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McCrea, Bill 85, 193, 256, 271–2, 273, 281

McIntosh, Wallace 104

McLean, Harold 79

MAN diesel engine works 169

Manchester 56

Mannheim 57, 245, 337

Maria K. 226–7

Markusstrasse 19

Marshall Plan, the 311

Marthastrasse 118

martial law 314

Martini, General 76

mass graves 292–3

Massaquoi, Hans J. 238–9, 261

Masuch, Heinz 219–20

Melsen, Jan 291–2, 292–3

memorials 316–17, 342

Merck, Heino 238

meteorological effects 123

Michaeliskirche 181, 331–2, 344

Milan 268

Milch, Erhard 233, 234, 326

missing persons 296–8

Mitchell, William 48

Mittel Kanal 224

Moorweide Park 236

moral questions 332–41, 345

morale 49, 57–8, 125–6, 174–5, 180, 243–4, 304–7, 324–6

Moringen concentration camp 28

Morris, Katherine 312–13

Mosley, Sergeant P. 86

Moulton-Barrett, Gordon 98

mourning 296, 344–8

Müller, Klaus 118, 317

Munich 311, 337

Mussolini, Benito 182, 268

Mutz, Joseph 135

myths 298–9

Nagasaki xvii, 319

Napoleonic Wars 11–13

National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP). seeNazis

navigational aids 73

navigators 79, 83, 85, 87, 103, 142


arrest of 313

beer-hall battle, 1930 22–4

blamed 342

ideology 23–4, 28

myth of 24

’Night of the Long Knives’ 26

party leaders visit Hamburg 305–6

party volunteers 119

racism 28–30

reaction to the bombing 233–4

rise of 24–6

spread of control 27–8

suspend civil liberties 26

take control of city 121

take power 26–7

war doctrine 53

neo-Nazis 343

Neuengamme concentration camp 290, 291, 341

Neuhof power station 169, 174, 176, 303, 323

Neumünster 238

New York Herald Tribune235

New York Times235

New Zealanders 103

news, lack of 181–2

newspaper coverage 107, 234–5

newspapers, banned 27

Nienstadt timber yard 224

night fighters 73–4, 93, 94–5, 96, 103, 158–9, 251–2, 254, 255, 276, 398

‘Night of the Long Knives’ 26

Nikolaikirche 181, 316

Nindorf 171

N.N. 229–30

Nordholz 151

North Africa 40

Norway 53, 54, 137

Nossack, Hans Erich xiii, xiv, 110–11, 239, 242–3, 243, 265, 296, 300, 341

Novgorod 7

NSDAP, seeNazis

‘nuisance raids’ 38, 175, 185, 248

Nuremburg Race Laws 29

Ohlsdorf 5

Ohlsdorf cemetery 290, 292–3, 316–17, 342

Oldenburg 151, 191

Operation Gomorrah

air raids, seeindividual air raids

American planning and preparation 128–36

cancellations 72, 77–8

chronology 363–6

end of 282–3

financial costs 399–400

flight plan 72–3

follow-up raids postponed 185–6

Harris announces intentions 69

moral questions 332–3

numbers involved 73

opposition to 69–70

planning and preparation 71–6

third raid ordered 246

orphans 265

Oschersleben 173, 248

oxygen supplies 141–2, 152, 161

Paris 47

Pathfinder Force 72, 73

air raid, 24 July 86, 90, 95–6, 97, 98–9, 104, 181

air raid, 27 July 189, 192

air raid, 29 July 250, 251, 257

air raid, 2 August 280

Pauly, Adolf 260–1, 264

Pearl Harbor, bombing of 61

Petersen, Rudolf 314

Pexton, Flight Lieutenant H. C. ‘Ben’ 254–5

phosphorus bombs 68, 206, 219

Pickles, Flight Sergeant E. L. 252

Piech, Edward 140

pilots 85, 87, 103, 142

Pinneberg 267

Plymouth 56

Poland, invasion of 33, 53

Poles 103

police officers 27, 238

Portal, Sir Charles 61, 66, 70

Porter, Albert, Jr. 141

Portsmouth 56

post office reopens 303

precision bombing 333–4

prisoners-of-war 153, 154, 171, 279

prisons 265

