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Two Worlds Colliding

Scorpio Stinger MC - 1

Jani Kay

The Scorpio Stinger MC Series is dedicated to my son, Neil.

The Scorpio in my life.

Love you with all my heart.

~ Jade ~

I'd behaved like a slut. But it was worth it. I'd just had the best sex of my life.

Pity it couldn't ever happen again.

Ryder didn't believe me when I told him earlier. He was going to find out the hard way.

So this was what it felt like to let go. To have multiple orgasms. To be thoroughly fucked by a magnificent man who knew what he wanted.

Nothing would ever compare to this experience. I was glad I'd had the opportunity to have this one night with Ryder. I'd given freely and received so much in return. Ryder was indeed the sex god I'd imagined him to be.

It was everything I'd always hoped for. When reading romance novels and dreaming about the perfect man, playing with BOB, I'd hoped it would be this good.

Poor B.O.B., he'd have a hard time to satisfy me after this.

Ryder scooped me into his arms, pulling me tightly to his chest.

I let him hold me, savoring the moment, his warmth and his closeness, because the memory of tonight would have to last a long time.

To Ryder, I was most likely nothing more than another fuck—quickly forgotten when the next one came along. My heart twisted at the thought. If only there could be more.

But I was a realist too, in spite of being a hopeless romantic. I knew it was impossible. We were completely wrong for one another. We couldn't be more different—in every way.

And there was my family to contend with too.

“Babe,” he groaned, “got to get you home now. I've got to get back to the house.”

At least he had a valid reason. He wasn’t giving me a bullshit story, just to get rid of me now he’d had me.

“Yes, we better get back.” More than likely my parents were worried about me by now. Dad probably had Harrison and half of the LAPD looking for me. He had connections in high places, and he’d use them in a situation like this.

What had Marcus told him, if anything?

This was going to be more than complicated to explain to my family.

Yet, I would never regret this one night of wild abandon. Now I could settle for the life my parents wanted for me, at least knowing I’d had one night of uninhibited fucking. Every person should experience it at least once in their lifetime. I’d had my shot at it tonight—I was happy.

“You can't drop me at home. My family is probably looking for me by now.”

Shaking his head, Ryder growled, “I need to know that you are home safely.”

“My family will see you. That’s not safe for you.”

“I'm not good enough for you,” he said, his face deadpan.

I shook my head. “No, it’s not that.” I bit my lip, hesitating. “My brother—he’s a cop.”

He sucked in a breath.

“And—?” He sensed that there was more to my revelation than I was letting on.

“He...he hates bikers.”

His eyebrow quirked. I had his full attention now.

With a vengeance.” Even that was putting it mildly.

He cupped my face and tilted my head so that I was staring into his eyes.

“If you rate me as someone who gives a flying fuck about what other people think of me, you are sorely mistaken.”


He placed a finger on my lips, silencing me.

“The only person—outside of my club—whose opinion about me counts, is right in front of me, staring at me with big blue eyes, and a mouth with lips so sweet, I just want to kiss the shit out of them.”

“He’ll kill you, Ryder.”

“Let him give it his best shot. Because when I want something, I always get it. And right now, I want more of your sweet pussy. Ain't nobody gonna stop me getting that.”

My heartbeat quickened. “Yeah?” It was the crudest way a man could tell a woman he wanted her, but coming from Ryder, it was sexy as hell.

“Yeah. Bet your pussy is clenching right now. Bet you want me again.”

I gasped. How did he know? Was I that transparent?

He chuckled, “I know because my cock is aching to get back inside you. I love your greedy little cunt.”

“Sweet Jesus, Ryder!” I slapped his arm, even though his dirty talking turned me on beyond comprehension. And the way he called me bitch...and princess...and babe...every word from his mouth dripped with sexual innuendo. It was the way he said it, not the words themselves. I couldn’t get enough.

“You were made for fucking, babe. And I'm going to fuck you till you can't walk. That pussy’s mine now. For as long as it’s mine, no other man will touch you.”

He was thinking with his dick. That didn't bode well for when he realized just what I'd told him.

After The Incident, Harrison had zero tolerance toward MC clubs and bikers. He blamed them for ruining his life. My brother would kill him on sight if he knew I'd fucked Ryder.

My life had just become complicated. It had more twists than any romance novel I'd ever read. Because I wouldn’t be able to resist Ryder, even if I knew it could lead to his death.

How fucked up was that?

“I'm serious. This can't happen again. You can't come anywhere near me. It’s not going to end well. I don't want you dead.”

He laughed, a low ominous sound. “I'll take my chances. Your pussy is mine. Nothing is going to stop me from taking it whenever I want it. And that will be all the time. Get used to it, Princess.”

Full blown dread rose in my chest. My throat tightened until I struggled to breathe.

The stubborn asshole biker isn’t going to listen to me.

Two men I cared about were going to be at war, and I was helpless to stop it.

There would be casualties. Blood even.

Two worlds were colliding.

Mine and Ryder’s.

Just what in heaven’s name had I gotten myself into?

Chapter 1 ~ Ryder

“Princess,” I groaned, “you’re killing me here.”

My head hurt. Why in fuck’s name did I let this woman get under my skin? I knew she’d be trouble, from the first day I walked into the agency.

But no, my cock knew better. It just had to get the fuck inside that pussy of hers.


And now I was screwed in so many ways, it felt like a punch to my gut.

Jade was a stubborn woman—she wasn’t going to make this easy. But fuck that. Her pussy was mine now, and nobody was gonna stop me from getting more.

Not even her, or her family.

She doesn’t know what a persistent fuck I am.



I take what I want. And at this moment, it was the girl I’d just fucked on my bike.

And THAT was a big deal. ‘Cause I'd never fucked any bitch on the back of my bike. Was never going to either.

Until Jade.

I’d never wanted anyone this much. She fucked with my mind. I thought of her all the time—day and night. And now that I’d tasted her pussy, there was no going back. I knew that as sure as I knew my name was Ryder Knox.

Ryder gets what Ryder wants. Not negotiable.

Her voice caught in her throat. “It’s because you’re not listening to me, Ryder. I said from the start that we’d have this one night only. Don’t you get that?”

Her eyes glistened in the dark. Was she fucking tearing up? Uneasy, I rubbed her back, soothing her.

“I did . . . I do. But now . . . I want more . . . of you.” I groaned.

Yeah, I was cunt-struck and I knew it. I'd thought once I’d had her, I’d be able to get rid of my obsession with her and her pussy. Turns out it only made me want her more. And she was resisting me. Fuck.

“It’s impossible, Ryder. You’ve got to believe me.” She wasn’t bitchy, or sarcastic, or anything like she usually was. This worried me even more. It meant she was serious as all hell.