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Her breathing increased between whimpers. "Lachlan." She tugged him closer.

He withdrew and slid in deep again.

"Oui," she whispered. "More."

He held beneath her hips with one hand and pounded her harder and faster this time. Trapping her gaze, breathing her breath, he clenched his jaw against an intensity which seared him, body and soul.

Moments later, her keening cry near deafened him as she clutched at him tightly.

"Aye," he growled, and again lost his seed within her. Never had anything felt so astounding to him, as if the stars in the sky had tumbled into his body.

He gasped for breath, as did she. Thankfully, no one burst into the room this time.

An hour later, they were again immersed in a hot bath in her bedchamber, when someone knocked on the door.

"Can we see no peace?" Lachlan levered himself from the tub, held his shirt before him and opened the door. "Aye?" he asked the bodyguard.

"M'laird, a woman just arrived, Lady Angelique's cousin. She was attacked on the way here, near Burnglen, and one of her servants killed."

"God's teeth! Kormad."

Chapter Fourteen

Angelique rushed across the great hall to greet her second cousin and childhood friend, Neilina Lockhart. "Thanks be to God you were not killed in Kormad's attack!"

Neilina's clothing was ripped, dirty and askew, her auburn hair falling and tangled about her shoulders. "Angelique." Her breathing harsh, Neilina pulled her into an embrace. "I was lucky, but poor Jerome was not. They killed him and rode away with his lifeless body. No doubt they threw him in the river." She pulled back, her face scrunched, and sobbed into a handkerchief.

"Mère de Dieu, you poor thing. You must rest. The men will deal with Kormad." An arm around Neilina's waist, Angelique ushered her up the stairs and toward a guest chamber, then directed the servants to bring in her trunks.

Neilina's two maids straightened her drooping hair and poured water in a basin. "You must change m'lady. Your clothing is torn."

Despite the dirt smudging her cheek, Neilina was a woman of great beauty. Angelique remembered she had been pretty as a child, when they had played together during clan gatherings.

"Nay, I will be fine." Neilina waved them away. "I wish to give Cousin Angelique her gift."

"You are too kind to think of me in a time like this."

"Nonsense." Once the servants set down Neilina's trunk, she opened it and lifted out a carved box. "I'm so glad they didn't steal the wedding gift I brought you and your new husband. Congratulations on your marriage." Neilina handed her the box and curtseyed.

"I thank you, but you should not have." Angelique didn't see how Neilina could maintain such self-possession, considering the violence she'd witnessed. She could've been raped or killed, for heaven's sake. But the women of her family were often considered strong.

Angelique opened the box lid to reveal a beautiful set of silver spoons displayed on red velvet. "Oh what an extravagant and lovely gift. I thank you." It truly was one of the finest things they had received.

"I'm so glad it pleases you."

"Indeed. Lachlan will love it, too." She closed the box. "I'm sure you would like to rest for a while and change. I shall see you at evening meal. And I do hope you will be staying with us for a while." Angelique said the words partly out of politeness, trying to be the perfect hostess, and partly because she truly would like to get to know her cousin again.

"Thank you. I would like that very much."

Angelique was certain she must have imagined the sly twinkle in her cousin's eye, for when she looked back it was gone.


At evening meal two days later, Lachlan glanced at those around high table in the great hall. Angelique's cousin's bold gaze met his and lingered. He had received such glances from enough women to know what it meant. He didn't want any woman interested in him except his wife who sat beside him. He lifted her hand and kissed it, hoping that said to Lady Neilina he was taken and interested in no one but his wife.

Angelique smiled at him.

He leaned closer and whispered in her ear. "I cannot wait to get you into bed again." He kissed her ear. Their last few nights together had been amazing.

Her cheeks flushed and she gently pinched the inside of his bare knee beneath the tablecloth.

Och! It took no more than that to make him hard? He wished she'd run her hand up his leg, beneath the plaid and find out exactly how she affected him. The quick rush of arousal near made him dizzy.

He placed her palm flat against his thigh. Saints! He was stiff as a ram's horn. Why couldn't he get enough of her? At this rate, he'd lift her from her chair and cart her off to the bedchamber before the meal was over.

"M'laird," one of the servants said behind his left shoulder.

"Aye?" He turned.

"A missive arrived for you."

Lachlan took the small folded parchment and broke the red wax seal. The message was from Chief Robertson. He invited Lachlan to his holdings to inspect the white mares and, if they met with his approval, choose one for his wife. Another buyer was interested in them as well, so Lachlan was to relay his decision forthwith.

Lachlan quickly refolded the paper, before Angelique could read it, and stuffed it into his sporran. The white mare was to be a surprise wedding gift for her. He was certain she would love it, especially after she'd mentioned having to leave her white horse behind in France. The Robertson's holdings were no more than two or three hours' ride one way. He could be there and back in one day, before Angelique even knew he'd left.

"Is something amiss?" she asked.

"Nay. All is well." He hid a smile, wondering if he might buy two horses. Indeed, two would surely make her twice as happy.

Angelique eyed him, suspicion written in her expression. But he could not spoil this surprise. He kissed her cheek, then whispered, "Come upstairs with me, now."

Her face turned bright red and she glanced about. But he did not care what the others thought.

"We must beg your pardon," he said to the table at large as he arose, her hand in his, and tugged her from her chair. Snickers and ribald comments ensued as they rushed from the great hall. Clearly, she knew if she didn't follow peacefully, he'd toss her over his shoulder. Or maybe her carnal hunger matched his own. Aye, he hoped that was the case.

"Lachlan," Angelique chastised him in a loud whisper once they were on the steps. "You are most uncouth!"

"Indeed I am." He chuckled.


The next morn, as they were breaking their fast, Angelique noticed Cousin Neilina staring openly at Lachlan. At first, Angelique thought Neilina must want to say something, but quickly realized the woman's gaze held sensual interest. Had Lachlan noticed? He concentrated on eating, but did flick a heated look at Angelique and winked. Last night they had again shared an unforgettable and enthusiastic session of lovemaking. She was well and truly addicted to him now. Somehow, he had charmed his way into her heart and soul. He and his playful, seductive affection were the richest of ambrosia to her starved body and spirit. He filled her with expansive feelings of bliss such as she never knew existed.

Which was why Neilina's interested, furtive looks filled Angelique with a rage of concern so great she felt as if a battering ram slammed against her rib cage. There it was again—her cousin was devouring Lachlan with her eyes. Angelique hadn't expected such treachery from her own kin.