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"You did not tell me because you wanted me pliable in bed." She sent him a sharp look, which he returned.

"I didn't force you. 'Twas your decision. You said, 'do it' and that you wanted me. I'm not one to refuse such an invitation from my beautiful, desirable wife."

So, he would seek to distract her with barbed compliments. "But if I had known you threw Philippe into the deplorable dungeon, I would not have wished to be in the same room with you."

Lachlan's eyes narrowed. "Do you want to know what your precious Philippe revealed to us?"

"What? Did you torture him for information?"

"Nay, I never torture. He is conspiring with Eleanor to break us apart."

"Eleanor? He would not. He doesn't know her that well."

"Apparently Philippe and Eleanor are fast friends. They traveled from London together."

"In truth?" If that was so, then Philippe was no longer her friend. Anyone who conspired with Eleanor, she would not defend.

"Aye, but that isn't the worst of it. I believe Girard is staying at the inn in the village."

A deathly chill blew over her. She shivered. "Non. Girard?"

"I've been told a French count is there. He is as you described, tall and thin with dark hair. He has only one arm. Does that sound like him?"

"One arm? Mère de Dieu." Her breath rushed in and out too fast. That was it. He would kill her. He desired revenge.

"Angelique? What is it? How did he lose his arm?"

Tears filled her eyes, burning. Her throat closed. And it was almost as if she were there again, on that bridge, a year ago in France.

Lachlan moved and sat beside her on the settle. He pulled her close and laid her head upon his chest. Stroked her hair. But he could not soothe her. No, Girard was plotting her murder.

"Tell me, Angelique. I must know so I can protect you and the clan from him. What will he do?"

"He will kill me…and Camille."



"But why does he seek revenge? What I know about him is you wished to marry him and you were lovers. He cheated on you and you rejected him. He then raped you. Right?"

"Oui. After that, he stole the only thing of value my mother left me. A large briolette cut diamond pendant known as the Boehm Diamond. She gave it to me on her deathbed. Her lover had given it to her many years before and even stated in his will it was to be her property after he died. And that man was Girard's uncle. Girard said the diamond was part of his inheritance and that my mother had connived to steal it from his uncle. Girard is not so wealthy as he appears, you see. He's deeply in debt. After he raped me, he ripped the pendant from my neck and left. I refused to let him have the only thing my mother possessed, the only thing she left me besides the wedding gown. So Camille and I took the diamond back from him."

"God's bones, you're brave, lass." Lachlan's arm tightened around her, and with the opposite hand he stroked her cheek. The sweet gesture distracted her a bit, as did his dark, concerned gaze.

"We had to act quickly before he sold it. A few nights later, in disguise, we searched Girard's rooms but the diamond was nowhere. We hid and waited outside near his building. Girard and his friend Pierre finally staggered in from a night of drinking. Camille and I were both armed. We each had a loaded pistol and knives."

"You're always armed to the teeth," he said in a proud, serious tone.

"Only because I have to be." Nausea rose within her when she remembered how black the night was, how chill the air. "Girard knocked me down, discovered who I was and prepared to rape me again. We fought and I shot him. I missed his heart and hit his arm. His friend chased Camille with a sword. They struggled and Pierre fell from the bridge. He may have drowned in the river. It was never our intention to kill anyone. I took the diamond from Girard. Camille and I ran away and stayed with a cousin in Paris for a while. We did not hear anything from Girard until that gift arrived—the goblets. And now you tell me he has only one arm. Without doubt, the missing one was amputated because of the gunshot wound."

"I didn't know you were such a fearsome little warrior." Lachlan kissed her forehead, warming her. She felt safer in Lachlan's arms. Still, she feared even he couldn't protect her this time.

"He will want revenge for losing his arm and for Pierre, if he died. And he will want the diamond back," she said.

"Where is this diamond? I've never seen it."

"I keep it hidden at all times."

"Where?" Lachlan asked. "Surely you trust me enough by now to show me."

Despite being held in his protective arms, and enjoying it, something inside her would not let go completely. "I do…trust you, but you must understand…it is difficult after all that has happened to me. For more than a year, I have done nothing but look over my shoulder. And during that time, Camille was the only person I could trust."

"I know." Lachlan kissed her temple, and the affection in that gesture touched her deeply. "You don't have to show it to me now," he went on. "Only when you feel like doing so. Is there anything else about Girard you should tell me?"

"He is elegant but deadly. A viper. He smiles while he does the vilest things. That smile can seem warm, charming and friendly, but it hides a heart of ice. Mayhap he has no soul. And yet, I did not know his true nature for a long while. You will stay away from him, non? You must not confront him directly."

Lachlan's eyes took on a predatory quality, again like a lion. "You confronted him; why would I not?"

"He is angered and perhaps desperate. He will blame me for all he has lost. And he may be even lower on funds than he was last year. He will not give up easily."

"Nor will I."


Kormad watched the tall, one-armed man stride toward him across Burnglen's great hall. As a rule, he did not like Frenchmen but this one seemed eager to meet with him, considering the early hour. He doubted the gallant brought any men with him to reinforce Kormad's own small army, which he'd been building over the last few days.

"Comte de Girard, at your service, monsieur." He gave a deep, sweeping bow.

"Baron Kormad," he said by way of introduction. Though he was tempted to smirk at the man's posturing, he stepped forward and shook his hand. At least Girard's handshake was firm. 'Haps he would be a strong ally. "What can we do for each other?"

"I like that you arrive at the point quickly. I understand we have a common enemy, Angelique Drummagan and this MacGrath she has married."

"Who sent you?" Kormad demanded. If this was one of MacGrath's tricks, he would put an end to it quickly.

Girard raised a black brow, looking much like the devil himself. "The countess of Wexbury said you might be willing to help me."

"Eleanor Stanhope?" Hmph. The hoity-toity lady had always turned up her nose at him.

"Oui, apparently MacGrath was her lover and she desires having him back in her bed. I had to promise her we would not harm him."

Kormad would make no such ridiculous promise. MacGrath was naught but a whoremonger. Certainly not worthy to be earl. "You have my interest. Why are MacGrath and his new wife your enemies?"

"Angelique has stolen something that belongs to me. And I understand they have stolen land which is rightfully yours."