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“Heybaby.” A beautiful blonde scooted close and pressed her size double D breastsagainst Joel side. “I’ve missed you. You haven’t been around here much, Joel.”

“No,I haven’t.”

“Wannahang out? I’m free tonight and all yours.”

“I’mwith someone, Brandy.”


“Yes.Brandy this is Mesa. Mesa, Brandy.”

“Niceto meet you,” Mesa said, glancing at the woman hoping she could hide her disdain.The blonde didn’t even acknowledge her. Well,so much for pleasantries.

“I’llsee you around, Brandy.”

“Sure,cowboy. Call me.”


Joeltook Mesa’s hand and wormed his way through the crowd toward the back of thebar. A large mechanical bull sat in the middle of a padded ring. Several peoplestood around the outside of the ring, laughing whenever someone climbed on andwas tossed off on their ass.

Great. He wants me to get on thatthing?

“Yes,I do,” Joel said. “Climb on. You can do it.”

Joelwent back to pay the operator as she sucked in a ragged breath. I can do this. With Joel watching, it’ll bemuch more fun. She grinned as she realized she could totally tease Joel atthe same time. With a sexy swing of her hips, she approached the steel beast.She stuck her foot into the metal stirrup and swung her leg over the back ofthe bull. Adjusting herself toward the handhold, she tucked her dress betweenher thighs so she could save what little modesty she possessed, and thengrinned like an idiot. Centered on the bull, she flung her left arm out andnodded to the operator to start the ride. Once the bull started bucking, sheshifted her body in the sexiest motion she could as she glanced at Joel standingoff to the side. He wolf-whistled, bringing a smile to her lips.

Themusic seemed to roll along her spine with each swing of the bull. Her left armsnapped back and forth as she rode for the full eight seconds and earnedherself the cowbell ring. When she jumped off the back of the bull, Joel mether in the middle of the padded ring, swept her up in his arms, and planted afat, juicy kiss on her mouth.

Shelost the ability to think beyond his mouth on hers. Their tongues entwined,battling from her mouth to his and back. He lifted her up in his arms, holdingher against his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Momentslater, someone slapped him on the back and they broke apart as the guy jokinglytold him to take it somewhere else.

Shewas so embarrassed she hid her face in his chest while he escorted her outsidethe ring. What had gotten into her? She wasn’t the type to be affectionate inpublic with anyone. Her ex-boyfriend even mentioned it several times, but hereshe stood making out with a guy she barely knew in a bar in his hometown. Good gravy. She’d turned into a regularslut in this small cowboy town.

“Don’tbe embarrassed.”

“Idon’t do these sort of things, Joel.”

“It’sokay. Nobody even noticed.”

Shelifted her face from his chest and caught the dirty looks from the women aswell as the thumbs up from several of the men surrounding them.

“Okay.So a few noticed.”

“Afew? If looks could kill, I’d be dead from the dirtylooks the women are giving me, especially Brandy.”

“Don’tworry about it. Come on. Let’s dance.” He led her out onto the dance floor, puther hand on his shoulder, and took her other hand in his. “Now, relax. The stepis called a two-step. You step once, shuffle twice and step again.”

Shetook a deep breath, trying to concentrate on his words as he slowly led heraround the dance floor.

“You’redoin’ great.” He touched afinger under her chin to make her lift her gaze to his. “See? It's not so hard.”

Shestepped on his toe. “God, I’m sorry.”

“It’sokay. It’s happened before. You aren’t the first lady to step on my toes.”

“I’mnot supposed to, though. You’re such a patient teacher.” His gaze pulled her inas the music faded out of her conscious thought. She’d never seen eyes thecolor of his. Blue like a glacier, or maybe a swimming pool. She could so drownin his stare. The five o’clock shadow of a beard on his face made him sexier.Rugged. So fucking hot.

Themusic changed to something slow. A song she recognized. DustinLynch’s Cowboys and Angels. Damn. This is my favorite song. Why doesJoel have to be so gorgeous? Why can’t he be some scraggly old codger who wouldbe willing to tell her all his cowboy secrets over a cup of coffee? And holy hell, there are three of him! Fuckin’ A.

“Youslow dance well,” he whispered, nuzzling her ear.

“Thereisn’t much to it, really. You just shuffle back and forth. I probably won’tbruise your toes on this one.”

“Wecould always try a faster song. I can swing dance, too.” He laughed at theshocked look on her face.

“Oh,hell no. I got your feet with the simpletwo-step. I’d probably break something swing dancing.”

“Ilike this better anyway. I can hold you closer.”

“Youwere holding me pretty close with the two-step.”

“Notclose enough.” He pulled her in tighter. Her breasts brushed against the frontof his western shirt, making them peak like mountaintops reaching for thewarmth of the sky. Damn, traitorousnipples. “Are you excited, Mesa?”


“Areyour panties wet?” he whispered, brushing those full lips over her ear.

“Abit bold, aren’t you?”

“Iknow when a woman is excited.”

“Notthis woman.”

“Really?”he asked with a raised eyebrow over those damn sexy eyes. “Your nipples arepoking me in the chest. Cold?”

“Whyyes, I am.”

“Liar.”His lips brush her neck.

Hereyes drifted closed as goose bumps danced down her arms. His hands settled onher hips, slowly dragging her into the warmth of his embrace. God, the man was sex on a stick. Did hethink she was some loser in the bedroom that he could drag into his web witheyes blue enough to drown in, lips full enough to lose her mind, and a body tostop traffic at a green light?

Ofcourse he did.

Shestepped out of his embrace. “I need a drink.” She blew the hair off herforehead with a frustrated breath.

“Ithought you were cold?” he asked with a smirk.


“Butyours is cute enough to eat whipped cream off of.”

Fuck! Shewas so screwed. If he wants to get meinto the sack, he’s doing a damn good job of it, even if I want it too. “Ithought you weren’t supposed to seduce the guests?”

“Seduce?Who me?” He grinned as he wrapped his arm around herwaist to escort her to the bar. “Beer?”


“TwoBuds in the bottle please,” he said, signaling the bartender who responded witha nod.

“Someoneyou know?”

“Iknow everyone in here, pretty much. We also know the judge, the sheriff, thelawyers, the schoolteachers, the principal, and everyone else. Most all ofthose you see in here now are guys and gals I went to high school with.” Hereached up to wave to someone nearby.

“Idon’t know what it’s like to be surrounded by people I’ve grown up with.”


“Nope.I went to a high school where my graduating class had three thousand kids init.”

“Holyshit! Mine had one hundred fifty and I thought it washuge. It took three hours to read all the names off.”

Hepaid the bartender before he handed her the bottle, then tipped his to hissensuous lips. Lordy, the man could kiss.The slow glide of his mouth over hers earlier in the dark, had been enough tocurl her toes, but the lip smacking, tongue tangling kiss he’d laid on herafter her bull ride still had her panting for air. She tentatively sipped ather beer, hoping it would wash away the taste of the kiss. No luck. She couldstill feel his mouth on hers. The slide of his tongue.Damn.

“Minehad to be split into two days. A through L one day and Mthrough Z the next day. It sucks living in such a large place sometimes.I like having things to do all the time like shopping and stuff, but it’s crazynot knowing who your neighbors are.”