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19 Bürgerschaft der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg Parlaments-Dokumentation, Elisabeth Kiausch speech, 23 July 1993, p. 3.

20 Frau Bischöfin Maria Jepsen, ‘Predigt am 23 Juli 1993 in der St Michaelis Kirche: “Gomorrha”’. Manuscript of the sermon by courtesy of the bishop herself. For an excellent analysis of the bishop’s speech, see Mirko Hohmann’s dissertation for the University of Hamburg, ‘So wurde die Zerstörung ihres Lebens für uns aile zu einer furchtbaren Anklage’: Die Juliangriffe auf Hamburg in der hamburgischen Errinerungskultur 1943 bis 1993 (University of Hamburg, 2003), pp. 97–9.

21 Jörg Friedrich, Der Brand:Deutschland im Bombenkrieg 1940–1945(Berlin, 2002).

22 Ironically, these sentiments were echoed in the speech of the bishop of Hamburg, who, unusually, laid the burden of guilt not with the Nazis but with the ‘people’ as a whole. See Jepsen, ‘“Gomorrha”’, p. 3.

23 See, for example, Rainer Hering, ‘Operation Gomorrha – Hamburg remembers the Second World War’, in German History,vol. 13, no. 1 (1995), p. 93.

24 The authors of the USSBS attributed the growth of German pacifism to the horrors they had witnessed during the bombing war: ‘The city area raids have left their mark on the German people as well as on their cities. Far more than any other military action that preceded the occupation of Germany itself, these attacks left the German people with a solid lesson in the disadvantages of war. It is a terrible lesson; conceivably that lesson … could be the most lasting single effect of the air war.’ USSBS, Summary Report (European Theatre), p. 4. In 2003 Germany was among the first to criticize Britain and America for their invasion of Iraq.

Archives Consulted

1 Archives in Britain

Imperial War Museum

National Archives

British Library

RAF Museum, Hendon

2 Germany

(a) Local history archives( Geschichtswerkstätten andStadtteilarchive)


Stadtteilarchiv Ottensen


Geschichtswerkstatt Barmbek e. V.

Barmbek Süd:



Kultur & Geschichtskontor der Initiative historischer Bauten


Geschichtsgruppe Dulsberg


Galerie Morgenland e. V.


Stadtteilarchiv Eppendorf


Willi-Bredel-Gesellschaft Geschichtswerkstatt e. V.


Stadtteilinitiative Hamm e. V.

Bunker Museum



St Georg:

Geschichtswerkstatt St Georg

St Pauli:

St Pauli-Archiv e. V.


Stadtteilarchiv Bramfeld

(b)Other archives


Bürgerschaft der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg Parlaments- Dokumentation

Carl Hagenback Archiv

Förderkreis ‘Rettet die Nikolaikirche’ e.V.: Dokumentenzentrum in the cellar of the ruined church

Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte in Hamburg (FZH), especially their oral history project ‘Werkstatt der Erinnerung’

Hamburg Staatsarchiv

Kirchenkreis Alt-Hamburg (Church Archives)

Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte, particularly their library

3 United States of America

Mighty Eighth Museum, Savannah, Georgia

National Archives

National Fire Protection Association

National Technical Information Service

Oral History Archive of World War II, Rutgers University

Reichelt Oral History Program at Florida State University

United States Air Force University, Alabama

4 Internet sites

http://www.91stbombgroup.com – Official USAAF 91st BG website

http://www.303rdbg.com –Official USAAF 303rd BG website

http://www.polebrook.com/history.htm – USAAF 351st BG website

http://freespace.virgin.net/ken.harbour – USAAF 351st BG history

http://www.379thbga.org – Official USAAF 379th BG website

http://www.381st.org – Official USAAF 381st BG website

http://www.384thbg.iwarp.com – Official USAAF 384th BG website

http://fas-history.rutgers.edu/oralhistory – Rutgers University oral history online

http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/ww2era.htm– German Propaganda Archive

http://www.hamburgmuseum.de – website of the Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte

http://www.lostplaces.de – website listing flak positions and air-raid shelters in Hamburg

http://www.seniorennet-hamburg.de.zeitzeugen – website where Hamburg’s senior citizens record their memories of the city

http://eh.net – website containing historical exchange rates

Select Bibliography

1 Published books and booklets

(a) Official Histories

Craven, W. F., and Cate, J. L., The Army Air Forces in World War II (Chicago, 1949)

