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“And he did.”

Nick nodded, “They were the strongest the world had ever seen. When the war finally ended, Anaxagoras failed to stay true to his side of the pact and Gaius took away his sons, one by one until no one was left. But, he didn’t take away the knowledge. He couldn’t because Anaxagoras’s mind was way too powerful. So, after the conversion, he created Aidan. Then, Aidan created you.”

They remained silent after that. Alex folded his legs and sat in a lotus position, his back leaning on the pillow. He pondered silently about all that Nikolas had said so far. The Rebels did likewise. He finally understood. His connection to Anaxagoras was a result of all these things. If the king had never learned these things, he wouldn’t have been able to make Aidan and in turn teach his sixth son the technique so that he could create Alex. It fit perfectly. He sat there, looking at Nikolas.

“Do you get it?” Nikolas asked him.

“Yes,” Alex nodded, “I suppose I do.”

Red Serpent: The Falsifier _13.jpg

Daniel stood outside as the morning sun lighted his crimson eyes. He clasped his hands together behind his back. He had been standing there for the last fifteen minutes on helipad eight, waiting for Mikhail and the five scientists he had ordered to do the blood analysis. He thought about the future as he waited. What glory it would be to have the power of the king, over the king! He smiled at the thought.

They arrived, the sound of their footsteps reaching his ears. He turned around swiftly. “Gentlemen!” He raised his arms as if he was going to embrace them. “You have all done well! Excellent, I tell you!”

The scientists bowed in gratitude.

“Do you have a copy of the reports?” Daniel asked them.

“Yes, Mr. President,” one of the scientists said. He looked up at Daniel through thick spectacles and handed him the file.

“Good,” said Daniel. He acted as if he was reading them. He took his time and they waited. “Now, my dear scientists, you do know what we have found out is to be kept a secret?”

The scientist nodded and said, on behalf of himself and his colleagues, “Of course, Mr. President.”

Daniel remained silent for a moment and then said gravely, “That is why I must destroy anything and anyone who knows of it.” The scientists’ eyes suddenly bulged with fear. Before they could protest Daniel took out his sword and sliced off their heads. He started with the one who handed him the file and rushed towards the other four, jumping and killing them. Their corpses dissolved into fiery ashes.

He walked away coolly and said to Mikhail, “Have someone clean this up and make sure there’s a total memory wipeout done for their computers.”

He was about to go into the Command Center when Mikhail asked him, “What exactly does that file contain?”

“If I told you, I’d have to kill you,” Daniel smirked and left.

The ceremony was an hour and a half behind schedule. The crowds gathered again and the music and pomposity returned to its original zeal and vigor. This lightened the mood, especially for John, who was constantly thinking of his mother’s condition. That was the problem with a coma. There was no certainty in it. All he could do was pray and have faith. Richard eyed him warmly as they sat in the room. John sat back with his head lifted, resting on the chair and gazing at the ceiling. He sighed, “Why?”

Bacon didn’t speak; he was totally transfixed by John’s face, which was a picture of gravity and suffering. They were waiting for the doctor’s permission to see Mrs. Howe. The rest of the visitors were asked to leave. Herbert promised he would take care of the ceremony and left to raise the spirits of the crowd. Angel and her parents wanted to stay, but the doctor was strict. So, they went along with Herbert to his office for some refreshments.

The doctor came into the hallway and said, “It’s alright. You can come in now.” John and Richard followed him quickly to the doorway. The two of them entered the room where Mrs. Howe lay. Her heart and brainwaves were being monitored. She didn’t seem to be breathing, but there was an airway that went through her nostrils so that she got the proper amount of oxygen needed to sustain her body.

John cried. It was the first time Richard had ever seen him like this. John fell to his knees on the floor and sobbed. He covered his face and his hands muffled his screams of anguish. Tears flowed down his cheeks and splattered to the floor. Richard didn’t do anything for a minute, partly because this was unexpected. He had never seen John cry, not for his father, not for his wife, not for anyone. Richard felt that John needed to let it all out. It was a good and long-needed outpouring for a man who had suffered so many pains, worries and uncertainties.

Richard locked the door of the room. He sat in the chair next to John. He closed his eyes and relaxed. It was time for some contemplation.

Alex remained doubtful of what Nikolas had said. But he also knew that it all fit. “Now, what do I do with this knowledge? How am I supposed to use it?” Alex asked.

Nikolas understood how he felt as did the others who watched the boy with humility. Joqetu spoke, “Alex, this is something with which we will help you. You are our responsibility now. It’s obvious Aidan wanted us to teach you.”

Varenkoff added, “And now that you know it, what’s stopping you? If anything, this knowledge will give you a head start with your training.”

Alex nodded. “I know that I have to do these things but I need to take it slowly. How should we begin?” He turned to Nikolas.

“Like all trainings,” Nikolas said, “this one begins with theory.”

“I was afraid you were going to say that.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think in your case you need to study so much. You already know a lot of it, inherently. It just needs to come out through practical experiment.”


“You know you were able to telepathically communicate with me, but you didn’t know how. Somehow, you were able to create energy, but it happened as a reaction. When we were initiating you, you took our energy, which is something only a very powerful vampire can do. Now you did these things without any prior conscious knowledge.”

“Uh-huh,” Alex was weary of how slowly Nikolas explained things.

“That obviously means that you have power and it’s coming closer, but I suspect something else. I think that your use of powers could be, perhaps, a direct relation to Anaxagoras’s coming closer to the Earth, or rather to you. You have a link with him; otherwise how do you explain the incident, the dream, and so on?”

“I don’t know about that. I have a feeling I can keep this power in control. I just need to concentrate.”

“Yes. You definitely need to control it. The last time you lost control you were killed.”

“So let’s do it then.” Alex was fired up.

“Alright. Dante,” Nikolas said, approaching the vampire, “give me your sword.”

“Wait, you’re teaching me how to fight with a sword? What about magic and telepathy?”

“Patience is a virtue,” Nikolas said.

“Yeah, and time is precious,” Alex added.

Nikolas smiled and with a flick of his wrist he threw the sword at Alex, who instinctively grabbed it by the hilt.

“What the...” he looked at the Rebels in bewilderment. They too were surprised. “How did I do that?”

“You see, it’s innate. It just has to come out. Now...” Nikolas took a swing at him, but again Alex used his instincts and blocked the attack within seconds of getting sliced. Alex smiled. Nikolas escaped the lock of their swords and leaped from one wall to another. He attacked Alex in midair. Alex, who was now surer of himself, jumped in the air and kicked him in the chest.