her cry out. I had to punish her for making me want her so much that I ached all over when she was gone, and even more when she was close. She was my drug. Princess had hooked me with her smart mouth and sweet pussy. I couldn’t get enough, and now she had to pay for that.

“God, Ryder. Harder,” she groaned, pushing her ass backward.

Fuck. She was enjoying it.

I gripped her throat and squeezed, my free hand slipping to her clit and strumming it with my thumb while I held her body down against the cold countertop with my weight.

Jade was mine. I owned her. I owned her pussy and her orgasm.

Princess couldn’t scream my name out loud with the others in the house. But the way her body shook, I knew she would’ve if I didn't keep her quiet.

“Grip my cock with your pussy. Make me come,” I croaked as I rode her at breakneck speed, fucking her hard, my balls slapping against her perfect ass.

She did. Her pussy milked my cock as she rode her orgasm, gasping for air as I possessed her completely, even controlling how much air she breathed.

Jesus. This woman was perfect. Perfect for me.

Chapter 10 ~ Jade

Back home in my bed, I ran earlier events through my head again. After I’d succumbed so easily to Ryder, against my better judgment, I knew I had to get out of there as fast as possible, or I’d end up in his bed—again.

Mia and the kids stayed in the main bedroom with Cobra—I’d heard the kids laughing and chattering. It would be a while before they were ready to share their time with anyone outside their close little family unit.

I hadn’t planned on seeing Ryder, although, in all honesty, I was hoping he’d be there. My disappointment at not seeing him when I picked up the kids made me decide not to get my hopes up, just in case he wasn’t around when I returned. It was my lucky day when I found him lazing by the pool. He was like honey, and I was the bee—I couldn’t have resisted him even if I’d tried.

Tossing around in my bed, I knew I had to explain to Ryder why I couldn’t keep on seeing him. That it wasn’t because I was a snob or looked down on him. Because I didn't any longer. Shame washed over me as I remembered how I’d treated Ryder when I’d first met him. He was right—I’d acted like a bitch. But I had reasons.

Good reasons. One of them was because of my dear brother. My heart squeezed when I thought of him.

There was nothing cheerful about Harrison Summers. The permanent scowl on his handsome face only softened when he was at home, around me, and our parents. I loved Harrison with all my heart—he was the best brother a girl could wish for. Except that he was overbearingly protective, ever since the day of The Incident.

It took years of therapy to shake the guilt that it was my fault, and that I was to blame that Harrison was like this. Although it took place nearly ten years ago, whenever I had a flashback, it was as vivid as if it had happened only yesterday.

Ryder insisting on being in my life had brought on just such a flashback. I sat up, bewildered, images rushing through my brain.

No, please, I don't want to remember . . .

Huddled against the headboard, my knees drawn to my chest, I rocked myself as tears streamed freely down my cheeks.

* * *

Harrison kissed Amy and swatted her on the ass. “Go ahead with the others, babe. Get into the long line at the entrance. We don’t want to be late for the concert. Jade and I will catch up.”

He turned to me and laughed. “Hurry, Sis, you’re going to make us late. Go get your sweater—I’ll wait right here for you.” I was always losing stuff and luckily Harrison was patient with me. Love for my big brother surged through me—he knew me so well.

I nodded and ran back into the fast-food restaurant to get the sweater I’d accidentally left behind. It was my favorite; I’d be crushed if I lost it. Besides, it usually got cold in the evenings, and at outdoor events and I'd need it to keep me warm. Harrison and his other friends had girlfriends to cuddle with if they were cold. I was alone.

It was my first live concert, and adrenaline spiked my bloodstream—I didn’t want to miss a second of Karma Electric, they were my favorite band. I swiped up my sweater from where it had dropped on the floor.

I was lucky my parents had agreed to let me go to the event with Harrison on a week night, so I didn't want to spoil his evening. And I’d hoped Harrison would invite me again the next time he and his buddies went to a rock concert. Those were the perks of having an older brother. My friends at school were all jealous that I’d get to see the dreamy new lead singer of the band before they did.

“Got it?” Harrison shot me an impatient glance as he crushed the cigarette with his foot. I never knew my brother smoked till tonight.

“Yeah. Sorry. It was on the floor.”

“Put it on before you drop it again.”

Harrison chuckled as he watched Amy blow him a kiss, and tore his gaze away from the little group halfway across the large opening to help me dutifully into my sweater.

Gunshots rang out.

Both our heads jerked toward the ominous sound. What we saw would scar us for life. Both of Harrison’s friends and their girlfriends were mowed down, including Amy. I screamed so loudly that I couldn’t hear Harrison’s words to me, but his expression told me to stay put. I couldn’t have moved if I tried to, I was frozen to the spot. Pandemonium broke out around me. People were screaming hysterically, and running around blindly. I watched Harrison run across the patch of grass, reaching Amy just as the cops did.