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“If you must, go ahead and warn them,” said Daniel. “After they see our powerful ships in space, they won’t dare come here. They’re weak and pathetic. They don’t learn from their mistakes and they’re too stupid to suspect a plot.”

“Don’t be so sure, Daniel. That’s exactly why I’m telling you about extra protection. They might not learn from their mistakes but you shouldn’t underestimate them like that.”

“Look at them now!” Daniel said. “They’re nothing.”

“You’re missing the point here. They’ve planned everything, I’m sure of that. Despite the clauses, you and I both know they’ve been preparing for another war since the creation of the Regnum. They’re pissed off after all we’ve done, and this is their opportunity to vent out their anger and their first strike will be their strongest. That’s why we have to take caution.”

Daniel gazed at Erik with some intimidation. “Alright,” he said a little malevolently, “If you say so, but I still think it’ll be a waste of time and men.”

Erik shrugged, and walked to the door, ready to leave. “Only time will tell.”

Nikolas focused on the energy emanating from his body. A few minutes passed before he heard its hum. “Wait,” Efarius said. “Are you sure about this? Think about it, just once more.”

“More importantly, are you all ready?” He looked at them, these men who had been loyal to him since before the death of Aidan. They stood in line as if waiting for their execution. They stared at Nikolas, unblinking and though they were ready to follow his command they were afraid.

This particular technique had not been used for a very long time, almost 163000 years. The last time it had it failed horrendously. The man who tried it flinched for a second and the fire in his spine moved into his solar plexus. His entire body had gone up in flames and he was reduced to ashes.

Nikolas repeated himself, “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” they droned in unison.

“Listen, even if there is a problem we can resurrect him.”

“It may not work this time,” said Noel.

“Why not?” Nikolas asked.

“We only have one chance at this, because of what’s going to happen in the next five hours.”

Nikolas was preoccupied with the technique that he had almost forgotten about the battle. “Right,” he said simply. “Well, just trust me. I know this will work; this is our only chance. You know after giving him the energy, we will be useless; we won’t be able to fight as hard as we were able to before. They need to know who he is and what he is and they have to fear him.”

They nodded and along with him concentrated their energies. All of them closed their eyes and concentrated on Alex’s soul, on his mind and on his energy. They visualized his spinal fluid being charged and magnetized by the energy at its base, and a few minutes later they could actually see it.

Waves of light and fire burst out of the windows and door of the suite into the hallway leading to Alex’s room, in a large cylindrical blaze of raw energy. Because it traveled through an astral dimension, only those tuned in would be able to perceive it. It was invisible to everyone else. A buzz surrounded the tube of light that moved throughout the hallway.

Alex felt the heat in the base of his spine. During his previous meditation sessions he had felt a slight tingling sensation there and he knew it was the rising of the energy, the force called the Kundalini. But every time he felt it, he became excited and it went away. After a few months, he learned to control his feelings and became unattached and the energy rose up again. The Rishis of Ancient India founded that primordial art of yogic meditation. The purpose was to activate this Kundalini in the brain, enabling a person’s ability to enter the super-consciousness. But this seemed different. This burst of energy would reach the brain and remain there for so long that Alex would attain new powers, skills and knowledge, just as Nikolas had said. At a certain state, when the person meditating kept his mind in control and his breath along with it for thirty seconds, that equaled a year of spiritual evolution. That meant that one hour equaled a hundred and twenty years! That was what the Migrites had come to teach, and now Alex realized it truly was possible for everyone, including humans, to use that knowledge.

He felt the middle of his back heat up and a certain pressure in between his eyebrows, just where the ridge of the nose began. He kept himself straight. He knew if he didn’t adhere to Nick’s words, there would be deadly consequences. A swirling energy revolved around him and a white light engulfed him. He felt lighter. His uncle’s voice echoed in his mind, “Alex, we have just begun. Now, like in the ship, your body is going to levitate. When that happens, don’t move an inch; don’t bend your spine. When the energy reaches your brain, you will feel pain. It will intensify, but only for some time. Then you will feel new, different.”

“Okay. I won’t move.” Alex’s body levitated and he felt the light in him radiate outwards, just like it had on the ship. A feeling of calm and a sense of oneness with the universe washed over him. He lost the ego, but not his individuality. He heard that low buzz in his ears and it became unbearable. “Concentrate,”he told himself, “I have to concentrate!”And then he felt it, the fluid of bliss and the cosmic power rushing into his brain and he knew nothing, felt nothing, and thought nothing. He was lost to his self, to his identity, individuality, and to his name. He felt nothing; there was no black, no white, no color, no sound, no senses, no feeling, no emotions, no reason, no duality, no singularity even. It just was.

John wanted to see her before he left. He sat in the room alone. His hope remained intact, even though thoughts of finality tried to seep in and diminish his spirit. In the end he knew she would live. He wouldn’t allow her to die!

As he observed his mom’s face, he thought of old times, long gone. Times were rough during the war, but at least Miriam and Aidan were alive. During those days, they were fighting for something they believed in. He knew it would happen again but these soldiers were young and inexperienced. He sighed as he gathered his thoughts. He wasn’t afraid or unsure of his men’s competence and skill. He was unsure of himself.

Although he had kept up his sword fighting as a recreation it had been a long time since he had fought. He had no idea what the Earth would be like and he wondered whether the vampires were up to mischief. He just hoped that everything would go to plan and that Alex would be safe.

There was a knock on the door, disturbing his flow of thought. Richard came in. “You ready?” Richard’s face seemed grave and suddenly a little old.

“Yeah. You okay?”

Richard smiled, “Yeah, of course.”

“Sit down.” John’s attention shifted to Richard who was now seated. “So what do you think?” His face creased with lines of worry and fear.

“You mean about this war?”

“No, about this particular battle. The war will come in time; the real war will come soon. You know this is only the beginning.”

“Above all, it’s Alex’s safety. Everything else will fall into place.”

“I hope so,” John said, once again looking at his mother. Her face was tired and lethargic, as if all the life had been sucked from it. The life supply systems and heart monitor remained normal. At least physically she remained intact. John knew she struggled for her life, but he intuited that there was more to it.

“Trust me,” Richard put his hand on John’s shoulder. “Everything will be fine.”

“Yeah,” he said. “Let’s go.”

They exited the hospital, where the crowds began to disperse. They cheered as they saw John and he smiled at them. He and Richard went into the limousine and the vehicle sped off to the Main Hangar, where everyone would be assembling and getting their supplies, arms, ammunition, swords, and space fighters ready.