psychological effects 240, 317

public toilets 217–18

‘Purple Heart Corner’ 155

radar, German 73–4, 75–6, 92, 94–5, 97–8, 190

radio 59

rain 123

Rathaus, the 5

ration cards 303

Ratouis, René 300–1, 304

rats 294, 295

Reck, Friedrich 242

refugee camps 236–7

refugees xvi, 237–44, 282, 296, 297, 300

Remscheid 245

Rendall, First Lieutenant James W., Jr. 171

‘Reports on Germany’ 29–30

Rescue and Repair Service 290

resistance 40

Revolution, November 1918 18–19

Rheine 191

Rhineland, reoccupation of 31

Robert Ley, the 32

Robinsonstrasse 219

Roosevelt, President Franklin D. 54, 63

Rosshafen 174

Rostock 62–3, 337

Rothenburgsort 6, 205, 213, 221, 287, 299, 304

Rotherbaum 268

Rotterdam, bombing of 54–5

Rouen-Sotteville, raid on, 1942 66

round-the-clock bombing 128

Royal Air Force. see alsoBomber Command; Pathfinder Force

builds strength 58

contrasts with USAAF 132–3

co-operation with USAAF 65

crisis of confidence 59

debt owed 349

formation of 48

optimism 188

power on the rise 62–3

raids on naval bases 54

recruits 60, 80

statistics 393

survival of 51

tactics 203–4, 333

Royal Air Force formations

1 Group 90

3 Group 90

4 Group 90

5 Group 90

6 Group 90, 101

8 Group 90

57 Squadron 81, 256

75 (New Zealand) Squadron 86, 100

83 Squadron 99

Royal Flying Corps 60

Royal Navy 270

rubbish 294, 295

Ruhr, the 68, 81, 323

rumours 107, 108, 181–2, 227, 298

Saß, Helmuth 238, 259

Saundby, Air Vice Marshal Sir Robert 61, 71, 76

Schiffbek 20

Schleswig-Holstein 8, 183, 186, 252

Schoene, Pastor Johannes 124, 301–2

Scholl, Hans 347–8

Schramm, Ruth 225

Schurig, Rudolf 112–13, 121, 174–5, 278

Schwabedissen, Generalleutnant 93, 94

SD (Sicherheitsdienst) 39

Searby, John 105

searchlights 74, 93, 97–8, 195, 254, 255

Second World War

civilian casualties 337

destruction of Hamburg as defining moment xv–xvi

end of 308–9

tragedy of xiii–xiv

turning points 235–6, 240

Sheffield 56

shipping 13

shortages 39

situation 27 July 176

sleep deprivation 175, 185

smell 195, 290–1, 294, 309

smoke 123, 124, 146, 149, 176, 193, 195, 196, 200, 201, 249

smoke inhalation 200, 229–30

smoke pots 169

Smuts, Jan 47–8

Snape, Sergeant R. 251–2

Social Democratic Party (SDP) 21, 25, 29–30

soldiers, reaction to the bombing 235

Soltwedel, Gotthold 112

South Africans 103

Southampton 311

Soviet Union 235, 323–4, 336

Spaatz, Carl 64

Spaight, J. M. 52

Spanish Civil War 53

Spartacists 19

Speer, Albert 233, 234, 244, 323–4, 326, 333

Speicherstadt, the 17

Spence, Magnus 71

‘Splasher’ radio beacons 164

SS 39, 121, 183, 238, 290, 293

St Elmo’s Fire 272–3, 276

Staatstheater 180

Stadtdeich, the 207

Stadtpark, the 5, 238

Stalingrad, battle of 40, 235, 243–4

Stammers, Wiebke 27–8, 39

state of emergency declared 121

‘State of Major Catastrophe’ 182

Steenwisch 177

Stephen, Sergeant A. 275–6

Stokes, Richard 337

Stoltenpark, the 211, 226–7

storm, 2 August 266–7, 268, 270–6

strategic bombing

1940–3 55–8, 61–3

accuracy 57, 59, 66, 164, 186, 334

denial of consequences xiv–xv

development 45–6, 50–3

early Second World War 53–5

effectiveness survey 318–22

escalation xiv, 56

First World War 46–50

legitimate targets 335–7, 344

moral questions 332–41

morale effects 49, 57–8

as second front 323–4

tactics 203–4

targets 50

Süderstrasse 6

Sullivan, James 273