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“You’reokay with all this?”

Sheshrugged as she removed his cowboy hat and threw it on the bed. “I have to be,Joel. They are part of this house. If they leave me alone, I’m fine withsharing their space.”

“You’rean amazing woman, Mesa.”

“Thankyou, now get naked.”

“Yes,ma’am.” He grinned, unzipping and stepping out of his jeans after he pushedthem to the floor.

Hisfull length made her mouth water to taste, but she burst out laughing.

* * * *

“Whatthe hell is so funny?” he asked indignation rushing through him while hewatched Mesa double over in a fit of giggles.


Hesmiled when he looked down and saw mud caked on his cock. Well, it wasn’t agood muddin’ trip if there wasn’t mud everywhere.“Shower now, woman.”

Shecontinued to laugh as she removed her clothes and left them in a pile on thewood floor so they wouldn’t get the carpet dirty with the mud. Too late. It seemed to be everywhere.

Hefollowed her into the bathroom and began rubbing his hard cock between her buttcheeks while she adjusted the temperature on the shower until the water seemedwarm enough. “Easy, big boy.”

“Hellno. I’m fuckin’ you in the shower against the tile wall.”



“Let’sget the mud and crud out of my hair before we do the nasty.”

“Thenasty, huh?”

“Ofcourse. Haven’t you heard the term before?”

Helaughed. “Not put like that, I haven’t.” Her butt looked delectable when sheturned around to wash her face. He squeezed a cheek as a moan escaped hismouth. What he wouldn’t give to bury his cock in between those hot littlecheeks. Would she let him eventually? Interestingthought.

Aftershe spun around to wash her hair, he grabbed the soap to lather up her breasts.Man, she has pretty tits, too. “Ilove your tits.”

“Breasts,Joel,” she said rising her hair while he enjoyed himself with the soap. “Womendon’t like them called tits. It’s vulgar.”

“Whatabout this?” he asked, sliding his hand down between her legs.

“Pussyis fine by me, but I don’t like cunt.”

“Fine.I want your pussy squeezing me.”

“Iwant that too.”

“Areyou wet for me?”

“Fuckyes.” She moaned, tossing her head back as he worked her pussy with hisfingers.

Herhard little clit poked out for his touch. He wanted to eat her until shecreamed all over his face, but for now, he was going to fuck her against thewall.

Hetwirled her around so he could wash himself real quick. He wanted to get downto the good stuff in short order. She laughed when he washed his hair and bodyin record time.

“Anxiousare we?”

“Hornywould be a better word for it,” he said, rinsing the last of the soap from hischest. He leaned down and kissed her as he wrapped her in his arms. God, I love kissing her, touching her…lovingher. Where the hell did that thoughtcome from? I don’t love her. I can’t. She’s leaving in a couple of days.

“What’swrong?” she asked when he cut the kiss short.

Joelshook his head and leaned back down to kiss her again as he whispered,“Nothin’.” He slid his tongue past her lips to tangle with hers. With hisfingers, he pinched her nipples into hard little points like he knew sheenjoyed. His little city girl liked a little pain with her sex. A soft moanescaped her mouth around their kiss. He lifted her with both hands on her buttcheeks until she wrapped her legs around his hips and pushed her against thewall of the shower. “Give me everythin’, darlin’.”

“Youhave everything, Joel.”

I want your heart.

Henudged his cock against her opening and slowly slid as deep as he couldpossibly get. “Aw, fuck.”

“Doit. Fuck me.”

Hebraced his feet wide apart so they didn’t slip in the shower and fucked heruntil she screamed his name on a prayer.

Hisballs drew up against his groin and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Sheneeded to come again before he let go.

“Playwith your clit.”

“What?”she asked in a panting whisper.

“Playwith your clit. Make yourself come again.”


“Doit now.”

Shesnaked her hand down between their joined bodies until she reached her clit.With her head back against the shower stall, she completely lost herself in thepleasure she built with her fingers while he slowly guided his cock in and out.God, she’s beautiful. “Come for me,darlin’.”

Ahigh scream echoed off the stall doors when she climaxed the second time,drawing his own from deep inside his body to explode inside her with gushingspurts. His legs shook as he tried desperately to draw air into his starvinglungs.

“Ohmy God.”

“Yeah,you can say that again.” He slowly let her legs down and helped her stand onher own two feet. “You’re fabulous.”

“Youare pretty good yourself.”

Theyquickly washed the cum from their bodies before theyclimbed out and dried off. “Do you want to stay here instead of going to yourplace?”

“Ican make you scream more at my place. No neighbors.”

“True.I’m not quite done with you yet, cowboy.”

“Good.I ain’t nearly done with you yet, city girl.”

Theygot dressed and then snuck down the stairs, listening for any noise from thefamily to know whether they’d come back from the muddin’party. She giggled like a child as they sprinted toward the door on tiptoes,trying to be quiet even though he didn’t think anyone had come home yet.

Hepulled the door open to come face to face with Jeff.

“Wherethe hell are you goin’?”

“Backto my place. Later, brother.”

Jeffjust shook his head as they went around him laughing as they took off runninghand in hand toward his truck.

“Wecan’t take this, Joel. It’s full of mud on the seats.”

“Let’stake your car then.”

“Let’sjust stay here.”

“Fineby me, babe. I just didn’t think you wanted everyone in the house to know howloud you get when you come.”

“Let’stake my car.” She pulled the keys from her purse and unlocked her car that sattwo spots down from his truck.

Itonly took a few minutes for them to reach his cabin, get inside and strip downto skin. He loved having her close. There’sthat word again. I am not in love with Mesa.



“You’refrowning as you look at me. It’s kind of hard on the ego, you know.”

“Sorry.I just had a thought.”


“It’snothin’, really. I’m sad you’re leavin’ in a couple of days.”

“Yeah.I know.”

“Let’snot think about it right now. Okay? I wanna love you all night long.”

“Anall-nighter, huh?”

“Ohyeah.” He drew her down in front of the fireplace.

“Toobad it’s too warm for a fire. I’ve always wanted to make love in front of afire.”

Heheld up one finger. “Wait right there.” He walked to the thermostat and crankedup the air conditioning. “Now, it’ll get cold in here so we can have a fire.”The fireplace was gas logs so he just hit the switch and ignited the thing.“How’s that?” he asked, snuggling down on the rug and pulling her into thecrook of his arm. Nothing like a willing female to appreciatein front of a roaring fire.

“Perfect.Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

“Metoo. I love the way the firelight bounces color off your skin.”

“Mypale skin, you mean.”

“No.”He kissed her shoulder and run his tongue along the curve until he reached herneck. “You have fabulous skin. All soft beneath my tongue.I love your taste.”

“Ididn’t realize I had a taste.”

“Youdo. Sweet with a little tang. It’s addicting.”



Sheturned around in his arms until she rose up on her knees between his legs. “Ilike your taste, too.” Her tongue danced along his jaw until she reached hisear. “I could fall in love with you so easily.”

Hepushed her back and looked into her eyes. Sincerity and insecurity shone brightin her gaze. Did she really mean what she said? Was she in love with him? Whatabout his feelings for her? Did he feel love for this enigma of a woman who’dturned his life upside down since he found her on the side of the road?