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air protection 34–5, 37, 40

air-raid warnings 37–8

aircraft industry 15

’Anti-War Memorial’ 316

appearance 4–6

apprehension 40–1

attitude to the bomber war 341–2

awareness of threat 107–8

beer-hall battle, 1930 22–4

breakdown of social order, 1919 19–20

British troops enter 309–11

and change 9

chronology 351–62

churches 181

clean-up effort 265, 287–93

Communist uprising, 1923 20–1

complacency 109–10

damage, 24–6 July 175–81

damage costs 400

the ‘dead city’ 295–6, 298–9

debts 25

defences 73–5, 81, 93, 97–8, 138–9, 146–7, 195–6, 247, 254, 278–9

destruction as defining moment of war xv–xvi

devastation 287–8, 295–6, 300–1, 309–11, 318–19

development as trading centre 6–8

disaster plan 236

economic collapse, 1929–30 21

effect of First World War on 17–18

effect of USAAF raids 174–5

emigrants 15–16

evacuation 126, 183, 232, 236–42, 247

famine 312–15

forbidden zone 298–9

Great Fire of 1842 35, 186–7

harbour 4, 6–7, 269, 287, 323

Hitler and 5, 31–2, 32–3, 234

immigrants 8

importance of 82

industrial development 8, 17

industrial production 322–3

Jews 28–30

lack of experience of bombing 34

legacy of bombing 316–17

location 3–4

media capital 316

the ‘Miracle of’ 306–7

named as target 69–70; see alsoOperation Gomorrah

Nazi Party membership 26

Nazi Party takes control 121

November 1918 revolution 18–19

party leaders visit 305–6

population 32, 228

and the rearmament programme 31–2

reconstruction 315–16, 327

recovery, 1920s 21

refugees return 300–3

relationship with America 14–16

relationship with Britain 10–14, 108

relaxation in 108–9

reputation with air crews 81

rise of the Nazis 22–4, 25–6

seasonal temperature 202

shipbuilding industry 13, 31, 32, 315

spread of Nazi control 27

surrender 309

suspension of civil liberties 26

swing movement 40

teenage persecution 28

today 349–50

trade with America 14–15

trade with Britain 10, 13

tragedy of 328–9

unemployment 24, 25, 31

war preparations 34–5, 37


Packetfahrt-Actien-Gesellschaft, seeHAPAG

Hamburger Zeitung(newspaper) 182, 305

Hamm 5–6, 207, 211, 213, 214, 221, 228, 257, 287, 299

Hammer Landstraße, the 208, 226, 288

Hammer Park 211, 221

Hammerbrook 5–6, 192, 209, 211, 213, 217–21, 225, 227, 228, 287, 299

hamstering, seeblack market

Hangelar 191

Hanover 137, 166, 167, 171, 172, 337

Hanseatic League, the 7, 10

HAPAG 13, 15, 31

Harburg 32, 282

Hargis, Lieutenant Jack 172

Harland, Kenny 153

Harris, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur

air crews’ devotion to 61

and the air raid, 2 August 268, 269

and the air raid, 29 July 246, 249

announces intention to bomb Hamburg 69–70

appointed to command Bomber Command 58, 59–60

background 60

belief in bombing 327–8, 336, 338

character 60–1

and daylight bombing 66

and Eaker 65

friends 61

optimism 188

orders, 1943 67–8

orders Operation Gomorrah to proceed 71–2, 76, 129

orders second maximum effort raid 186

Harris, Sir Arthur – cont.

