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“Idon’t think I could live somewhere like that. I’m so used to living here. Icouldn’t be comfortable in a place where I didn’t know the guy living above me.Concrete jungle comes to mind.”

“Yeah.Now that you mention it, I don’t care for it much either.”

“Whydo you stay then?”

“Becauseit’s home. My parents are there. My siblings arenearby. I’ve lived in the same neighborhood for five years. I know whereeverything is.”

Hewrapped his arm around her waist to tuck her in close to his side. “Haven’t youever wanted to move to a place you didn’t know anyone? Learn a new town, a newcity?”

“You’reone to talk, Joel. You’ve lived in Bandera all your life.”

“Trueand I love it here. I love the area. I love my neighbors. I love working theranch with my brothers and I hope someday the woman I marry with learn to loveit like I do.”



“Iguess not if you plan to marry someone who is already from here. They’d fitright in.” He bent down and kissed her. “What was that for?” she asked,bewildered by his behavior.

“Justto let you know I’m thinking of you right at the moment. Not someone else.”

“Thanks…Ithink.” She wrinkled her nose. He laughed.

“It’sa compliment, Mesa. You’re a beautiful woman. I’m glad I’m here with you.”

“Youconfuse me, Joel.”


“Becauseone minute you kiss me and tell me I’m beautiful. The next I’m not sure if you’retalking about me or someone else you’ve been with recently.”

Hismouth pulled down at the corners when he frowned. “What gave you the idea I wastalking about anyone but you?”

“Just…ohnever mind.”

“I’mwith you tonight. I think it’s rude to talk about other women when you’re withone.”

Sheshrugged. “But we aren’t together. We're here as friends.”


“Let’sjust have a good time. Forget about the rest for now.”

“Soundsgood to me. Are you finished with your beer? I wantto dance with you again.”

“Andhave me stepping on your feet more?”

“You’reso cute when you’re joking,” he said, tweaking her nose, and then brushing hismouth against hers.

Whatthe hell was she going to do about these feelings? She wanted to jump him andride his hips into tomorrow like some rodeo broncrider, but on the other hand, getting involved with a guy like him in asituation like this was a sure way to feel like shit when she went back to L.A.

Heswept her up in his arms the minute they hit the dance floor again, doing aquick two-step. The dance brought her close enough to smell him. She wanted totaste him. Find out if his skin tasted salty under her tongue. Did he have alittle sweat she could lick off?

“Whatare you thinking about?’

‘Nothin’, why?”

“You'vegot a guilty little smirk on your lips.”

Shecaptured her lips between her teeth.

“Ah,somethin’ dirty?”

“Maybe,but I won’t tell.”

“Howabout if I tickle you until you tell me?”

“Youwouldn’t.” His hand curled into her side and she giggled like a schoolgirl. “That’snot fair!”

“Sureit is. You’re keeping secrets.”

“I’ma woman. We have secrets.”

“Tellme.” He tickled her again.


“Notuntil you tell me.”

“Okay,okay!” She gasped for breath as he led them to an empty table toward the backof the bar in a secluded corner. How this particular table became available,she would never know, but here she sat with one the most gorgeous men she’dever seen in a darkened corner.


“Iwas thinking about you.”




Sheforced a ragged breath between her lips. Surely he didn’t really expect her totell him she wanted to lick the sweat from his body after he fucked her like acouple of bunny rabbits? “Nothing, really.” He reachedover and tickled her side. “All right!” She sighed. “Youare rotten, you know?”

Hetouched her side again, making her jump.

“Iwas thinking about you being sweaty.”

“Likeafter working outside?”


“Whywould you be thinking about me being sweaty?”

“Likelicking you after sex.” Heat crawled up her neck as shedropped her gaze to the table. “I’m so embarrassed.”


“Seriously?We’ve only known each other like not even twenty-four hours.”

“So?I think your beautiful, sexy, interesting, and a great dancer. There’s nothingwrong with being attracted to each other.” He reached over and slid his handalong the side of her face. “I want to kiss you.”

“You’vekissed me before,” she whispered, drowning in his eyes.

“Iwant to do it again.”

Hisbreath flittered across her lips. She wanted his mouth. She wanted his tongue.God, she wanted all of him touching her, holding her, making love to her.

“Weshould go.”

“No.Not until I’ve tasted you again.”

“Hey,Joel. Mesa,” Josh said, sliding into the booth on theother side of her.

“Josh.What are you doing here?”

“Isaw your two leave and figured you might be headed here.”

Shit. Now I’m sandwiched between twogood-looking men. Threesome? No, no, no.

“Yeah,we did. We’ve been dancing.”

“Irode the bull,” she said, moving a little further away from Joel. She neededthe breathing room. Being close to him did all kinds of funny things to herinsides.

“Youdid? Wow. Great job!” Josh exclaimed. “Did Joel?”



“No.I got busy congratulating Mesa and forgot.”


Thelook on Joshua’s didn’t face bode well for their continued anonymity. Shereally didn’t want his family knowing about their shared kisses or the fact ofher wanting to get him in bed. She needed to forget about that part. He reallyshould be beyond her reach. Girls like her didn’t get guys like him. Women likeBrandy roped in guys like the triplets, with their penetrating blue gazes, rockhard bodies, and kissable, full lips. Damn.

“Dancewith me, Mesa,” Joshua said, holding out his hand. “Please?”

“I’llwarn you, I step on toes.”

“No,she doesn’t,” Joel added. “She just learned to two-step though, so take it easyon her.”

“Ofcourse, brother.”

Shescooted out of the booth, allowing Joshua to take her hand and lead her to thedance floor. The whole time, she felt Joel’s gaze on her back. The moment theyreached the wood flooring, Joshua swept her up in his arms, bringing her inclose…too close. She pushed on his chest to put more space between them. “Easeup on the hold buddy, or you’re gonna lose something precious to you.”

“Comeon. You like Joel. I can see it in your eyes. We’re identical.”

“Inlooks maybe. But you need to think about what you’re doing here.” She pushedagain.

“What?I’m dancing with a pretty woman.”

“Whohappens to be here with your brother.”


“Youdon’t get it, do you? Do you guys always fight over women?”

‘No.”He grinned and winked. “I usually win.”

“Why?Because you’re an ass if you ask me.”

Heput one hand on his chest. “I’m hurt, Mesa. I thought you were a nice girl.”

“Iam, but I don’t put up with bullshit like what you’re trying to pull. Let mego.”

“Icould make it good for you. Joel won’t go against the wishes of our mother andI think you want a good, hard lay.”

Shepushed out of his arms, pulled back her arm and slapped him as hard as shecould. “How dare you! Someday you’re going to find a woman who will put you inyour place, Josh, and I’m going to laugh my ass off when I see it. Joel istwice the man you are.”

“What'sgoing on?” Joel asked, sliding to a stop between her and Josh.

“Nothing.Josh was just leaving.”

“NoI’m not.”

“Yeah,you are brother. You’ve obviously insulted my lady friend and I won’t put upwith it. Go home before I kick your ass.”

“Youcan try.”

“Takeit outside boys,” the bartender hollered from behind the bar. “No fighting inhere. You know the rules.”

“Fine.Outside?” Josh asked, egging on his brother by smilingat Mesa.