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Alex shook his head, “My duty is not to extend, but to exterminate my line. That is what I was born to do.”

Grandma Howe squinted and shook her head. “There are still many things you have to learn, Alex.”

“And that is why you must stay alive; to teach me.”

She paused, took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know. The moment I wake up, Angel’s life will be in danger.”

“You don’t worry about that. I will deal with it.”

“You have no such power yet.”

“Then when I do, I will bring her back.”

“You can’t.”

“What do you mean I can’t? Of course I can.” He paused. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be arrogant.”

“It’s not that. There are bigger and more important things in the way.”

Suddenly his face brightened, “I have an idea. No one said you couldn’t be dead and alive at the same time.”

“What? What do you mean by that?”

“I figure as long as you’re not moving and up and alive, Angel won’t be in any trouble.”

“You’re thinking of fooling God? Are you serious?”

“Of course he will know, but that’s the beauty of it. Since you will be immovable and not alive, as such, nothing can happen to Angel.”

“So what exactly are you saying?”

“I will bring you back, but not out of the coma. Then, I will be able to learn from you, you’ll still be alive, Uncle John will have some solace and Angel will be safe.”

There was a long moment of thoughtful silence. “It will work for some time, Alex, but destiny must take its course sooner or later.”

“Don’t worry about that. When the time comes, it will. Before that, you will have to teach me.”

“So be it,” she whispered.

Alex brought forth a great burst of pure white light with his hands. It hovered above him, then went above his grandmother, turning brighter and brighter until it clothed her with a radiant gown of pure energy. When Alex closed his eyes, he saw nothing but the darkness of his lids.

When he opened them, he was back.

“She’s alive,” Alex gasped. This had taken a lot from him. He gave the last of the energy left in his body to save his grandmother and now she was alive.

John turned to look at him and then at his mother, but there was no movement, “It’s alright, Alex. It’s alright. You tried.”

“I brought her back, but...but she’s still in a coma.”

“What?” Nikolas said, “If you could bring her back to life, bringing her out of a coma would have been easy.”

Alex felt like he was at a high altitude. His head felt extra light as if he were about to fall down. “Look, I need...I need to.” He didn’t want to speak and then he fell into the chair, as if he was way too tired. He blinked rapidly, his breath shortening. “I just need some rest.”

“We can’t let him slip away,” Nikolas said. He touched Alex’s chest, right where the heart was and tried to feed him more power.

A day passed, plus one more night. Alex slept for that passing time.

When he opened his eyes, his heart jumped in joy at seeing Angel. He smiled. Angel’s face calmed and soothed his senses. He felt refreshed. She smiled and touched his face. She knew what he was but that didn’t change her love for him. Nothing could do that. “Here,” she broke the silence, “take this,” she held a cup of coffee to his mouth. The fresh fragrance alone invigorated him.

“You’re alright!” he said, remembering. “Does that mean Grandma—”

“She’s fine,” Angel said. “You saved her.” Her eyes widened. “I have no idea how, but you did.”

“I don’t know either,” he said, shaking his head. He paused. “Are your parents okay?”

“There he is!” Nikolas said, suddenly entering the room. He saw Angel there. “Oh...uh...I guess...”

“No. Stay, it’s alright. This is Angel. Angel, General—”

Angel stood up and smiled. Nikolas returned the smile. “We’ve met,” she said.

“Oh, so you know.” he sighed, “I don’t know what to say.”

John came in. “Alex, you’re okay! My God, we were so worried.” He was full of life once again, knowing his mother was still alive. He hugged his nephew and swung him out of bed. “You’re amazing, you know that? Just like your father.”

Alex reddened as did the two onlookers. “It’s alright Uncle John. As long as everyone’s fine, I’m glad.”

“Come on,” he said, “Let’s get some breakfast.”

Angel, Alex, the Rebels, John, and Richard all breakfasted together at the Howe Estate. After the private celebrations the young couple left to be alone, to catch up on things. Alex stood at the balcony, taking in the fresh air and drinking his second cup of coffee. Angel sat on a rocking chair, looking at him. “What happened to your hearing aid?”

Alex smiled. “I don’t seem to need it anymore.”

“But the doctor said it’d never be the same again.”

“Well,” Alex shrugged his shoulders, “I guess modern medicine doesn’t have all the answers.” He rolled his eyes. “And I’m not exactly the average human patient now, am I?” He sighed. He knew that, for this reason, Angel’s parents would be dead against the wedding. “So,” he said, leaning on the railing of the balcony and looking out at the sun, “Now you know everything.”

She touched his arm. “Listen, it doesn’t matter. My parents are fine with it.”

“Don’t lie to me,” he said. “I’m not that daft.”

“What am I supposed to do?”

“What about the baby?”

“I don’t know.”

“It isn’t their choice.” He turned around, his eyes suddenly dark with anger.

“How are you doing that?”


“Your eyes; they keep changing color.”

“It’s a vampire thing,” he said.

“There’s no—”

“No need to what? I can’t believe this. You’re going to abort our child. You want it, don’t you?”

She remained silent.

“You want it, right?”

“There’s more to it than that,” she said, her eyes glazed over.

“What? What more is there? You don’t want to be with the enemy.”

“It’s not that,” She said harshly, “I love you.”

“But not the baby. Damn it, this is another life we’re talking about! You cannot take it away. You don’t want it, give it to me! And back off, if you hate me.”

“I didn’t say that. Alex, my parents have told me everything. About the truth.”

“What truth?”

From inside someone cleared their throat, “Alex,” it was Uncle John.

“Angel.” He stepped out. It was obvious from his grave pallor that he heard portions of their conversation, “It’s time for the funeral.”

“Yes, Mr. Howe.” Angel got up and walked briskly in. Alex lingered there for a few seconds longer with John.

He walked inside, not making any eye contact. “Alex,” John said. Alex stopped midway, silent. “Don’t worry kiddo. Everything is going to be okay.”

“I know,” he tried to smile.

One and a half million people were present for the state funeral of those who died. The casualties of the first battle of this war numbered to twenty one hundred soldiers, including General Ranjit Singh.

In the Regnum, funerals were dealt with in various ways according to religion and culture. But the most common way was cremation. The process for a normal funeral would go as such:

The family and friends of the deceased would stand around the fire waiting till it turned to ash. Then, the ash would be put into small rockets which would be launched into the sun.

This mass funeral was a big event, and one that was performed with extreme solemnity. Trumpets blew out military theme tunes and the soldiers, standing at attention at Central Square, saluted the deceased by firing blank rounds every one minute. They held out their swords, in salute, as the pyres were lit. Ranjit’s was the last pyre to be lit. The ceremony was accompanied by four special funeral hymns. The hymns were in Sanskrit, English, Aramaic, and Latin. Four hundred choir singers accompanied the lead singer. A plaque had been prepared to place on the ground where the pyres were. The epitaph read, “This is to acknowledge the deaths of those who fought in the first battle of the War of Vengeance. May their lives and their valiance always remain in our hearts, and may we never forget their deep sacrifice.”