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“Thenfuck me, Joel.”

Heput both hands under her buttocks. “Wrap your legs around me.”

“Youcan’t li—”

“Iwrestle cows for a livin’, darlin’. I can handle a little thing like you.”

Helifted her in his arms and she wrapped both legs around his waist. With herback against the cold tile, he slid home, filling her to the brim with his hardflesh. Her satisfied moan echoed off the tile enclosure.

“God,you feel good, baby.”

“Move,Joel. I need you.”

Herocked his hips back and forth, sliding his scalding length deep inside her.His groan matched hers. Ecstasy fogged her brain. Water beat down upon them ina cascade, pounding in a solid stream between them as he continued to rock hiships.

“Damn,I’m not gonna last like this. The sensation is killing me.”

“Makeme come.”

Heshifted his stance. The slide of his cock hit her G spot in exactly the rightplace to shoot her desire to explosive. She exploded on a cry, his name amantra from her lips. Stars burst behind her eyelids, blinding her to anythingbut the feeling of him deep inside her.

Hisown climax echoed hers until she felt the stickiness of their mingled cumsliding down her leg.

Sherested her head on his chest, dragging air into her starved lungs until herhead cleared and she could think straight again.

“Ilike it much better without the barrier between us.”

“Metoo, but I didn’t want to push.”

Thebreakfast bell clanged, startling them both. He pulled out of her and grabbedthe soap to finish washing her. “We need to hurry or we’re gonna missbreakfast.”

“Wecan always hit the diner in town.”

“Don’tyou have work to do?”

“Yeah,but I’ll already be in hot water for skipping out this morning.”

“Idon’t want you to be in trouble.”

“It’sokay. Josh covered for me.”

“Heknew you were coming up here to seduce me?”

“Ididn’t tell him if that’s what you mean. I think he might have assumed so fromthe silly grin on my face.” He washed himself, and then waited for her.

Shequickly washed her hair and rinsed in the warm water that seemed to be turningcolder by the second. “I think we’re about to run out of hot water.”

“Yeah,I think so too. Hurry.”

“Iam.” Within minutes, she’d washed every bit of soap off and grabbed one of thefluffy, white towels hanging on the wall to dry herselfwith as Joel rinsed.

Heshut the water off then pulled the other towel down.

“Whattime did you wake up this morning?” she asked, heading back into the bedroom withthe pile of her clean clothes.

“I’malways up when the sun comes up. We have to feed and water the animals beforewe take them out for the day.”

“Iknow the bed was already cold by the time I woke.”

“Yeah,I’d already been up for a couple of hours by then.”


“Doyou want to go to town?”


Theydressed in a rush in between kissing and touching. His lips found her throat ashe nibbled from her earlobe to her collarbone. “If you don’t stop, we’ll neverget out of here. Food calls,” she said in between moans of ecstasy and tryingto button his shirt.

“MaybeI want something else to eat.”

Herpussy creamed at the thought, soaking her panties. She loved when he ate herout. “Later, cowboy. My stomach needs sustenance.”

“Partypooper,” he replied, pressing his forehead against hers. “Promise?”


“Okay,let’s get food then.” He stepped into his boots as she tied her tennis shoes.“Did you bring boots?”

“Ihadn’t planned on being on a ranch. I really should go buy some, I guess.”

“Yes,you should, especially if you plan on ridin’ with me.”


“Withme, Mesa, but I’ll take the other, too.”

“Ibet you would, cowboy.”

Aboutfifteen minutes later, they pulled up to the front of a quaint little dinersituated near the light in the middle of Bandera.

“Doeseveryone come here?”

“Alot of the older crowd comes for coffee early and so do many of the wranglers.They shoot the shit during the morning before they head out for the day’swork.”

“Thisplace sounds so fun.” She took out the pen and paper she always kept in herpurse to jot down some notes on the diner. A waitress showed them to a boothnear the window. Joel took one side and she took the other. She set the bookaside to glance at the menu. A ham and cheese omelet sounded good to her.

“Whatare you havin’?”


“Baconand eggs.”

Thewaitress appeared at their table, barely glancing at Mesa, but focusingentirely on Joel. “Hey, Joel.”

“Hey,Marie. Coffee, Mesa?”


Helooked up at the waitress and said, “Two coffees. I’ll have bacon and eggs overmedium with hash browns and my lady friend will have?”

“Hamand cheese omelet.”


“Yeah,”she said, simpering over him and batting her eyes. “Are you busy tonight?”

“Yes,I am actually.”

“Whatabout tomorrow night?”

“Sorry,Marie. I’m not interested in dating you. We’ve already had this discussionbefore. You’re a sweet girl, but you aren’t my type.”

“Andshe is? Look at her!”

“What’sbetween me and Mesa is none of your business. I’ll thank you to remember thatand please call us another waitress.”



“Yeah,Joel?” an older woman called from behind the counter.

“Canyou come here and take our order please.”

“Beright there.” She grabbed a coffee pot and two cups before she headed overtoward their table. “I got this, Marie.”

Mariehuffed off toward the kitchen, glancing behind her several times.

“Sorryabout her, Joel. You know she’s had the hots for youfor a long time. She just doesn’t know when to quit.”

“It’sfine. I just didn’t want to subject my friend here to her.”

Annpoured them two cups of coffee, smiling at Mesa and whole time. “You ain’t fromaround here.”

“No,I’m staying at the ranch for a few days.”

“AnnQuimby, this is Mesa Arraguso. She’s from L.A.”

“Niceto meet you, Ann,” Mesa replied, taking her hand in a firm shake.

“Youtoo, Mesa. I ain’t sure how you corralled this youngin’,but hang on tight. You’re in for the ride of your life, honey.”

Mesablushed to the roots of her hair. Was it so obvious they were sleeping togetherthat the whole town could tell by looking at them? “Thanks for the advice.”

“Noproblem, darlin’. What are you two eatin’?”

Joelrepeated the order to Ann then she took off toward the kitchen to get theirorder up. Mesa bit her lip and sipped her coffee. Joel watched her over the rimof his cup, his eyebrow raised over his left eye. “What?”


“Ididn’t think it was so obvious we’re lovers, but apparently it is.”

“Areyou ashamed, because I’m not.”

“No.I really didn’t think it was written on my forehead though.” She tapped thespot between her brows. “You know. Joel’s slut.”

“Youaren’t a slut, Mesa, for God’s sake. There’s a big difference between someonewho goes around sleeping with everyone and anyone and someone who hooks up withone person for a short term fling.”

“Didyou just hear yourself? It means the same thing, Joel.”

“No,it doesn’t.” He lowered his voice. “Sluts sleep with everyone or anyone. Youare only sleepin’ with me. Of course, we aren’t doin’ much sleepin’.”

“Shush.I don’t want everyone hearing you.”

“It’snone of their business what we do, Mesa.”

“Istill don’t need everyone hearing you talk about our sex life.”

“Whatdoes it matter? After you leave, you won’t ever see them again.”

“Whatif I come back?”


“AmI what?”

“Comingback after you leave.”

“Idon’t know, Joel. It all depends on what happens between us. I mean, maybe wecould just have a fling every year around the same time.” She sipped her coffeebefore setting the cup back down. “Isn’t there a movie with the same storyline?I know.” She snapped her fingers. “It’s called Same Time Next Year. We could dothat.”