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Mère de Dieu, Neilina was beautiful, more so even than Eleanor. What if Lachlan found Neilina attractive, irresistible? A cold fear arose within her.

Angelique tried to act normal as the meal ended and the people disbursed. But Neilina continued to peek briefly at Lachlan as he talked quietly with Rebbie.

The bitch. Angelique would strangle her.

Lachlan appeared not to notice her regard, but he had done that before. When he headed down a corridor, Neilina trailed behind. Angelique stiffened, then forced herself to follow silently and hid in the shadows.

"M'laird," Neilina said quietly.

After a few more steps, Lachlan paused and turned back halfway. "Aye?"

"'Haps I could meet you later in your chamber."

Poisonous hatred dripped into Angelique's blood, hatred for her vile cousin. Hatred that focused her attention and her vision. Her hands clenched in her skirts, craving a weapon.

Lachlan observed Neilina in silence for a long moment, but Angelique was so far away she could not see his expression. "The south tower room, just after sunset," he finally said.

Angelique froze, the blood pounding through her ears blocking out any other sounds. Her legs lost all strength. She slumped against the cold stone wall at her back, then slid down into a tiny ball. Nausea clutched at her. And a lance of despair smashed against her heart. The bastard! She'd known he would do this, yet she'd trusted him. Why had she let him through her barriers?

Neilina and Lachlan went their separate ways. Pushing herself up, Angelique forced her trembling legs to carry her to her bedchamber, where she blocked the door with two chests, crawled into bed and covered her head. Oh, Mère de Dieu, she could not breathe. Her corset compressed her lungs. Her throat felt as if a rope tightened around it. Slowly, she drew air in and the force of the devastation struck her. Lachlan. No. A sob tore from her body. No. Do not! You are mine. You do not touch her!

What was this horrid emotion devouring her from the inside out, like a vicious lion? Crushing her and sucking away her life like a great wave smashing upon her?

I do not love him. No!

But she did. Nothing else could be so painful.

"I am so stupid. Stupid, stupid!" She pounded fists against her pillow, hot tears gushing from her eyes.

She would kill Neilina…or confront her and send her away. But if she did that, Lachlan would only find another woman.

I will not go to the tower. I will not go there to witness his betrayal.

But she had to. She had to have proof. She had to confront him and tell him, see, you are not capable of fidelity, as I told you.

And her life would end in that moment.


Lachlan met Rebbie and Dirk in the solar and closed the door.

"I have problems and I need your help," Lachlan said in a low voice. "I'm riding out this morn to Robertson Clan holdings to purchase a couple of white mares for Angelique as a wedding gift. Chief Robertson has another buyer interested, so I need to make haste. 'Tis a surprise and I want her to know nothing about it ahead of time. I'll take six clansmen with me to ride as guard. I want both of you to stay here and keep Angelique from knowing where I've gone and protect her in the event there's an attack. Also, I'm suspicious of Lady Neilina. She's just offered herself to me."

"What's so unusual about that?" Rebbie lifted a brow.

"I don't trust her. I'm thinking she may be Kormad's spy."

"But Kormad attacked her party, did he not?" Dirk asked.

"Supposedly. Or it could be a grand cover story so we would welcome her more openly."

"Ah. You may be right," Rebbie said.

"In any case, I'm not interested in her. I intend to be faithful to Angelique." Besides, he simply didn't desire any other woman now. Angelique had captured his attention completely, and he took his marriage vows seriously. "Dirk, I have a job for you, which I'm thinking you'll enjoy."

His friend scowled. "What?"

"I want you to pretend to be me, put on one of my kilts and meet Lady Neilina in the south tower chamber just before sunset. Make sure the room is dark so she can't see your face. We are of about the same size, and since she doesn't know either of us well, she shouldn't be able to tell the difference.

"Hmm, you're right. I could see myself enjoying that." Dirk grinned.

"Most importantly, find out what information you can from her," Lachlan said.

"Of course. 'Twill be my pleasure."


Hands shaking, Angelique slipped along the passage and up the narrow steps of the south tower. She hadn't seen Lachlan all day. Undoubtedly, he was avoiding her because he had in mind to bed another woman. Whoremonger! The man had no ability to feel guilt. Her stomach ached from hunger and disgust. She hadn't been able to eat all day. Her world was about to shatter yet again. She sensed the impending doom. Why had she dared to dream?

She had waited too long and sunset had come and gone.

Pausing outside the door, she listened. Rustling came from within. Then a male groan. The bastard. I will kill him and my whore of a cousin.

Covered with cold sweat, Angelique quietly pushed the door and inched it open. He had been so stupid as to not even lock it, likely too excited to remember. A thick cloth covered the narrow window in the round stone room, further dimming the twilight. Their silhouettes were clear—a tall kilted man with long hair stood behind a woman, bent over a table, her skirts hiked. Gripping her hips, he serviced her from the back, moaning. The woman gasped and whimpered. "Oh, Lachlan. Yes!"

Severe nausea tore through Angelique. She fled down the steps, tripped at the bottom and crashed to her knees. Though she knew not how she found the strength, she shoved herself up and ran to her room. Once inside, she again sank to her knees and retched. But nothing came up.

I will not feel. I will not feel! He is dead to me.

Once her stomach settled, she arose.

"I cannot stay here." Her whole body trembling, she flipped open a trunk lid and crammed clothing into it.

"What are you doing?"

Angelique jumped, turning to face Camille in the doorway. "Leaving."


"Lachlan is swiving my cousin as we speak. The bastard! I knew he could not change."

"What? You saw this?"

"Yes, with mine own eyes. This morn, I heard him tell her where to meet him. Then, they were there when I arrived."

"The swine. I did not think he would do such a thing. He seemed besotted with you, cousin."

"Oh, he is most charming and deceptive, more so than Girard." Even Girard had not hurt her as much as Lachlan now did.

"Where are we going?" Camille asked.

"You are willing to come with me?"

"Of course. I go with you everywhere. How could you think otherwise?"

She had one true friend—Camille—whom she believed would never betray her or let her down.

"We go to London. I will seek a divorce."

"On what grounds? Clearly, the marriage has been consummated. Not impotence."

"That is not amusing. Incest."


"He is having sex with my second cousin who is now also his second cousin by marriage. Therefore, incest by affinity. If that doesn't work, I'll use the impotence plea. I'd love to see him prove his virility before the court."

Ha. She would love nothing. She was dead inside and never wanted to see Lachlan again.

"Where will you go after that?" Camille asked.