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Asthey stood to make their way into the blackness surrounding the bonfire, one ofhis brothers called out, “Behave yourself, Joel. She’sa guest.”

“What’sthat all about?”

Ashrug lifted both his shoulders as he laid his hand on the small of her backguiding her around the boulders and path rocks blocking their way. “Nothingreally. We just have a don’t mess with the guests policy.”


“Yeah.It’s really to keep my brothers from coming onto some of the single women weget staying here, which doesn’t happen a lot. We tend to meet more women intown. The ranch is packed most of the time with families.”

“Doesthe no messing with the guests policy include me since you kissed me?” sheasked, cuddling closer to his side. She really hoped the policy didn’t apply toher. She wanted Joel to kiss her again.

Chapter Five

Hestopped and looked down at her. “Technically, yes. I shouldn’t have kissed youearlier. I’m sorry.”

“Don’tbe. I wished for it. Remember?”


Shepressed two fingers to his lips. “I wanted you to. It’s not your fault. If yourmother says anything, it was me, not you.”

Thewarmth of his lips under her fingertips sent chills down her arms. He kissedher fingers, then her palm. Shivers raced down her back. Her heart sped up,threatening to jump from her chest.

Moonlightlit the path now that they were away from the fire. It also reflected the whiteof his teeth as he smiled. The wink he gave her did nothing to calm her out ofcontrol libido.

“I’llblame it all on you then.”

“Great.”He grabbed her hand to lead her down the path headed for the front of thehouse. Clouds raced across the face of the moon blocking the light at times,but giving everything an slight eerie silver glow.

Heled her to the front of the main house where several rocking chairs and otherassorted benches lined the porch in front of the windows. Light from the mainroom of the lodge spilled out onto the front lawn, but did nothing to cut thedarkness beyond fifty feet. Joel took her shoulders in both of his hands as he pushedher down on one of the rockers. “I thought you might like to sit here for a bitand watch the clouds drift across the moon. It always seems kind of strange tome to watch with the outline of the trees beyond the light from the house.”

“Itis spooky out here.”

Thefront door of the ranch house creaked open, but no one came out. She glanced atJoel, but he didn’t seem to notice. Itwas probably someone from inside who opened the door, and then changed theirmind about coming outside. She glanced through the window, but didn’t seeanyone near the door. Okay, that’s weird.

“Howlong have you lived in Los Angeles?”

“Allmy life. My parents moved there before I wasborn.”

“Dothey still live there?”

“Sortof. They spend part of the year in Arizona.” His profileintrigued her. The slope of his nose looked regal, except for the small bumpnear the bridge indicating he’d broken it at least once. His lashes were long,dark spikes any woman would give her eyeteeth to have. The black Stetson satback on his head, framing the black curtain of his hair. He wore it longer thanmost guys, she noticed, almost to his shoulders.



“You’restaring at me.” He smiled and winked.

“Sorry.I didn’t mean to. I’m admiring your profile.”


“I’mcommitting it to memory for a book cover. I want to take your picture before Ileave.” Yeah, sounded like a good excuseto me. I certainly can’t tell him I think he’s hotter than Hades.


“Yeah.Preferably with your shirt off.”

Helaughed. The rich, deep sound made her pussy weep with need. God, I want this man to make love to me.Make love, hell! I want him to fuck mesix ways to Sunday.

Witha quick glance at his watch, he said, “How would you like to go into town? Thebar there should be just starting to swing right about now.”

“Sure.I haven’t been out to a bar in quite a while.”

“No?”He stood and held out a hand to help her to her feet.


“Wellthen you need to loosen up a bit. Have a few drinks. Dance.”

“Ican’t dance.”

Hetucked her hand into the crook of his elbow as they walked back toward theparked cars behind the main house.

“Sureyou can. Everyone can dance.”

“Ihave two left feet. Trust me.”

“Haveyou ever tried to two-step?”


“I’llteach you. It’s easy. I’ll lead, you follow. You’ll have the hang of it in notime.”

“I’llprobably bruise your feet stepping on them.”

“Youcan’t be any worse than Willa Miller.”

“Who?”She giggled as he opened the door to the biggest truck she’d seen in her life. White and huge with big mud tires.

“WillaMiller. She’s been hanging out at the bars since she turned twenty-one. She’s now fifty something, I think.” Once he got around the frontof the truck, he hopped inside and closed his own door. “She’s got to be theworst dancer I’ve ever seen. Most of the guys tolerate her because she sosweet, but man she’s hard on the toes.” Her laugh turned into a snort. Joelroared with laughter as he turned over the engine. “You snort when you laugh.”

“Onlywhen I’m laughing really hard.” She placed her handover her nose and mouth trying to hide the sound. “It’s not funny, Joel.”

“Sureit is. I think it’s cute.” He grabbed her hand to lace their fingers together.

“Youwould.” What to make of this enigma namedJoel? He acted like he was attracted to her, but she didn’t know whether totake him seriously or not. Could they have a fling for a few days while shestayed on the ranch? She could. Would he be willing? The attraction wasdefinitely there on her part. She slowly pulled her hand out of his grasp towrap her arms around herself. What to do?

“Areyou cold? I can turn on the heater if you want.”

“No.I’m fine. I got the shivers for a minute, is all.” She rubbed her arms to calmthe chills.

Withinmoments they pulled into a bustling bar in the center of Bandera. Tons of truckssat in the parking lot, but very few cars. Figures.Everyone drives a truck in cowboy country.

Joelwalked around the front of the truck to open her door. Such a gentleman, butthen again, his mama raised him to be like that, especially around women. Heopened the door and held out his hand to help her down from the twenty feet offthe ground his truck stood—okay, maybe not that high.

“Ishould have dressed up more.”

“Youlook great, Mesa. Besides, most of the women in here wear jeans and T-shirts.”

“MaybeI’m overdressed then.”

“Ilike you just the way you are.”


Thedoors to The Dusty Boot opened and closed several times as they made their waycloser. She could hear the music playing loudly every time they opened. Severalcowboys stood on the porch and called to Joel when they reached the doors. Hewaved back, but didn’t stop to chat.

Theywalked inside only to be immediately swallowed up in the crowd of cowboy hatsand rhinestones. A band played from a small stage near the back of the bar. Aloud cowbell clanged causing her to jump. Joel put his lips near her ear. “The mechanical bull. They ring the bell when someone ridesfor eight seconds.”

“Areyou going on it?” she asked, breathing in his cologne. All man, cowboy, andmusk. God, he smells good.

“Ifyou will.”


“Yep.I want to see those sexy hips swing with the back end of the bull.”

Heatcrept up her neck as she bit her lip to hide her smile. Sexy hips, huh. Shealmost felt giddy. He thought she had sexy hips. “Okay. I’ll give it a go.”

Thesmile he gave her could have set her panties on fire. She sniffed hoping shedidn’t smell smoke, because damn, he probably would melt the silk of herunderwear.