plans to raid Berlin 245

presses for use of ‘Window’ 75–6

reputation 338

statue 331

on strategic bombing 61–2

strategy 61–3

and Trenchard 48

Harrison, Colin 193, 273, 280–1, 340

Harvestehude 5, 122, 268

Heide 95, 150

Heidenkampsweg, the 216, 227

Heiligengeistfeld, the 316

Heligoland 151

Henning, Ernst Robert 26

Hennings, Annegret 288

Herrmann, Major Hajo 191, 196

Hesse 314

Hillenmayer, Donald 140

Hills, Keith 86

Hindenburg, Paul von 18

Hiroshima, xvii

Hitler, Adolf

and the battle of Britain 56

criticism of 39

and Hamburg 5, 31–2, 32–3, 234

reaction to the bombing 233–4

rearmament programme 30–2

refusal to defend Germany 325–6

rise of 25

suicide 308–9

takes power 26–7

withdrawal from League of Nations 53

Hitler Youth 27, 242

Hochbunker, the 260

Hohenfelde 221

Holland 53, 54–5, 65, 131, 145, 156

Hollis, Leslie 19

homeless people 183

Hopcroft, Freddie 81

Hopton, Sergeant C. G. 195–6

Horn 236

Hornsea 90

Horsey, Dr P. J. 309–10, 312

hospital trains 265

hospitals 183

Houck, James H. 139, 153

housing, amount destroyed 318

Howaldtswerke 13, 150, 169, 174

Hull 47

humidity 202

Husum 151, 158

immigrants, threat of 24

Independent Social Democratic Party (USDP) 18

industrial capacity, effect on 319, 322, 322–3

inflation 19, 314

informers 39

internment 279

Italy 45, 46, 268

Jakobi Friedhof cemetery 264

Jakobipark 211

Janson, Gustaf 46

jazz 28

Jedlicka, Hans 209, 227, 231

Jena–Auerstadt, battle of, 1806 12

Jeschonnek, Hans 326

Jever 151

Jews 24, 28–30, 341

Johannsen, Johann 113–14, 122, 123

Johen, Wilhelm 95, 276

Joint Intelligence Committee 328

Kaiser-Friedrich-Ufer 27

Kammhuber Kino 93–4

Kammhuber Line 93

Karstadt department store 260

Kassel 172, 248, 337

Kaufmann, Karl 27, 121, 126, 182, 234, 236, 309

Kellinghausen 96, 238

Kelson, Hannah 39, 110, 305

Kiausch, Elisabeth 342

Kiel 38, 89, 107, 130, 131, 145, 186, 248, 281

Kiel Mutiny 18

Kinderlandverschickungevacuation scheme 38

Kipke, Max 225

Klank, Henni 206–7, 232

Klauß, Margaret 240

Klemperer, Victor 25

Klöckner aero-engine factory 129, 130, 138, 149, 165–6, 169

Knight, Noel 197

knock-out blow, Allies’ inability to mount 244–5

Koch, Traute 226

Kraft durch Freude (‘Strength through Joy’) 27

Krauter, Feldwebel 276, 278

Kristallnacht 29–30

Krohn, Erwin 238

Küper, Dr Wilhelm 183

Kursk, battle of 40

Laeisz, Ferdinand 13

Landungsbrücken, the 6

latrines 293–4

Lauck, Gary 343

‘Law for the Lifting of Misery from the People and Reich’ 26

leaflet drops 41, 96–7, 107, 235

League of German Girls 27, 240, 242

League of Nations 30, 53

Leeming, Sergeant C. C. 273

Lettow-Vorbeck, General Paul von 20

Libya 46

‘Lichtenstein’ radar system 74, 76, 95

Liddell Hart, Basil 337

Liverpool 56

living conditions 300–7

Lloyd George, David 48

Lohse, Else 225–6, 231

Lohse, Peter 231

Lokstedt 110, 125–6, 266

London 7

the Blitz 56, 204, 310

First World War air raids on 47, 49, 51

vulnerability to air attack 51–3, 52

looting 182, 298

Lotze Engineering Works 224

Lübeck 7, 38, 62, 89, 186, 337


and the air raid, 24 July 92–5, 96, 103

and the air raid, 25 July 144–5, 151, 154, 155, 157–8, 158–9

and the air raid, 26 July 168–9, 171

and the air raid, 27 July 189–92

and the air raid, 29 July 251–2, 254, 256–7

and the air raid, 2 August 276–8

and the battle of Britain 56–8

bolsters defences 247

bombing of Guernica 53

bombing of Rotterdam 55

existence revealed 31

JG 1 158–9

JG 26 145

JG 300 191

lack of leadership 325

lack of resources 324–6

morale 324–6

NGJ 1 276

role 54


Luftwaffe – cont.

tactics 154, 159, 190–2, 257, 326–7

Trojan Horse B17s 172

Maack, Dr 289

Mablethorpe 90