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At the writing desk, he bent over, bringing her attention to his lean, manly arse, while he scribbled on the paper. What an intriguing sight.

"Make sure it is a word I recognize," she said.

"You ken this word." When he turned and strode back toward her, his erection was even larger. She forced herself not stare at it.

He lay down and covered himself as before but his tarse tented the sheet.

"You love gambling, do you not?" she asked, hoping to distract him.

"Aye. I usually win." He looked very pleased with himself. "And now for that kiss, madame."

She did not fear him anymore, but she was not entirely comfortable with him either. He had obviously written some word that meant his male member—probably tarse—and kissing him there would be scandalous. But…intriguing. She had heard women whispering of this in France and how intensely a man enjoyed it. Much in the same way he had pleasured her with his mouth the night before.

A dare lurked in his eyes and in his smile. He didn't think she would do it, she knew. He thought she was afraid.

She rose over him and pulled down the sheet to reveal his erection. Ma foi! Heat flamed over her when she studied his massive proportion close up. Leaning forward, she detected his scent was clean, musky and hypnotizing. She kissed his shaft once…twice. His skin was hot, silky smooth, and the flesh beneath, hard as stone. She flicked out the tip of her tongue for an experimental taste.

Lachlan stiffened and groaned.

She drew back, her gaze shooting to his darkened eyes, near closed in desire.

"Mmm." He hissed a few Gaelic words. "Very, very nice and I thank you." He blew out two long breaths, as if calming himself. "Any chance you might do that once more?"

"No, I will not!" At least not right now. Though she wanted to, she would not indulge his every carnal whim. He might think he had control over her.

"'Tis too bad." He bolted upright, flipped her face down onto the mattress and pinned her. "Because you lose again."

"What? That is what you were thinking. You wished me to kiss your tarse."

His brief growl and hot breath tickled her ear. "No matter how much I desire that, 'tis not what I wrote on the paper."

"You tricked me! You lout!" She squirmed, trying to free herself from his firm hold.

He gave a wicked chuckle. "I told you, I am good at gaming."

"Go get the paper and let me see."

"Again, you think I would lie?"


"Very well." He climbed off the bed, retrieved the paper from the desk and held it up for her inspection.

"Elbow?" she demanded. "Why would you desire me to kiss your elbow?"

He grinned. "My elbows like to be kissed."

"You are a cheat!" And how bold and silly she had been, kissing his shaft. She would never live that down.

"I played fairly. Now I get to bite your sweet…little…round arse."

"No, it will hurt."

"You agreed to this bet."

"If it hurts, I get to bite you three times, hard as I want, anywhere I want. Are you agreed?"

"Och! You learn fast. That makes me proud. Aye, you may bite me…anywhere but my tarse. If you bite me there, it must be very gentle."

"Très bien." Heavens, she could not bite him there, could she?

"Agreed, then." He winked.

"Write it on the paper and sign it."

"I don't understand why you refuse to trust me." He proceeded to her writing desk and drew up the contract. The sheet wrapped around her, she followed and read the paper when he'd finished.

"Now, bend over." He grinned like a big, hungry wolf.

She ran to the bed and leapt on it. He landed half on top of her, turned her onto her stomach and shoved the sheet away from her derriere.

"Mmm, 'twill be tasty." He first kissed it, grazed his teeth over it, then gently pressed his teeth against her skin. It was not a real bite and hurt not at all. He then proceeded to do the same to the other cheek. He brushed his beard stubble over it, tickling.

She giggled. "One bite is all you are allowed, monsieur."

"I haven't bitten you yet."

"Yes, you did and it hurt."

"Liar! Does this hurt?" He licked her skin.

"No." Heavens, he had a wicked, delightful tongue. The itching moisture of arousal grew more intense between her legs.

"This?" He placed several kisses over her cheeks.

"No." A little ache speared her center, making her wish he'd put his erection to use.

Behind her, Lachlan spread her legs and crawled between. Angelique was more fun to play with than any woman he had yet encountered. The hellcat had sheathed her claws and become the purring kitten eager for petting.

When he widened her legs, she arched her back. So inviting. Placing a hand beneath her belly, he pulled her upward, parted her feminine lips and licked between. Her sweet arousal intensified his need. He flicked that tiny nub of flesh and she gasped.

She arched her back further, pressing firmly against him as if she wanted more. He gave her a thorough licking, until she was whimpering and crying out.

Kneeling behind her, he stroked the tip of his shaft through her generous moisture and between those delicate folds that reminded him of pink rose petals. He pushed just inside, her heat near scorching him. Keeping in mind she might be sore, he controlled his movements.

"Mmm." Thrusting in and out gently, he gradually went deeper each time.

She cried out. "Lachlan."

"Aye, Angelique. Are you liking that, then?"


Still fully inside her, he wrapped an arm around her below her breasts and lay down on his side, taking her with him. He aligned her back to his chest and breathed into her ear, nibbled on it. She made wee whimpering noises between those breathy French words. Just listening to her made him want to drive in harder. But he must not.

He stroked his hand from her breasts downward to brush over her mound, then lifted her leg.

As he thrust, he sucked at her earlobe and stroked her in a circular motion. Mindless, she cried out and pushed her hips back against him, meeting each thrust. Damnation, she fired his blood, made him want to take her with more forceful movements.

"Lachlan!" she cried out when her climax overcame her. How he had dreamed of that.

"Aye, you're so beautiful, lass." He held her tighter as pleasure exploded through him. He growled, relishing the way her body caressed his, milking him of his seed. Long seconds later, he regained his breath and kissed her neck, realizing each time with her was even better than the last. How was this possible? Usually he grew bored with a woman after a few times, but with Angelique, he grew more intrigued, more drawn under her spell with each bedding.

He turned her about to face him. His lips against her forehead, he drew her close and they rested, relaxing in the firelight, he knew not how long. He only knew he was happy and content, at home.

A knock sounded at the door, awaking him from a light doze.

"What is it?" Angelique asked in French, her voice groggy with sleep.

"I'll go see." He arose and covered her. After putting on his long shirt, he opened the door a crack.

"M'laird, Rebbinglen wishes to speak to you," one of Angelique's personal bodyguards told him.

"I'll be right out," Lachlan said, then closed the door. He returned to the bed, kissed Angelique on the cheek and picked up his plaid. "Rebbie wants to talk to me about something. I shall be back soon."