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“I’msorry, but it is what it is.”

“Youneed to rewrite it. The hero and heroine have to come together somehow. Makehim show up on her doorstep begging for her forgiveness and confessing hislove. It’s romantic. It’s fun. It’s what it needs.”

Mesaclosed her eyes as she exhaled a deep sigh. “I just can’t right now, Madeline.Maybe in a few weeks I’ll get over this melancholy me and be able to give themtheir happy ending.”

“Honey,what happened in Texas?”


“Youlook like someone died, darling.”

“No.No one died. I’ll get over it. I’ll be back on track in no time. You’ll see.”


Hereyes widened. Surely Madeline couldn’t tell she had a man on the brain, couldshe?

“I’mfine really. Thanks for stopping by.” She pushed Madeline toward the door.“I’ll call you next week. We can do lunch.”

“Allright. If you’re sure.”

“I’msure. Thank you for being worried about me.”

“Callme if you need anything. All right?”

“Iwill.” She shut the door behind her agent and pressed her back against the woodpanel. She really needed to get over Joel, now. “Enough. I can’t keep doingthis.” She swiped at the tears rolling down her cheeks. “He obviously didn’tlove me. It was nothing more than a quick fling like he said from thebeginning. I should never have let my heart get involved. Big mistake from theget go.”

Thedoorbell rang, echoing the sound throughout her apartment until she wanted to scream.Bong. Bong. Whoever was out therewasn’t going away until she answered the damn door.

“What?”she yelled as she opened the door to find a deliveryman.



Hehanded her the clipboard. “Sign here.”

Shesigned her name and he handed her a single red rose. “That’s it?”


Hewalked away while she looked at the flower. Howweird. Maybe it’s from a fan. She closed the door and walked into her kitchento set the beautiful blood red bud down. She needed a drink. Something strong.Lots of alcohol to drown her breaking heart in.

Shepoured whiskey straight from the bottle into a glass and then looked at theflower again. Something odd caught her attention, and she frowned as peeredcloser at the flower. “What the hell? There’s writing on the petals.”

Sheslowly peeled the silky layers back.

I can’t eat.

I can’t sleep.

I miss you.

I’m miserable without you.

Thelast one said…I love you.

Asoft knock sounded on the front door as she stood there in shocked silence. Noteven aware of what she was doing, she moved to the door and opened it to findJoel standing there in all his cowboy glory with eleven more blood red rosesclutched in his hands. She let her gaze roam over him from the top of his blackStetson to the tips of the dirty cowboy boots. He looked good enough to eat.

“Dothe tears mean you missed me, too?” he asked, his blue eyes hopeful.

“God,did I miss you!” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with all thepent up passion and love she held in her heart for this crazy man. “I love you.I love you. I love you.” She punctuated each phrase with a kiss.

Sheheard the rest of the bouquet crunch to the carpet as he pulled her arms fromaround his neck and dropped to one knee. “Mesa, baby. Will you marry me?”

Mesacovered her mouth as more tears streamed down her cheeks. “Yes. I’ll marry you.When? Where? Right now? Let’s go to Vegas. We can be married today. It’s only afour hour drive.”

“Slowdown, baby. I’d marry you today, but my family would kill me.”

Shestuck out her lip in a small pout, hoping he would give in. They could bemarried before the end of the day.

“Ilove you, Mesa.”

“Ilove you too, Joel.”

“Wehave to wait.”


“Because,I want to marry you in front of everyone. All my brothers,your family. Everyone.” He grinned his heart-stopping grin. “But we canstart the honeymoon now.”


“Ohhell yeah!”

Heswept her up in his arms before he kicked the door shut with his boot. “Where’syour bedroom?”

“Downthe hall, cowboy.”

“I’mgonna make you scream, city girl.”


“Promisewith all my heart and soul.”



Thefire in the fireplace hissed from the gas logs. Rain pounded on the roofoutside but Mesa didn’t care. She sat wrapped safe and warm in her husband’sarms while they lounged on the rug in front of the fireplace in nothing butbare skin. She had her very own happily ever after with her cowboy. Softcountry music played over the stereo system. A little George Strait always puther in the mood for lovin’. Tonight was no exception. Of course, it was theirwedding night. The honeymoon would commence the next day with a trip to Jamaica,but they’d decided to spend the night in their cabin.

Afterhe’d shone up on her doorstep in Los Angeles, they’d spent the day and nightmaking up for lost time. It only took one I love you to tell her she belongedwith this man back in Texas. He went home after a week, leaving her there tosettle her life, give up her apartment and pack a truck. He then flew back toride from L.A. to Bandera with her. Their wedding took only three months toplan. She couldn’t have waited much longer even though they loved the nightsaway in their little spot of heaven beneath the wide Texas night sky.

Noisecoming from outside startled her out of her musings until she snuggled backdown against him.

“Don’tworry, darlin’.” His kissed the top of her head. “It’s just my brothers causinga ruckus.”

“Whatare they up to?” She sat up and turned around in his arms. “They aren’t likepainting your truck with shaving cream or something, are they?”

“Idon’t know, but I’d expect them to tie cans to the back bumper. I ain’t thefirst to get married since Jeff did it before me, but I’m the first to have mywife snuggled up next to me on our weddin’ night here in my cabin. Jeff spenthis wedding night alone.”

“Seriously?What the hell?”

“Itold you she was a bitch. She went out after the wedding with her friends,passed out on someone’s floor and didn’t come home until two days later.”

“Wow.”She glanced down at her wedding rings with a smile. “I can’t believe we’remarried.” A not so quick kiss to his lips forestalled her next words forseveral minutes. She loved kissing Joel, anytime, anywhere. They usually madethe family uncomfortable with their show of affection. “It was a beautifulceremony even though it rained.”

“Butit was great to have it in front of the fireplace in the main lodge.” He pusheda piece of hair behind her ear before he trailed his fingertips along her jaw. “Youlooked beautiful in your dress. Did I tell you that?”

“Youhave now. You looked pretty handsome in your cowboy finery.” She kissed hisneck. “Did I ever tell you I have a thing for cowboys?”

“Noreally? I would never have guessed.” He laughed.

Shepunched him in the side.


“Oh,I did not hurt you.”

Hegave her a wounded look with a little pouty lip. Unable to resist, she leanedin and sucked his bottom lip between her teeth before she took a nip of it. Asoft moan escaped his mouth as he grabbed her head, slanting it just so for adeeper kiss. Their tongues tangled for a good while before he lifted his headand looked into her soul with those beautiful blue eyes.

“Ilove you Mrs. Young.”

“Ilove you too, Mr. Young. So much. More than anything in this life.” Tearsformed, spilling down her cheeks.

“Hey!Why the tears?”

“Happytears. I’m so glad you came to L.A.”

“You’vealready thanked my mother for her intervention on your behalf like a thousandtimes.”

Hetucked her in next to his side, holding her close. Her head rested on his broadchest. “I wouldn’t know what to do if you hadn’t.”