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He turned on the timer and the two men began using the vibrators on the women, each with his own style. Lanie stared at first one couple then the other. The sight caused tiny quivers in her vaginal walls, but she wondered…

“I don’t think I could do that,” she told Cody in a low voice. If he wanted everything from her, including that, better he find out now what she could and couldn’t do.

“Maybe not now,” he answered. “And maybe never. But that’s what’s great here. Everyone participates in what makes them feel good. Besides, I think I’ll have enough trouble sharing you when the time comes without putting you on a display I don’t control. I told you. I want more than this one night with you.”

Again his words sent shivers skittering over her spine, and her heart gave a little hitch.

Sliding her eyes back to the two couples, she watched as Mark immediately applied the vibrator to Sheila’s clit, moving it in a circular motion then slid it down to rim the opening to her vagina over and over again. When he dipped the end below to the very sensitive area leading to her anus Lanie saw Sheila’s hips jerk. Mark’s arm moved as he slid the vibrator up and down the area, then back to her slit and up to her clit again.

Hal went immediately for Brandy’s cunt, rimming the opening, then sliding the tip of the vibrator inside and inserting it in increments. Brandy’s hips thrust at him, a motion she kept repeating as if she were fucking the vibrator-which, Lanie figured, she actually was. Hal’s arm moved as he slid the vibrator in and out faster and faster. Apparently he knew exactly what his partner wanted.

People clapped and cheered, almost as if they were at a baseball game. Lanie had to stop herself from shouting as the images made her body quiver and her cunt pulse.

“Like watching that?” Cody whispered in her ear.

She could only nod, mesmerised by the sight and so aroused she was ready to reach between her legs and pull his cock into her. Nothing she had experienced, nothing she had ever read in her erotic romances, had ever made her as hot as she was now. As Mark went to work on Sheila’s clit again, Lanie rocked back and forth against Cody’s cock and his strong thighs. When his fingers rubbed and pinched her hardened nipples, she moaned as loudly as the women in the contest.

“Hold tight a minute, sugar,” Cody whispered in her ear, as he bent his knees and dropped lower in the water.

In a moment, his fingers were rubbing her labia then opening them and the head of his penis probed at her opening. She was startled to realise he was wearing a condom. When had he put it on?

“Before you even got here.” Again he read her thoughts. “I wanted to be ready for you. Push down, Lanie,” he murmured at her ear.

When she did, his cock slipped in. She was so slick with the juices of her arousal, that even with the latex covering him-and even as thick as he was-he seated himself to the hilt with no problem. He slipped his hands beneath her thighs, lifting her legs and supporting her weight, and stood up, holding her impaled on his shaft.

“Play with you clit,” he told her, “and keep watching. Come on, sugar. Make yourself feel good while I’m inside you. No one can see you in the water. Anyway, they’re all watching the show.”

Lanie felt the strength of Cody’s arms as he held her, his cock stretching her and completely filling her. Eyes drawn back to the couples on the deck, she dropped her hand between her legs and stroked her clit. Tiny spikes of pleasure lashed through her.

If the moans and screams she heard were any indication, both women were close to climax now. Hal was still fucking Brandy’s cunt with the vibrator, and from the twitching of her body, Lanie figured he’d turned it on high. But then she heard, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” and saw Mark pull the cheeks of Sheila’s ass apart with the fingers of one hand and insert the vibrator with the other. He held it there as a loud scream rose from her throat and her hips hunched on the tiled deck like she was riding a wild horse.

“Done!” Steve yelled over the din.

Seconds later, Brandy followed with her own climax, but it was clear who the winners were.

“No fair,” Brandy called in a hoarse voice, when she could finally speak. Hal was still between her legs, lapping at her pussy. “Mark knows fucking her ass always gets her off.”

“Maybe Hal should have figured out what to do,” someone in the pool called.

“I was just getting ready,” he pouted. Then he laughed. “But wait until next time.”

The two men pulled the women into the pool, hugging them then planting open-mouthed kisses on them.

Lanie barely realised how fast her fingers were moving on her hot, swollen bud until the walls of her cunt fluttered and clenched around Cody’s cock. His hands tightened on her thighs and he pressed her tighter against his body. As the flutters turned into full blown spasms, he blew in her ear then licked it with the tip of his tongue. His muscular arms supported her as the small climax washed over her.

She was surprised when he lowered her back into the water and slid out of the tight grip of her vaginal walls. She turned to look at him.

“But you didn’t…”

“Not yet.” He winked. “I’m saving it for the right moment.”

“And what’s that?” she couldn’t help asking.

“That depends on you, sugar, and what you’re ready for.”

Not sure she was ready for further explanation, Lanie shifted her gaze back to the end of the pool. Sheila still sat on the pool deck, dangling her feet in the water while Mark toyed with her nipples. Brandy and Hal had moved to one of the lounges. She was curled up against him, spoon fashion, and from the movement of his hips, Lanie was sure he had his cock inside her and was slow-fucking her.

Where the two couples had been, two women knelt in front of two men, fingers wrapped around cocks that were sliding in and out of mouths. But something else had been added. Behind each man stood another man, his penis obviously buried in the front man’s ass, his hands gripping the man’s hips.

Cody slid his hands around to her breasts again, well aware of what she was looking at.

“This is a twofer,” he told her and laughed at her startled expression.

“A what?”

“Both men have to climax at the same time in order to win,” he explained. “Whichever pair gets off first wins that prize. But both men have to climax.”

“What about the women? It doesn’t seem fair that they don’t get anything out of it.”

Cody laughed, a rich deep sound. “Worried, are you? They get to put on a show while everyone else rests. They bring each other off orally.”

Another shiver raced over Lanie’s body. She was in the middle of an erotic soup, and it was coming to full boil. In her wildest dreams, she’d never imagined herself not only participating in anything like this but actually beginning to crave it.

“There’s a hot little body under that proper exterior, isn’t there?” Cody joked, and pinched her nipples.

”Mmm.” She leaned her head back against his chest. “I think you may be right.”

Is he right? My god, what’s happening to me? Is it just curiosity, or is there really a wanton hiding inside me? I’m enjoying it now, but how will I feel tomorrow?

Then she stopped thinking, as the threesomes on the deck moved in a perfected cadence, as if they’d done this many times.

And they probably have.

Lanie had never seen men fuck before. She’d never watched anyone fuck before, until tonight. When Cody explained what was happening, she was sure she’d be turned off, but instead she found herself wishing she was one of the women performing.

Behind her, Cody held her against his rock-hard body, his thick cock once against prodding the cleft of her buttocks. Her eyes glazed over as he massaged her nipples in cadence with the movement of the people in front of her. The men all had the same taut expression on their faces, cheekbones flushed, chests heaving as their breathing deepened. The women were fondling the men’s balls as they sucked harder and harder on the stiff penises. Lanie couldn’t see their faces, but the men looking down at them appeared to have their gazes locked on them.