Hinsey, F. H., et al., British Intelligence in the Second World War(London, 1979–1990)

Webster, Sir Charles, and Frankland, Noble, The Strategic Air Offensive against Germany, 1939–1945 (London, 1961)

Zuckerman, Solly, et al., The Strategic Air War Against Germany,1939–45: Report of the British Bombing Survey Unit(London, 1998)

(b) Unattributed booklets

Gnadenkirche Hamburg 1907–1987(Hamburg, 1987)

(c) Attributed works

Aust, Alfred, Der Ohlsdorfer Friedhof(Hamburg, 1964)

Bahnsen, Uwe, and von Stürmer, Kerstin, Die Stadt, die sterben sollte: Hamburg im Bombenkrieg, Juli 1943(Hamburg, 2003)

Bajohr, Frank, and Szodrzynski, Joachim (eds), Hamburg in der NS-Zeit(Hamburg, 1995)

Beck, Earl R., Under the Bombs: The German Home Front 1942 –45 (Lexington, 1986)

Bekker, Cajus, The Luftwaffe War Diaries,trans. Frank Ziegler (London, 1966)

Bessel, Richard, Nazism and War(London, 2004)

Betz, Frank L., and Cassens, Kenneth H. (eds), 379th BG Anthology(Paducah, 2000)

Böge, Volker, and Deide-Lüchow, Jutta, Eimsbüttler Jugend im Krieg(Hamburg, 2000)

Bond, Horatio, Fire and the Air War(Boston, 1946)

Boyle, Andrew, Trenchard:Man of Vision(London, 1962)

Brauer, Max, Nüchternen Sinnes und heiβen Herzens …: Reden und Ansprachen(Hamburg, 1952)

Brenken, Anna, Hamburg:Metropole an Alster und Elbe(Hamburg, 2001)

Brunswig, Hans, Feuersturm über Hamburg(Stuttgart, 2003)

Büttner, Ursula, Gomorrha:Hamburg im Bombenkrieg(Hamburg, 1993)

Caidin, Martin, The Night Hamburg Died(New York, 1960)

Caldwell, Donald L., The JG26 War Diary(London, 1998)

Campbell, Sir Malcolm, The Peril from the Air(London, 1937)

Chorley, W. R., Bomber Command Losses, vol. 4 (1943)(Hersham, 2004)

Clarke, Basil, The History of Airships(London, 1961)

Clarke, I. F. (ed.), The Tale of the Next Great War 1871–1914:Fictions of Future Wafare and Battles Still-to-come(Liverpool, 1995)

Decker, Ken, Memories of the 384th Bomb Group(New York, 2005)

Diecks, Herbert, Friedhof Ohlsdorf auf den Spuren von Naziherschaft und Widerstand(Hamburg, 1992)

Dissen, Adolf, 73 Jahre Horne Martinskirche(Hamburg, 1961)

Douhet, Giulio, The Command of the Air,trans. Dino Ferrari (London, 1943)

Erdmann, Heinrich (ed.), Hamburg und Dresden in Dritten Reich:Bombenkrieg und Kriegsende(Hamburg, 2000)

Faber, Harold (ed.), Luftwaffe:An Analysis by Former Luftwaffe Generals(London, 1979)

Fossedal, Gregory A., Our Finest Hour:Will Clayton, the Marshall Plan and the Triumph of Democracy(Stanford, 1993)

Freeman, Roger A., The Mighty Eighth(London, 2000) The Mighty Eighth War Diary(London, 1990)

Freeman, Roger, and Osborne, David, The B-17 Flying Fortress Story(London, 1998)