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“Okay,” Joy said and the camera focused on her. “There you have it. We’ll be back after a few moments. Stay tuned as we give you live coverage of history in the making.”

The logos of RNN, Regnum News Network, appeared and shifted to a commercial break.

Angel sighed. Ken was reading a magazine and acting like he hadn’t heard anything. Martha came back from the kitchen, with a tray containing three cups of coffee and some scones. She placed them on the table and sat opposite Angel on a cushioned rocking chair. Ken took his cup of coffee and ignored Angel. He felt her watching his every move. Her eyes shifted from him to Martha and then to him again. “That’s it! I have had enough of this,” she said.

Both parents glanced at her, mystified by her tone. “What?” they both said, as if they hadn’t understood.

“You know what!” she said. “You know exactly what I’m talking about!”

Martha said, “Why not finish our coffee first and then we can talk about it?”

Angel sipped her coffee and glared at her mother, but remained silent. The news came on again and this time, all three Stones had their eyes glued to the television as the ceremony was about to begin.

John turned to Richard. “So, how’s the crowd?”

“Ecstatic, as usual. You ready?”

“Yeah...if you are.”

The Senators came out, four by four, waving and smiling. Their names were called out by the announcer as they approached the huge stage at Central Square. After every few moments or so, the patriotic crowd went wild. It was not necessarily the names that excited them; it was more the feeling of being a part of history. Then, the names of the Judges were called out and one by one they entered the stage. After that, the Municipal officials were called out.

The big moment arrived. The announcer gave a very dramatic and anxious pause, in order to heighten the anticipation. The drums rolled and trumpets blared. He called out the name of the Vice-Chancellorto-be, “And now, ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to the public, the adviser to Leader Howe, Councilman Richard Bacon!” Richard strode out gracefully and, as always, waved and smiled to the beloved public. As the crowd roared with adoration, the orchestra played an imperial-themed tune. The music slowly faded and so did the cheers of the people. The Councilman was called onto the main podium, which looked like an oversized church altar, by Justice Nyazika. Richard came forth without hesitation and smiled warmly at the Justice.

He bowed and Nyazika returned the gesture. The Justice said, “Before we begin the oath, I would like to add a few words of mine to commemorate this special occasion.” There was a respectful silence for the gifted and revered political scientist and Court Justice, as everyone awaited his words. “It has been my great privilege and immense pleasure to have known these two fine gentlemen. They have been extremely professional in matters of the State and have a valiant history together as great friends and allies against the vampires...”

Meanwhile, John received a call on the nanophone that was attached to his jacket. He clicked his fingers and a holographic projection of the caller appeared in the air. The caller was a pudgy bald man with a sharp face. It was his butler, Andrew. “Andrew, what is it?”

Andrew perspired and shook vigorously. “Sir...sir! It’s your mother!”

“What? What, damn it?”

The speech continued, “They are the perfect candidates to lead us to victory. They are the embodiment of what we hold dear to our hearts and that secret desire we have always had!” The crowds cheered on.

The phone disconnected and John nervously tried redialing, clicking his fingers, and said, “Redial.”

Justice Nyazika concluded, “I hope that our struggle with these two men at the helm will lead us to our ultimate goal. I hope and pray they will lead this government into a new era of self-existence. I wish them all the best.” Nyazika winked at Richard who gleamed with joy and smiled. “Godspeed!”

The crowd cheered on for the next two minutes.

The phone finally connected and the pudgy man appeared in the air once again, “Andrew, what the hell’s happening?”

“Sir, your mother’s had a stroke.”

“So tell me this once again,” Nikolas said, folding his arms and standing tall as Alex slouched, sitting on his bed. “What exactly happened?” They felt safe now to speak openly since all cameras, sound systems, and guards had been removed. Alex told the story of heaven thrice to Nick who still couldn’t believe his ears.

“How many more times should I tell you?” Alex said. “Don’t you believe me?”

Nikolas nodded. “Of course I do! Usually, when people come back from the dead, they don’t remember anything. Few people have, like Christ and Anaxagoras.” Nikolas contemplated on Alex’s story and after a few moments said, “Okay, so this tells us more about you. It gives us more reason to believe that you are the Falsifier. God has touched you and you’ve begun to develop the powers that previously lay dormant in you. For example,” the door opened and the other Rebels came in, “when we were in the copter, you communicated with me telepathically.”

“Really!” asked Varenkoff in surprise. “That’s amazing. These things are innate within all of us, but you, I mean since you are more human than vampire...”

“Because of my conditioning,” Alex added.

“Right, so because of that, we never expected this from you. At least not yet,” Nikolas finished.

Alex understood what they were saying, “Alright, so explain everything to me.”

“Okay,” Nikolas said, taking a deep breath. “First of all, I want to tell you about your father.” He paused, recollecting his thoughts. “He was the first of the Anisaei. He was not born but created.”

“Right. I know that. But who was he? Tell me about what he would have wanted me to know?” Alex remembered the discs and the annals. “Wait!” he said suddenly, “Uncle Nick, do you know about the Annals?”

“You mean the one about the Nyrax Dynasty?”

“Yeah. Daniel has one copy, right?”

“Yes, it is with him.”

“Can we get it from him?”

“I doubt it. But, I will try. Now, stop jumping from one thing to another. Let me explain everything. Whatever happened on the ship was of Anaxagoras’s doing. What he’s done shows that he’s grown stronger, much more powerful. It also means that he is closer to the Earth.”

Alex knew it was true and a cold fear overtook him. But he forwent it and continued listening.

“Your father told me, told us,” Nick eyed the Rebels, “at a time when your mother was one month pregnant, that the Falsifier was to be amongst us within the coming year. He said, ‘He will lead us to victory and he will give us freedom.’”

“Freedom? That’s what he is... I mean that’s what I’m supposed to do?”

“That means you’re a savior for both of us.”

“But then why would Anaxagoras want to kill me?”

“Because he’s afraid of you and the recognition you will get. Anaxagoras was disgusted when Aidan joined us and he banished him. He removed his name from the annals of history. He proclaimed that he had no kin. But the truth is he did have five sons.”

“What!” Alex asked, getting up in confusion. “Five sons?” His mouth opened and it felt dry. He walked to the table near him and poured himself a cup of water.

Nikolas nodded, “That’s right. He had five sons before the conversion, before the revolution, before any recorded history of the vampires. He had five sons just the way he had Aidan. He created them out of the Elements.”

Alex gulped down the last sip. “But why wasn’t this mentioned?”

“Well, everyone knew about it, but it became a law that no one would be allowed to speak of it. We all understood the king’s sentiments at the time.”

“How did they die?” Alex asked. “I mean who were they and I know they must have a connection to me. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have brought it up.”