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The talking around her became louder, but she did not want to face them.

"Ange." Camille hugged her and helped her to her feet. "Did you see? Lachlan grimaced."

Angelique swiped the tears from her eyes. In the blur, it seemed his lips moved.

"He's trying to say something," Gwyneth said.

Alasdair moved forward. "Aye, brother?"

"Angel," Lachlan whispered in a raspy dry voice.

She could not breathe for fear she imagined it.

"Angelique," he murmured, this word clear. His head moved, and his eyes opened a crack.

"Je suis ici." Her throat closed as she took his hand and pressed it to her lips. She feared he would say something to her and die. "You must get well."


"We must get him to drink some herbal tea," Gwyneth said.

Alasdair lifted him into a sitting position.

Lachlan groaned.

Gwyneth pressed a cup to his lips. "Drink."

Lachlan took a sip, then grimaced. "You trying…kill me?"

Gwyneth smiled with tears in her eyes. "'Tis an herb to help rebuild your blood. You lost so much."

After a few sips he turned his head aside. "Enough," he rasped. They let him lie back.

"Are you in much pain?" Alasdair asked.

"Could use…whisky." He inhaled a deep breath and opened his eyes, his gaze traveling over those around his bed. "Don't look so worried. I'm not that easy to kill."

His gaze stopped on Angelique and he reached for her hand again. She savored the warmth of his skin on hers.

He is alive. He will live. A sparkling rush of relief and gratitude filled her, fresh tears pricking her eyes. Tears of happiness.

"Why don't we let him rest a while?" Gwyneth suggested. "I'll be back in a short time with broth."

Rebbie, Dirk and several MacGrath men filed out of the room, leaving Angelique alone with Lachlan. She leaned forward and kissed his cool forehead.

"What was that for?" he whispered.

"Because I love you and you must live and stay with me."

"Och. Angelique." He observed her a long moment, strong emotion and a smile in his eyes. "I love you, too, lass."

His image blurred and her eyes burned. "Do you mean it, truly?" she whispered. "Or is this just…?" She could not force the rest of the words beyond her constricted throat.

"Aye, I mean it. I've never said those words to another woman. I didn't ken what they meant until I tangled with you, my wee hellcat. Besides, I told you I would never lie to you." He observed her in a serious manner. "I haven't been a good husband to you because I didn't protect you and your inheritance, but I promise to from now on."

"How can you say this?" She frowned. "You almost died because of me, to save my life. I can never repay you for your heroic deeds."

"You blather on too much. I told you I would kill Girard, and I did. He hurt you. Anyone who hurts you shall suffer, I vow. What of Kormad?"

"Dead." She could not quite bring herself to admit she'd done the deed. "Along with several traitors of our clan. Bryson and a few others live. The constable is going over the evidence and testimonies." Rebbie had found her diamond pendant on Girard's body and returned it to her, but Lachlan was her only treasure now.

"I'm sorry I questioned your honor and fidelity. I know you have been true to me," she whispered.

A grin quirked his lips. "Indeed, I have."

"I believe you."

"You are the only woman I can see now. I am blind to all others, and it has been this way since I met you. I don't understand it, but there 'tis. Come, lie here with me." He gently tugged her closer to him.

"No, you are not well. We cannot…"

"Shh." Though it seemed to take a great deal of effort, he lifted his good arm and stroked his fingertips over her face and into her hair. "Did you say you love me?" His eyes fierce and golden, he observed her closely.

"Yes, I love you."

"How much?"

"More than I've ever loved anyone. More than the amount of water in all the oceans. More than the number of stars in the sky."

He swallowed hard. "'Tis a lot. But, I vow, I love you more." He drew her closer and pressed his lips to hers in a warm, gentle kiss of pure emotion.


A week later, when Lachlan was well enough, they had a feast in honor of the two brothers and their new brides. Lachlan sent Rebbie, his cousin Fergus MacGrath, and several others to straighten out the problems at Draughon, find the false papers at Burnglen and meet with the Perth officials and the constable.

Two weeks after that, when Lachlan was strong enough to sit a horse for several hours, he, Angelique, Camille and Dirk prepared for departure. A dozen MacGrath guards and cousins would escort them.

"I wish you'd stay until spring," Alasdair said, his breath fogging in the crisp morning air.

"Much as I'd love that, I must see to Draughon," Lachlan said, observing his brother's dark frown. "I'm fine, mother hen."

"Take care of him," he told Dirk.

"As if he needs it," Dirk muttered, then sent a smirk to Lachlan.

"I've sent messengers ahead to some chiefs and friends along the way who will give all of you a night's lodging."

"I thank you, brother. And we'll see you again soon. In the spring, aye? We'll return for Orin and Kean, and I'll get to meet your new son. Or daughter."

"Indeed." Alasdair shook his hand, hugged him and slapped his back as if trying to knock something from his windpipe.

"Och." Lachlan would show no weakness or he'd be stuck here another fortnight. He turned to his mount. Aye, he could sit in a saddle, but mounting was the problem with a sore arm. Alasdair and Dirk grabbed him and hoisted him onto the horse's back.

"Damnation. Warn me when you're going to do that."

"He appreciates naught," Dirk grumbled. Lachlan knew he was teasing but maybe it was true and he didn't show his appreciation enough.

"I thank you, friend."

Dirk tried to hide a grin as he mounted.

Lachlan turned his attention to Angelique on a bay mare not far from him. He winked, drawing a secret smile from her. Indeed, he had much to be thankful for, especially his adorable wife. The past three weeks she had cared for him like a bairn and near spoiled him. A few days after he'd awakened—once he'd convinced her he would not die—they had indulged in lovemaking such as he'd never imagined. He had not known such depth of feeling was supposed to accompany the bedding. Now he understood why Alasdair had been willing to move heaven and earth for Gwyneth. He would do the same for Angelique.

They traveled slowly south but the late autumn weather did not cooperate. They waited out a snowstorm at another castle, midway, before they could continue. It took over a week to reach Draughon.

At last, they rode through the gates of their home. Rebbie descended the steps to meet them in the courtyard.

"'Tis about time, you slackards. I was tempted to send out a search party."

"What news?" Lachlan dismounted, then helped Angelique, glad to feel his arm growing stronger.

"All is well. Naught to worry over," Rebbie assured him. "We found the false papers at Burnglen and were able to prove to the constable the signatures were forged. Some of the lying witnesses were arrested and others ran away. We found your loyal Drummagan clansmen locked in the dungeon and they testified against Kormad."