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The crowds applauded John’s determination. The plight of his mother still weighed heavily on his mind, but the sound of the crowd was like sweet music that pumped him full of excitement and helped him postpone his worries.

He raised a hand for some silence and the noise died down. “My mother had a stroke and now she is in a coma,” he said. He paused and saw the somber faces of the crowd. “But let me swear to you that this incident has not left me defeated; it has only made my resolve stronger. My hatred for the vampires is immense and so is my desire for vengeance. Only with our united anger and hate can we dissolve that race. We must do it together, or not at all.

“In the next nine hours,” he said checking his watch; it was five to eleven, “our troops will be down there for two reasons. The first is to get Alexander back and along with him our strongest allies, the Rebels. The second reason is to locate the Vatican Library and burn the place, so that their knowledge will be lost. But before doing so, we will record their information for our own use.

“Now, I know you want to know the whole truth. There,” he breathed in and exhaled slowly, “was a prophecy made by the vampires that a man from their race known as the Falsifier will come. He will be like them, but he will be against them. He will be a hybrid, a damphir. His real name is Alexandros Nyrax III and he is the son of my sister Miriam and Aidan Nyrax, the prophet who led the Rebellion. He is my nephew. I know it might be hard to swallow right now, but the truth is that he is our only hope. He is one of them, but to have him on our side will be very beneficial. He is more powerful than them, and with the help of the Rebels and their leader Nikolas, we will be invincible. We will avenge the deaths of our soldiers, who died for us so many years ago.” He paused to complete silence and wondered how he would continue. “Believe... trust me that I have no other intentions than to see us all on the Earth. I have already sworn that if any harm comes to anyone of us, the vampires, along with my nephew will be exiled to Antarctica.

“In the coming months, I will set up a War Council. I would also like to add that I am ready to pardon the Council for whatever happened yesterday. I have decided to have all of them as a part of this new council. This includes Jarad Hameed, a superb general and much respected for his strategic prowess. I also have a new project for this coming war, which will begin once this mission is through. It is top secret as of now. But believe me: once it is out in the public, it will amaze you and give you hope. I have no idea how long this war will last, but I know for certain that we will win this time and that we will never have to fight it again.

“The coming months may bring many hardships and angst. But now is the time for us to stand up, unite and face those challenges as we always have. I know there has been talk of rations. That doesn’t mean that we will starve. Look at it as a sacrifice for life and freedom. With courage we will be victorious and attain our independence!”

The crowds cheered again and a great thunderous applause shook the streets of the Square. He went on:

“After this ceremony, I will hold a meeting with five of our best generals. Already I have spoken to Kurt J. Lord and we have decided on the basic strategy for the Rescue. These five generals are Generals Ranjit Singh, Lao Chang, George Hopkinson, Sergei Romsky, and Michio Nakashima. Mind you, the diversity of the group is of symbolic significance.

“I know that the vampires believe they know our weaknesses, one of which is indeed a shameful and scarring one in our history. That weakness is racial prejudice. But we have learned from our mistakes and have come together in brotherhood, especially during times of war, when the vampires invaded. Let’s take this war as a test of our solidarity and our resolve; let’s show history that regardless of the past, we have conquered ourselves and we have learned!” Again, the people cheered. John smiled and stood silent, looking around him, as everyone behind him clapped.

“I want to conclude by saying thank you to the Supreme Justices, Senators, Officials, Vice-Chancellor Bacon, and to you all, the people that really matter. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to succeed and to make a difference, and thank you for your trust, faith and belief in me and my actions. God bless.” With that, he waved, smiled and took a solemn bow, to which the crowd became rapturous, shouting and applauding loudly.

The Rebels contemplated the situation coming in the next ten hours as the light of the sun glimmered into Nikolas’s living room through the large glass balcony window.

“There’s no way we’ll be able to get these off!” Liam said, feeling the cold metallic restraint belt around his neck. It beeped and whirred when he touched it. Like all the others’ restraint belts, this one had three sensors: one that monitored the temperature of the one wearing it, another that monitored the heartbeat and blood pressure and a third to make sure no foreign tampering could unlock it.

“Well, we can, but we would be electrocuted,” Gavin said, resting his head on the sofa. Nikolas stood outside the balcony window, observing the sea.

“There’s only one thing we can do,” Quentin said, thoughtfully sipping some migra-based coffee. “We’ll have to find the main generator room to unlock them.”

“Not necessarily,” Nikolas said. He turned to look at them. “We need to be very cautious until John comes here. We have to act like we hate him now. One of us will have to communicate with him telepathically.”

“How do we even know we’ll be there for the negotiations?” Joqetu asked, sitting on the sofa and browsing through the daily news headlines. They were full of stories about the Falsifier or the Rebels turning sides.

“I’ll be there...hopefully,” Nikolas said. He shook his head, “With any luck that meditation will work for him.”

Davik asked, “You mean you’re presiding over his meditation?”

“Not at this point.” Nikolas grabbed a wooden chair from the dining table adjacent to the hallway and dragged it over to sit by them.

“But you can’t do that,” Davik said, “It’s dangerous.”

“We’re talking about Alex here. He’s much more powerful than anything.”

“But aren’t you defying many laws?” asked Efarius.

“Alex will be able to handle it,” Nikolas said

“Remember the stories of the old ones, the Ancients,” Efarius said, looking deep into Nikolas’s eyes. “Even the Ancients who involved themselves or gave energy during meditation were very cautious, after one of them had his soul dissolved.”

“That was different,” said Nikolas, shaking his head. He sighed, “Look. All I want to know is if you are all with me.” He tried to read their faces. There was a long moment of silence and they nodded slowly. “Good. Let’s begin.”

The Council Room, located on the fourth floor of the Regnum Central Headquarters had now become the War Room. In appearance it was like an oversized boardroom. Its spacious windows covered up an entire wall of the room and let in a lot of sunlight. The light shone on the forty-five foot long oak table that stood in the center of the room. There were ten chairs on each side of the table and another one on each end. The five generals waited for the Supreme Leader and the Vice-Chancellor.

“So what do you think?” said Ranjit Singh, a Sikh general standing by the panoramic window and looking out. He stood six feet five inches tall, towering over the others who stood in his shadow. He walked to the coffeemaker and pressed a button. He scratched his beard and sighed. “I don’t like the look of it.”

“The look of what, Ranjit?” a Chinese man asked, sitting and rocking on the chair.

“You know, Lao,” Ranjit said, taking his cup and walking towards the table, “This whole scheme.”